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Chapter 10


Digestive System



The digestive system consists of a long tube extending from the mouth to the anus and the accessory structures attached to that tube. The tube has several names, including the GI tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the alimentary canal. The regions of the GI tract include the mouth, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (Fig. 10.1). These regions are specialized for certain aspects of digestion. The accessory structures that assist the functions of the GI tract include the salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.


Main Functions for Homeostasis


Supplying Nutrients


The digestive system has six main functions. One function is to supply nutrients needed in several ways by body systems. For example, nutrients are needed for building and maintaining structures such as bones, producing substances such as glandular secretions and neurotransmitters, and supplying energy to power the operations of all body systems. To maintain homeostasis, the nutrient supply must be steady so that the body cells have adequate amounts of each required material at all times while not being exposed to excessive amounts of any nutrient.


Converting Foods to a Usable Form   Five processes are involved in supplying nutrients at proper and fairly steady levels. One is converting foods to a usable form. This is necessary because although foods provide most of the nutrients later supplied by the digestive system, they are usually not in a form that can be used by the body. For example, it is impossible to swallow a whole apple, have chunks of meat float through the blood vessels, or have a piece of candy enter a brain cell. To pass through the circulatory system and into cells, foods must be converted into small molecules that are dissolved. The main aspects of this conversion process include mechanically breaking large pieces of food into small pieces by chewing; adding saliva to moisten food and dissolve small molecules; and chemically breaking large nutrient molecules into smaller ones by using enzymes in digestive juices.


Absorption   Once nutrients are in a usable form, the digestive system moves them from the GI tract into the circulatory system. This step is called absorption. The blood and lymph distribute the absorbed nutrients to other body regions.


Manufacturing Certain Materials   Some nutrients cannot be obtained from foods in adequate amounts. The digestive system compensates for some of these deficiencies by manufacturing certain nutrients. For example, only a portion of the substance called vitamin K, which helps form blood-clotting materials, is obtained from foods. The rest is produced by bacteria in the large intestine. Also, certain types of foods have inadequate amounts of the amino acids needed to repair muscle cells and build red blood cells. The liver can manufacture some of these amino acids so that they are supplied at proper and fairly steady rates even when they are not eaten regularly.


Storing and Converting Excess Nutrients   Though certain foods have inadequate amounts of some nutrients, they often have a great abundance of others. Furthermore, people usually eat only occasionally during the day and eat only a few types of food. Therefore, the GI tract periodically absorbs large quantities of certain nutrients. To prevent body cells from receiving excessive amounts of these nutrients and becoming deficient in others, the liver performs the fourth and fifth steps in supplying nutrients: storing excess nutrients until they are needed and converting excess nutrients into other nutrients that are in low supply in the foods eaten.


Eliminating Toxins and Wastes


A second main function of the digestive system is eliminating toxins and wastes. Though most materials absorbed by the GI tract are beneficial, some are harmful to body cells (e.g., alcohol, detergents, industrial solvents, inappropriate medications, bacterial wastes). Body cells are protected from exposure to many of these substances because the liver eliminates them. The liver also eliminates toxic substances produced by body cells, such as ammonia and bilirubin. It converts harmful materials such as alcohol and ammonia into useful or harmless substances and secretes others (e.g., bilirubin) into the GI tract in a liquid called bile. Many substances in bile pass through the GI tract and are eliminated during a bowel movement.


Other Functions


Various parts of the digestive system have other functions, including helping with voice and speech (mouth region), storing blood (liver), regulating certain components in the blood (liver), and producing hormones (GI tract and pancreas).


The Chemistry of Digestion


Recall that large nutrient molecules must be broken into smaller ones before they become usable. These large molecules include large carbohydrates, all proteins, large lipids, and all nucleic acids (Chap. 2). Chemical breakdown is necessary because these molecules cannot usually pass through cell membranes such as those lining the GI tract. Therefore, unless these molecules are broken down into smaller ones inside the GI tract, they cannot be absorbed into the blood. Even if they could enter the blood, they could still not pass through the cell membranes of body cells.


Using Water and Enzymes


The digestive system accomplishes chemical breakdown of large molecules by using water molecules to split them into their constituent parts. Large carbohydrates such as starch are split into simple sugars, proteins are split into amino acids, lipids such as fat are split into fatty acids and glycerol, and nucleic acids are split into nucleotides.


The digestive system assists this splitting through special molecules called digestive enzymes, which are secreted as part of the digestive juices. Digestive enzymes seem to work by properly positioning water molecules at the chemical bonds linking constituents and by applying pressure or tension to the water and nutrient molecules. As a result, the water molecules split, and the fragments are used to separate the constituent parts of the nutrient molecules. This process is called hydrolysis.


Each enzyme molecule can act over and over again, splitting molecule after molecule without being destroyed. However, each type of enzyme can help split only one type of nutrient molecule. Therefore, many different enzymes are needed to split the many different types of nutrient molecules that are ingested.


Only large nutrient molecules need to be hydrolyzed. Small nutrients such as water, vitamins, minerals, simple sugars, and small lipid molecules (e.g., cholesterol) can be absorbed simply by being dissolved in digestive system fluids.


Age Changes Versus Other Changes


Like the respiratory system, many parts of the digestive system are in more or less direct contact with substances and conditions from the external environment. Examples include a wide variety of foods prepared and eaten in diverse forms, physical trauma, dangerous chemicals, extreme temperatures, high internal pressures, and unusual and noxious substances in unregulated concentrations. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish age changes from changes produced by regularly ingested materials. However, certain changes are observed in the digestive systems of essentially all people in the United States. These changes will be presented as age changes. Alterations in the digestive system that occur in only some people and alterations believed to be caused by dietary factors or factors besides aging will be identified where possible. Many of these alterations are discussed in the sections on abnormal changes. (Suggestion 210.01.01)


Oral Region


The oral cavity extends from the lips and mouth to the back of the tongue, where the pharynx begins (Fig. 10.1). A moist membrane called the oral mucosa lines the inside of the oral cavity and covers the tongue. The oral cavity also contains the teeth. The salivary glands are connected to the oral cavity and secrete saliva into the cavity through tubes called salivary ducts. Many muscles for moving the mouth, the cheeks, the tongue, the lower jaw, and the region leading into the pharynx are also present around the oral cavity. (Suggestion: Chap 10 - 209-2-5)


Oral Mucosa


The oral mucosa is similar in structure to the epidermis on the surface of the face except that it is thinner and does not have a surface layer of keratin. Like the epidermis, it serves as a barrier against microbes, chemicals, water, and physical trauma. However, because the oral mucosa is thin and lacks keratin, it is easily damaged and penetrated. For example, medications such as nitroglycerine pass through it quickly and easily.


The lining of the oral cavity also provides information about materials that enter the mouth, including their size, shape, texture, temperature, and chemical composition. Special neurons that detect various chemicals are located in the taste buds on the tongue. Impulses from these neurons provide the taste sensations of salt, sweet, sour, and bitter.


A third function of the oral mucosa is the production of a watery secretion that moistens the oral mucosa and foods. Moistening food dissolves some of its molecules, which can then stimulate the taste neurons on the tongue. This process also prepares food for absorption. The secretion from the oral mucosa also lubricates food, making it easier to swallow.


Age Changes   The lining of the oral cavity undergoes age changes that are similar to those that occur in the epidermis. For example, it heals more slowly. However, the oral mucosa can normally perform its functions rather well throughout life. (Age changes in taste perception are discussed in Chap. 6.)




There are 32 teeth in the oral cavity. Sixteen of them form the upper row, which is attached to the upper jaw, and the others form the lower row attached to the lower jaw.


The exposed surface of each tooth is covered with a cap (crown) that is made of very hard enamel (Fig. 10.2). Internal to the enamel is a firm layer called the dentin. The dentin surrounds the soft innermost material—the pulp—which contains nerves and blood vessels serving the tooth. Some pulp nerve cells extend into the dentin.


The lower part (root) of the tooth is embedded in the jawbone and is composed of only dentin and pulp. It is surrounded by a layer of cementum and an outermost periodontal membrane, which attach the tooth to the jaw. Soft tissue called the gum surrounds each tooth where it projects from the jawbone.


The role of teeth in supplying nutrients is to cut, tear, and grind food into small pieces. Small pieces of food mix more easily with fluids, fit more easily into the GI tract, and are better exposed to digestive enzymes. Teeth also help in pronouncing words and affect the appearance of the face.


Age Changes   Though aging may have little effect on tooth enamel, the enamel may become stained from foods. It also becomes thinner with age because of normal wear from chewing hard materials. Faster thinning of the enamel results from frequently eating very acidic foods; habitually grinding the teeth, which often accompanies emotional tension; and excessively brushing the teeth, particularly with a stiff toothbrush. If enough enamel is lost, the underlying dentin may become exposed, and since the dentin contains nerve cells, the tooth may become sensitive to touch or extremes in temperature.


As age increases, the dentin is slower to repair itself when injured and often enlarges inwardly as the amount of pulp decreases. The loss of nerve cells in the pulp reduces the sensitivity of the teeth; this increases the risk of developing more serious tooth decay since it reduces a person's ability to detect tooth problems. However, reduced pulp sensitivity also lessens the discomfort from dental procedures.


Though the cementum becomes thicker with aging, there is an overall weakening of the attachment of the teeth to the jaw, and age changes in bone cause the jaws to weaken. At the same time the gums recede, exposing more dentin, and so bacteria are better able to invade the base of the teeth and the spaces between the teeth and the jaw. The combination of these changes increases the incidence of disease around the base of the tooth (periodontal disease).


Periodontal disease is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. The mechanism by which periodontal disease contributes to atherosclerosis is not known.


Salivary Glands


The main salivary glands occur as three pairs of glands: the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. Saliva produced by these pairs of glands passes through salivary ducts to reach the oral cavity. Some additional saliva is produced by small groups of cells and by individual cells in the oral mucosa. The production of saliva by the salivary glands is controlled by the autonomic part of the nervous system. Production is slow under resting conditions but can become rapid and profuse when food is present in the oral cavity.


Saliva is a watery solution that contains a mixture of minerals and proteins. The water in saliva functions like the secretion from the oral mucosa and helps to remove food from the teeth. Therefore, it also reduces bacterial growth and delays the onset of cavities. The minerals and proteins in saliva help preserve the mineral content of the enamel by neutralizing acids and replacing lost minerals. Some proteins inhibit the growth of certain types of bacteria and fungi. Finally, one salivary protein (salivary amylase) serves as an enzyme that helps break starch molecules into maltose. Maltose consists of two glucose molecules linked together.


Age Changes   Though aging results in structural changes in the salivary glands, age changes do not significantly affect the chemical content of saliva produced by the main salivary glands. Also, aging causes no important changes in the amount of saliva produced either at rest or after stimulation by food.




The muscles of the mouth and oral cavity are skeletal muscles under voluntary control. A few of these muscles open and close the mouth; others move the cheeks, tongue, and lower jaw. The movements of these muscles assist in eating, drinking, and speaking. Still other muscles in the tongue, the region near the back of the oral cavity, and the pharynx are important in swallowing.


Swallowing involves the coordinated action of many muscles. First, food other than liquids is formed into a mass. The food mass and liquids are then pushed to the back of the oral cavity and into the pharynx by the tongue. When the mass of material in the pharynx has become large, a reflex causes muscles above the mass to contract. Recall from Chap. 5 that the swallowing reflex ensures that the pharynx is continually cleared of food (Fig. 5.6). At the same time, the reflex causes muscles below the mass to relax so that the opening through the pharynx and into the esophagus enlarges. The remaining reflexive muscle contractions in the region of the pharynx cause the larynx to elevate, covering the opening into the larynx with a flaplike structure called the epiglottis. All these muscle contractions can be set into motion by voluntary contraction of muscles in the oral region and upper pharynx even if there is little or no material in the pharynx.


As the muscle contractions above the food move farther backward and downward, the food is pushed into the esophagus. At about this time the continued downward movement of the contraction wave above the food and the continued relaxation of muscles below it cause the food to be pushed all the way down the esophagus and into the stomach. The wave of contraction down the esophagus is called peristalsis (Fig. 5.6).


Age Changes   Muscles in the oral region undergo the same types of age changes as do all skeletal muscles. These changes, together with age changes in the nervous system, cause a slight weakening and reduced coordination in their functioning. There is a tendency to chew food less and swallow larger pieces. Under normal conditions these changes have no important effects on eating or speaking. However, when a person is in a stressful situation, they increase the risk of choking because large pieces of food do not pass through the pharynx as easily. Choking also may occur because food has entered the larynx, which may not be completely closed. If food and other materials being swallowed enter the respiratory system through the larynx, blockage of airways, pneumonia, and other respiratory problems may develop.


Bones and Joints


The principal bones of the oral region are the upper and lower jawbones, which support many oral structures. These bones are especially important in supporting the teeth. The lower jawbone is attached to the skull at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Proper operation of the TMJ is important for chewing, swallowing, and speaking.


Age Changes   Though the jawbones and the TMJ undergo age changes similar to those in other bones and joints, these changes are so small that the functioning of these components is not affected.


Abnormal Changes


Oral Mucosa   Many older people have difficulties with the oral mucosa. The reasons for these problems include atherosclerosis in arteries serving the oral region, dentures, medications, and many age-related diseases. The results include weakening, injuries and sores, and slower healing. Some medications and diseases affect the oral mucosa because they cause drying by lowering saliva production. Others alter the sense of taste. These undesirable abnormal changes can have adverse effects on nutrition and personality traits (e.g., increasing irritability).


Teeth   The combined effects of all age changes in teeth and the passage of time increase the risk and incidence of spots of tooth decay called cavities (caries). While many new cavities develop, many are formed where previous cavities were filled by a dentist. With advancing age, new cavities occur more in the roots of the teeth than in the crowns.


Periodontal disease and cavities are a major source of diverse problems for the elderly. First, the pain from these conditions can reduce chewing. Less chewing leads to attempts to swallow larger pieces of food, and this in turn raises the chances of choking and developing indigestion. Difficulty with chewing also reduces the variety of foods eaten and promotes the selection of foods with little fiber. Malnutrition and constipation are common consequences of such choices. Oral discomfort can also affect speaking, emotions, and personality traits.


Second, tooth disease spreads infection from the teeth to other parts of the body. Third, tooth disease alters taste and can produce unpleasant taste sensations. Fourth, obtaining professional help to treat tooth disease is costly. Finally, an altered appearance from diseased teeth can affect a person's social interactions and self-image and cause considerable embarrassment. All these problems are made worse by the loss of teeth. The use of dentures can only partially compensate for functional changes resulting from tooth loss. Also, dentures are a main cause of injury, irritation, discomfort, and infections in the oral mucosa.


The higher rates of periodontal disease and cavities with age are the main causes of the high incidence of tooth loss among the elderly. On the average, people over age 65 have lost approximately 11 percent of their teeth. About 65 percent of those over age 65 have lost all their teeth in either the upper or the lower jaw, and about 40 percent have lost all their teeth. This number has declined from 50 percent over the last three decades because of better dental care and, possibly, the introduction of fluoride into drinking water. However, with more elderly people retaining more teeth longer, there has been an increase in the incidence of periodontal disease and cavities.


There are several ways to reduce or prevent dental diseases among elderly people and the younger people who will become the elderly of the future. Examples include drinking fluoridated water, especially during youth; getting regular professional dental care; and following a program of good dental hygiene. Good dental hygiene includes avoiding sweets, avoiding sugary beverages such as soft drinks, rinsing the mouth with water after eating, and brushing and flossing the teeth frequently. Since dental diseases at older ages usually result from an accumulation of effects during one's lifetime, it is important to start good dental practices during childhood and continue them throughout life.


Salivary Glands   Though aging has no important effects on the functioning of the salivary glands, a number of conditions that occur more frequently at older ages reduce saliva production. Such conditions include reductions in fluid intake, infections of the salivary ducts, diseases such as diabetes mellitus, certain medications, and radiation therapy.


Inadequate saliva production and the resulting oral dryness can lead to (1) discomfort, (2) difficulty speaking, (3) bad tastes in the mouth, (4) lowered taste perception, (5) increased risk of cavities, periodontal disease, and oral infections, and (6) difficulty swallowing dry and solid foods. The dietary modifications that may result, such as selecting only soft moist foods, can lead to malnutrition and constipation.


Muscles   The functioning of the oral muscles can be adversely affected to a substantial degree by abnormal changes in or diseases of the nervous system. For example, muscles around the mouth may become so weak that the mouth has a drooping appearance and drooling occurs. When nerve cells controlling other muscles are affected, speaking may be altered and swallowing may occur abnormally.


Swallowing abnormalities are not common among fairly healthy elderly people. However, up to 50 percent of elderly people in institutions may have trouble swallowing. Serious consequences of swallowing problems that result from improper muscle functioning include choking, pneumonia, and death. Such consequences occur more often when liquids are being swallowed because liquids can slip into the pharynx and larynx before reflexive muscle contractions close the opening into the larynx. Since difficulty swallowing is an abnormal condition that can lead to serious consequences, affected individuals should seek qualified medical diagnosis and treatment.


Bones and Joints   Serious alterations in the jawbones and TMJ are also caused by abnormal conditions that increase in frequency with age. First, loss of teeth usually results in shrinkage of the jawbones. As these bones shrink, dentures fit less well and the appearance of the face changes. Second, the functioning of the TMJ can be substantially reduced by arthritis. In some individuals adverse psychological changes also lead to pain and malfunctioning of the TMJ.




The esophagus is a tube that transports materials from the pharynx to the stomach (Fig. 10.1). During swallowing, peristaltic muscular contractions in the esophagus push materials into the stomach (Fig. 5.6). Coordinated contractions of the muscles are reflexively controlled by a network of nerve cells (Auerbach's plexus) in the wall of the esophagus. Since this network extends from the esophagus to the end of the large intestine, it can coordinate many functions throughout the GI tract.


Age Changes


Aging causes esophageal peristalsis to become slightly slower and weaker. This change seems to be caused by aging of neurons in Auerbach's plexus. The result is an increase in the frequency with which materials do not pass into the stomach as fast as usual or pass from the stomach up into the esophagus and cause discomfort, which may be experienced as heartburn.


Abnormal Changes


Esophageal Rings and Webs   Though the esophagus normally functions well throughout life, many older people develop abnormalities such as the formation of esophageal rings and webs. These growths project inward from the wall of the esophagus and partially block the passage through the esophagus, causing difficulty swallowing.


Strictures   A second abnormality is the formation of strictures, which are rings of scar tissue that develop from repeated injury to the esophagus. One cause of such injury is repeated passage of stomach contents into the esophagus. A stricture blocks the esophagus because the collagen in the scar tissue gradually shrinks, resulting in a narrowing of the passage through the esophagus and difficulty swallowing.


Sliding Hiatal Hernia   A third structural abnormality of the esophagus is sliding hiatal hernia. In this condition, the connection between the esophagus and the stomach slips above the diaphragm rather than remaining in its normal position below the diaphragm. The incidence of sliding hiatal hernia increases with age, and up to 70 percent of those over age 70 develop this disease. Most cases result from alterations in esophageal muscles and decreased elasticity of the diaphragm.


Other Abnormalities   A fourth cause of abnormal esophageal functioning is diabetes mellitus. Diabetes substantially slows peristalsis in the esophagus and all other parts of the GI tract. Other abnormalities that disturb esophageal functioning include nervous system diseases (e.g., strokes), alcoholism, medications, and cancer.


Effects and Complications   Abnormalities in the esophagus can result in a variety of esophageal malfunctions. For example, peristalsis may not begin during swallowing, or it may be very slow or uncoordinated or occur with spasms. Each of these situations or partial blockage of the esophagus will inhibit the movement of materials down the esophagus and into the stomach. Two results are mild to severe discomfort and difficulty eating. Food selection may be limited, and completing a meal may take an inordinate amount of time. In addition, medications that fail to travel through the esophagus quickly can injure the esophagus. Finally, esophageal malfunction can allow stomach contents to flow upward and into the esophagus, a process called gastric refluxing. Since the stomach contains strong acids, this can cause pain, ulcers, and bleeding in the esophagus as well as esophageal strictures. Sometimes stomach contents may enter the respiratory passages through the larynx, causing hoarseness, inflammation of the respiratory system, or death.


For some photos of digestive system diseases, go to Preserved  Specimen Photos  and to Microscope Slides.
For Internet images of normal digestive system structures or diseases, search the Images section of for the name of a particular structure or disease. For diseases, I highly recommend searching WebPath: The Internet Pathology Laboratory , the excellent complete version of which can be purchased on a CD.


Prevention and Treatment   The frequency and severity of the adverse effects of esophageal malfunctioning can be reduced in several ways. The head and trunk can be kept slightly elevated so that the force of gravity assists in swallowing and helps prevent gastric refluxing. Avoiding large meals or obesity results in the same benefits because pressure in the abdomen is kept low. Other methods to reduce gastric refluxing include; avoiding foods and medications known to increase stomach acid and gastric refluxing; using medications that promote esophageal clearance, coat the esophagus, or reduce gastric refluxing; using antacids to reduce stomach acidity; and undergoing surgical correction of structural abnormalities.




The stomach is like a large sac (Fig. 10.1) whose walls can stretch to store large amounts of food. Food is normally prevented from moving back into the esophagus by proper functioning of the esophagus and proper pressures in the thoracic cavity. Contraction of a ring of muscle (the pyloric sphincter) at the lower end of the stomach temporarily prevents food from moving into the small intestine.


Secretion and Absorption


The inner lining of the stomach is a thick layer containing many secreting cells. Some of these cells secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl), and others secrete pepsin. When HCl and pepsin combine, they cause the rapid breakdown of large protein molecules, which are usually split into short chains of amino acids. HCl also kills bacteria and other microorganisms that have been swallowed. A third secretion from the stomach lining consists of intrinsic factor. Upon reaching the small intestine, intrinsic factor promotes the absorption of vitamin B12. This vitamin is important in the production of red blood cells. Finally, the stomach secretes a hormone that helps control hunger.


The lining of the stomach absorbs water and small molecules that have become dissolved (e.g., simple sugars, salts, alcohol, certain medications). These materials enter the blood.




The middle layer of the stomach wall contains sheets of smooth muscle. Rhythmic contractions of this muscle churn the food and stomach secretions. The churning thoroughly mixes all materials and aids absorption by bringing dissolved materials into contact with the stomach lining.


Once the stomach contents have been adequately liquefied, the muscular contractions of the stomach become strong peristaltic waves. At the same time the pyloric sphincter relaxes somewhat so that a portion of the stomach contents is pushed into the small intestine. The pyloric sphincter then closes, and stomach churning and absorption continue until the small intestine is ready to receive more material. The functioning of the smooth muscle and the pyloric sphincter is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and Auerbach's plexus.


Age Changes


Aging causes small changes in the structure and functioning of the stomach, including a slight thinning of the stomach lining, a small decrease in HCl production, a possible decline in pepsin and intrinsic factor secretion, and a minimal slowing of stomach emptying. These changes are usually so slight that they do not prevent the stomach from performing its routine functions. However, they can alter the absorption of some medications and the functioning of the small intestine.


Abnormal Changes


Though the normal stomach functions well regardless of age, several abnormal and disease conditions become more frequent and severe with age.


Atrophic Gastritis   Atrophic gastritis results in an excessive thinning of the stomach lining. The causes of many cases of this abnormality are unknown, but many other cases result from the immune system attacking the stomach.


Atrophic gastritis results in inadequate production of HCl and intrinsic factor. The consequences include poor protein digestion, alterations in the number and types of bacteria in the GI tract, and poor absorption of vitamin B12. Finally, atrophic gastritis is a risk factor for stomach cancer.


Poor protein digestion can lead to indigestion and malnutrition. The alterations in bacteria can also adversely affect nutrition. The reduction in vitamin B12 absorption leads to a significant reduction in red blood cell (RBC) production. The number of RBCs in the blood eventually becomes too low, and the person becomes anemic. Anemia caused by inadequate production of intrinsic factor is called pernicious anemia. The effects of pernicious anemia include sleepiness and persistent fatigue. These symptoms are not part of aging.


Atrophic gastritis can be treated with medications to relieve gastric discomfort and vitamin B12 supplements to prevent anemia.


Acute Gastritis   A second age-related stomach disorder is short-term stomach inflammation (acute gastritis). Reasons for the increased incidence of acute gastritis include reductions in the resistance of the stomach to environmental insults; increases in stomach infections due to lowered stomach acid production; and increases in the use of medications such as analgesics to relieve pain. Many analgesics (e.g., aspirin, steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) irritate the stomach.


The main problem arising from acute gastritis is the discomfort it causes. When attacks are frequent or severe, affected individuals may eat less, lose weight, and develop malnutrition.


Most cases of acute gastritis can be prevented by avoiding specific foods and medications. Taking antacids can relieve the symptoms in some situations.


Peptic Ulcer   In a peptic ulcer, stomach acid and enzymes cause cells lining the GI tract to die and peel away, leaving a pit in the wall of the tract (Fig. 10.3).


The occurrence of peptic ulcers in the esophagus has been mentioned in connection with gastric refluxing. These ulcers also occur in the stomach (gastric peptic ulcers) and the beginning of the small intestine (duodenal peptic ulcers). Although duodenal peptic ulcers are more common than gastric ones among younger adults, gastric peptic ulcers become higher in frequency among the elderly.


Gastric peptic ulcers often result from weakening of the stomach lining. Common causes include bacteria (H.pylori) or having unusually high levels of anti-inflammatory steroids in the blood. The elderly are more likely to have such elevated steroid levels since many medications used to relieve pain and inflammation contain them. Even nonsteroid pain relievers such as aspirin can increase the risk of gastric peptic ulcers.


A gastric peptic ulcer causes considerable pain. Usually the pain becomes worse shortly after eating because more stomach acid is produced then. Although the pain is generally of lower intensity at advanced age, other complications are usually more serious. If scar tissue forms, it can shrink and narrow the stomach, leading to partial obstruction. Peptic ulcers that bleed slowly lead to anemia, while those that bleed profusely can cause sudden death. When an ulcer becomes very deep, the stomach may perforate, allowing its contents to leak into the abdominal cavity. The consequences may include severe pain, bleeding, digestion of neighboring organs, a severe drop in blood pressure, and death.


The incidence and severity of gastric peptic ulcers can be reduced by avoiding risk factors such as ulcer-promoting medications. Treatments include antibiotics or avoiding foods and medications that promote stomach irritation and ulcer formation. Conversely, medications such as antacids can promote healing or retard worsening of the ulcer. Some ulcers require surgery.


Small Intestine


The small intestine is a tube approximately 6 meters (20 feet) long and 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter that extends from the pyloric sphincter to the beginning of the large intestine (Fig. 10.1). It fits into the expansive region below the stomach by being coiled and bent.




Like the stomach, the small intestine has a fairly thick inner lining that secretes digestive juices. Materials in the intestinal secretions include water and a variety of digestive enzymes. The water dissolves small molecules and, with the enzymes, breaks down large nutrient molecules. The breakdown of nutrients is aided by secretions from the liver and pancreas.




The small intestine is also the section of the GI tract where most nutrients are absorbed. As in the stomach, churning aids absorption by bringing materials into contact with the inner absorptive surface. Absorption by the small intestine is especially efficient because its lining has a series of inward foldings and many microscopic fingerlike projections (villi).


The inward foldings and villi permit rapid absorption by increasing the surface area that is in contact with dissolved nutrients. Absorption by the villi is aided by the presence of many capillaries and lymph vessels, which allow nutrients to enter the circulatory system quickly. Most absorbed nutrients enter the blood vessels, though fat enters the lymph vessels.


The absorption of three nutrients by the small intestine requires special assistance. First, iron can be absorbed effectively only if the stomach has treated it with adequate amounts of HCl. Iron functions in the production of red blood cells. Second, vitamin B12 can be absorbed in adequate amounts only if the stomach provides the small intestine with enough intrinsic factor. Vitamin B12 is also important for RBC production. Finally, calcium absorption requires the presence of activated vitamin D, which also allows the small intestine to increase the efficiency of calcium absorption when calcium in the diet or the body falls below desirable levels. Having adequate calcium is necessary for several functions, including maintenance of strong bones, muscle contraction, and nervous system activities.




As digestion and absorption continue, the contents of the small intestine are moved forward periodically by peristalsis. The basic actions and control mechanisms for peristalsis are similar to those in the stomach. By the time the contents have reached the end of the small intestine, almost all useful nutrients have been fully digested and absorbed. The remaining indigestible substances, wastes in bile from the liver, bacteria, and much water are pushed into the large intestine.


Age Changes


Aging seems to have little effect on the structure and functions of the small intestine. The age changes that have been observed, such as alterations in villi, apparently do not have important effects on intestinal functioning.


Lactase Secretion   One exception is a gradual decrease in the secretion of lactase, which splits lactose into two simple sugar molecules. Lactose is found in milk and many foods made from milk.


The decline in lactase varies from person to person with respect to time of onset and severity. Because of genetic factors, several groups (e.g., blacks, Asiatics, people of Mediterranean descent) have a significant decrease in lactase secretion during childhood or adolescence while most white people retain adequate lactase secretion well into adulthood. However, lactase secretion eventually becomes quite low in many older individuals. When it becomes too low, much of the lactose consumed in milk and milk products is not broken down. Certain types of bacteria in the intestine then use the undigested lactose for their own nutrition, resulting in much intestinal gas production. The gas can cause considerable discomfort or temporary disability. Such individuals are said to have lactose intolerance.


Many people with lactose intolerance avoid its consequences by abstaining from milk and foods containing milk. However, since dairy products are a major source of calcium, this can lead to calcium deficiency, which is a main risk factor for osteoporosis.


There are ways to avoid the adverse effects of lactose intolerance while still consuming milk and milk products. One way is to consume milk or milk products that have had lactose converted to other substances by bacterial action or lactase additives. Examples include certain types of yogurt and hard cheeses. Another way is to take lactase supplements. People who cannot use these methods should consume nondairy foods containing high levels of calcium, such as green leafy vegetables, canned fish, and calcium-supplemented orange juice.


Absorption   A second exception is a decline in the ability of the small intestine to absorb vitamins A, D, K and zinc. These decreases become important only for individuals whose diets contain low levels of these nutrients. The consequences of these deficiencies include skin and vision problems; weak bones; slow blood clotting; and decreased healing, immune function, and taste sensation, respectively.


Although the small intestine retains most of its absorptive power, its ability to absorb certain nutrients is adversely affected by other changes that often accompany aging. These changes include reduced production of HCl and intrinsic factor by the stomach and declining levels of active vitamin D.


Low HCl production reduces the absorption of iron and calcium and alters the numbers and types of bacteria that grow in the small intestine. As the bacteria change, the ability of the small intestine to absorb many nutrients declines. Individuals with marginal diets or severe HCl deficiencies are likely to develop iron or calcium deficiencies as well as other types of malnutrition. Individuals with very low intrinsic factor production, such as those with atrophic gastritis, and people with minimal vitamin B12 intake, are likely to have vitamin B12 deficiency and the resulting anemia.


Recall that vitamin D is produced in a series of steps and is finally activated by the kidneys. The amount of active vitamin D in the body usually decreases with age because of several factors. These factors include less absorption of dietary vitamin D by the small intestine; less exposure of the skin to sunlight; less vitamin D production by skin cells; less activation of vitamin D by the kidneys; and inadequate intake of vitamin D in the diet.


The dwindling levels of active vitamin D and a gradual decline in the ability of the small intestine to respond to vitamin D cause calcium absorption by the small intestine to decline. Older people with very low levels of vitamin D and those with a poor dietary intake of calcium are at high risk of developing calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.


Abnormal Changes


Peptic Ulcer   As was mentioned earlier, one abnormality in the small intestine is a duodenal peptic ulcer (Fig. 10.3). Factors contributing to duodenal peptic ulcers include bacteria (H.pylori), emotional stress, excess caffeine consumption, and excess stomach acid production. The incidence of this condition does not change with age.


Unlike gastric peptic ulcers, the pain associated with duodenal peptic ulcers usually subsides after eating and intensifies when the stomach is empty. This pattern probably results because movement of acidic stomach contents into the small intestine is slowed when the stomach contains food. Other than the pain, the effects and complications of duodenal peptic ulcers are similar to those of gastric peptic ulcers.


Duodenal peptic ulcers can be prevented by avoiding the contributing factors. Treatment strategies are similar to those for gastric peptic ulcers, though the specific medications used and other details of the treatment may differ.


Secondary Abnormalities  The functioning of the small intestine also is adversely affected by many abnormal changes and conditions that are more common among the elderly. Examples include poor diet; infections; poor circulation; diseases of the skin, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, or small intestine; hormone imbalances; medications; and surgery. When any of these factors lead to detrimental changes in the small intestine, serious malnutrition can result.


Large Intestine


The large intestine, which is about 1.5 meters (5 feet) long, extends from the end of the small intestine to the end of the GI tract (Fig. 10.1 and Fig. 10.4). Most of the large intestine is referred to as the colon. The last section of the colon has an S shape and is called the sigmoid colon. The sigmoid colon leads into the final segment of the large intestine, the rectum (Fig. 10.4b). The rectum, which is several centimeters long, leads into a very short passage called the anal canal. This canal ends at the anus, which is the opening from the large intestine to the outside of the body. The appendix is a fingerlike projection jutting out from the colon just below the junction of the small intestine and the colon.


Secretion and Absorption


A smooth layer of cells lines the inner surface of the large intestine. Many of these cells secrete a lubricating mucus that aids the passage of materials. The materials in the large intestine are called feces. Many other lining cells absorb water, minerals, and vitamin K from the feces. Much of the vitamin K is produced by bacteria that normally reside in the feces. The absorption of most of the water and minerals from the feces is essential for maintaining adequate supplies of these substances for body cells. Vitamin K is needed to form blood-clotting materials. Absorbed substances pass into the blood.




Within the wall of the colon, some smooth muscle lies in three narrow ribbonlike bands (teniae coli). These bands run parallel along the length of the colon and are nearly evenly spaced around its circumference. The remainder of the smooth muscle lies in rings spaced little more than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from each other. This leaves regularly arranged patches of the colon wall with little muscular support. Since these patches (haustra) are weaker areas, they bulge outward.


As in the stomach and small intestine, smooth muscle in the colon churns materials and moves them along by peristalsis. The activity of this smooth muscle is encouraged by exercise and other physical activity. The muscle has diminished activity when a person is sedentary.


The churning action assists in the absorption of useful substances by mixing the feces and bringing them into contact with the lining of the large intestine. The absorption of water causes the feces to change in consistency from a liquid to a soft semisolid. As more indigestible material continues to enter the large intestine from the small intestine, the total amount of feces gradually increases.


The accumulation of feces causes the pressure inside the large intestine to increase, and the intestine is stretched outward. These changes cause neurons in the intestinal wall to activate large-scale peristalsis (mass peristalsis) throughout the length of the large intestine. Eating a meal or having stimulatory chemicals in the large intestine can also reflexively activate mass peristalsis, which pushes feces into the rectum.




Initially, the feces are prevented from passing out of the rectum through the anus by two rings of muscle in the anal canal. The inner ring (internal sphincter) is made of smooth muscle and is controlled by reflexes (Fig. 10.4b). The outer ring (external sphincter) is made of skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control. These muscular rings cause retention of feces because they are usually in a state of contraction, which closes the passage through the anal canal and the anus. The internal sphincter provides about 85 percent of the force needed to retain feces, and the external sphincter provides the remaining 15 percent.


As the quantity of feces in the rectum increases, the rectum is stretched outward. When it stretches nearly as far as it can, further influx of feces causes pressure in the rectum to increase dramatically. Sensory neurons in the rectum are stimulated, and the person begins to perceive the need to pass the feces. The stretching and rise in pressure also cause rectal neurons to produce reflexive relaxation of the internal sphincter muscle, and there is an increase in the perception that elimination of feces is needed. Then only the external sphincter prevents the exit of feces through the anus. It is easier for the external sphincter to retain feces with a more solid consistency than to retain less solid or more watery feces.


At this point the individual can prevent the release of feces by voluntarily continuing contraction of the external sphincter. Alternatively, the person can cause the external sphincter to relax. Then the pressure in the rectum will begin to push feces out of the body through the anal canal and the anus. This action is often accompanied by reflexive peristalsis in the large intestine and voluntary contraction of the abdominal muscles. Since these additional contractions increase pressure in the large intestine, they assist in pushing feces through the anus.


As the rectum empties, the stretching and pressure in the rectum subside. Then reflexive contraction of muscles in and around the anal canal eliminates the feces still in the canal. Finally, the internal sphincter contracts again, and elimination of feces stops. Elimination of feces is often called a bowel movement or defecation.


Voluntary contraction of the external sphincter can delay defecation for an extended period. If a sizable mass of feces is retained in the rectum, the rectal muscles relax, allowing the rectum to stretch outward and the pressure to drop. As a result, the urge to defecate subsides until more feces enter the rectum and the pressure rises again. However, control of the external sphincter is retained only as long as the pressure in the rectum remains low or moderate. Very great pressure in the rectum causes uncontrollable reflexive relaxation of the external sphincter, and defecation occurs.




The appendix is a small and unimportant part of the large intestine (Figs. 10.1 and 10.4a). Though its size and shape vary considerably from person to person, typically the appendix looks like a slender finger approximately 5 to 7 cm (2 to 3 inches) in length. The narrow passage within the appendix has one opening, which leads into the colon, and the wall of the appendix contains many lymph nodes.


In humans the appendix has no role in digestion. Normally, no materials from the intestine enter the appendix. Like all other lymph nodes, its lymph nodes help prevent the spread of infection and serve as part of the immune system.


Age Changes


With aging, the lining of the large intestine becomes somewhat thinner and less mucus is secreted. These changes may be due partially to arteriosclerosis in small arteries that serve the large intestine. There is also a slight shrinkage of smooth muscle in the large intestine. Usually the extent of these changes is not great enough to alter the functioning of the large intestine significantly.


Movements   An age change in the colon that may produce important consequences in some older individuals is a decrease in the responsiveness of the smooth muscle to neuron messages. This tends to delay the onset of peristalsis, and more time is needed for feces to pass through the large intestine.


When feces spend more time in the large intestine, more water is absorbed, and the feces become firmer and more difficult to move. Bowel movements occur less frequently, and defecation becomes more difficult. If periods between bowel movements become abnormally long or defecation requires excessive straining, the abnormal condition called constipation has developed.


Defecation   Aging and other age-related factors cause three significant changes in the rectum. The other factors include surgery in the rectal area, forced bowel movements, and childbearing and reduced estrogen levels. One resulting change in the rectum is an increase in the amount of fibrous tissue in the walls, which reduces the amount of rectal stretching as feces enter. A second change is a decline in the strength of contraction of the internal sphincter. The third change is a decrease in the motor neurons controlling the external sphincter.


Each of these changes reduces the ability of the sphincter muscles to delay defecation until it is appropriate. Though inappropriate fecal elimination can happen to anyone, having such occurrences on a regular or frequent basis is abnormal. When inappropriate elimination of feces happens at least once a month, the condition is called fecal incontinence.


Appendix   Age changes in the appendix (e.g., narrowing, increasing fibers, decreasing lymphatic tissue) have no known effect on the body.


Abnormal Changes


Constipation   Though age has little effect on the structure and functioning of the large intestine, many aging people develop one or more abnormalities. One of the most common conditions is constipation. Generally, constipation occurs when bowel movements occur less than three times a week. However, since there is great variation in the frequency of bowel movements among individuals, better indicators are having an unusual decrease in the frequency of bowel movements and needing to strain excessively during defecation.


Although the incidence of constipation rises with age, it is difficult to estimate its actual frequency because of preconceived notions about how frequently bowel movements should occur and the use of laxatives. (A laxative is a substance that is ingested to promote bowel movements.) However, regardless of the confusion over the precise incidence, constipation is a problem for many elderly people. A variety of factors can contribute to the onset of constipation, including inadequate fluid intake, inactivity, delayed defecation, inadequate or excess fiber intake, and laxatives.


One of the most abundant types of dietary fiber is cellulose, which is contained in fruits and vegetables. Bran also contains much cellulose. Cellulose is especially important because it binds much water and thus makes feces large in volume but soft in consistency. Large soft feces stimulate peristalsis and are easy to move and eliminate by defecation.


Laxatives come in a variety of forms and work in different ways. Among the different types are fiber supplements, oils, magnesium salts, and intestinal stimulants.


Constipation can lead to significant discomfort and many complications. The discomfort may include indigestion, a bloated feeling, pain and embarrassment from intestinal gas, and difficulty defecating. One complication is an increased risk of future constipation. This occurs because the sensitivity of rectal sensory neurons declines when the rectum is stretched for long periods. With reduced rectal sensitivity, the urge to defecate and the reflexes involved in defecation are suppressed and defecation is delayed. Additional complications include diarrhea, fecal incontinence, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and cancer, which are discussed below. Still other complications include obstruction of the large intestine, formation and absorption of toxins, infections, difficulty urinating, irregular heart functioning, and heart attack.


Since constipation is not an age change and since its causes are largely known and controllable, much can be done to prevent its occurrence. Preventive measures are based on minimizing factors that contribute to constipation. Special consideration is required to ensure that toilet facilities and assistance are readily available to those who are disabled.


Treatments for people with constipation are derived from these preventive measures. They include gradually increasing fluid intake, physical activity, and dietary fiber. Regular bowel movements can be promoted by scheduling regular visits to the toilet. Laxatives should be used only when other treatments fail since regular laxative use promotes constipation and can cause other serious side effects, such as dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, and mineral imbalances.


Some cases of constipation can be relieved by using suppositories containing substances that stimulate mass peristalsis. These suppositories are inserted into the rectum through the anus. Other cases of constipation can be relieved by enemas. If feces are especially hard and difficult to pass, it may be necessary for a physician to remove them through the anus.


Diarrhea   A second abnormality of the large intestine that is important in elderly populations is diarrhea. Diarrhea is characterized by the presence of more than three relatively liquid and voluminous bowel movements a day. Causes of diarrhea are listed in Table 10.1.


One of the most serious consequences of diarrhea is an abnormally high loss of water and minerals. When body fluid levels drop, maintaining adequate blood pressure and blood flow to vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys becomes difficult. These organs begin to malfunction and fail. Disturbances in mineral homeostasis can also adversely affect the heart and brain and disrupt muscle functioning.


Three factors make these outcomes from diarrhea especially likely among the elderly. First, many elderly people already have reduced blood flow to the heart, brain, and kidneys because of atherosclerosis. Second, aging reduces the ability of the kidneys to maintain adequate fluid levels. Third, the decrease in thirst sensation caused by aging reduces the urge to replace fluids by drinking. Individuals who take medications that increase fluid output by the kidneys (i.e., diuretics) or that lower blood pressure have an even greater risk of developing circulatory failure.


Another important consequence of diarrhea is temporary loss of the ability to retain feces when defecation is inappropriate. An individual of any age who has diarrhea may have difficulty retaining feces because of their liquid consistency and large volume and because of the strong urge to release them. Older individuals have even greater difficulty because of age changes that weaken and reduce control of the anal sphincters. Any other condition that reduces conscious control of muscles or delays access to toilet facilities further increases the risk of unwanted defecation when a person has diarrhea. Examples of such conditions that are more prevalent among older individuals include CNS disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's disease) and physical disabilities (e.g., fractures, arthritis). Repeated incidents of diarrhea can cause fecal incontinence (see below).


Many cases of diarrhea can be prevented by avoiding factors that cause diarrhea. A main aspect of treatment is replacing lost fluids and minerals. However, care must be taken to avoid introducing excess fluids, which can overwork the heart and cause fluid accumulation in the lungs. When diarrhea is caused by certain types of bacteria, treatment may include antibiotic therapy. Good nutrition and anti-inflammatory medications can speed recovery from diarrhea. Medications that slow motility of the large intestine should be avoided since they increase the risk of retaining feces and absorbing toxins.


Fecal Incontinence   A third abnormal condition of the large intestine is fecal incontinence, which can be defined as having inappropriate elimination of feces at least once a month.


Recall that fecal incontinence can be a complication of constipation. This occurs because mass peristalsis finally becomes strong enough to force feces into the rectum. Age changes in the rectum and anus that reduce the ability to retain feces voluntarily contribute to fecal incontinence from constipation and to the age-related increase in fecal incontinence from other causes. Among the factors that cause fecal incontinence are constipation; diarrhea; physical injury to the colon, rectum, or anus; nervous system abnormalities; diabetes mellitus; disability; and psychological disturbances.


Since many of the causes of fecal incontinence develop slowly and progressively and since each aging person may encounter more of these causes as time passes, fecal incontinence usually develops gradually and becomes worse over time.


The consequences of fecal incontinence are diverse and devastating. If feces are present on clothes or bed linens, they may also be in contact with the skin for prolonged periods, irritating the skin and causing infections. Even if these problems are avoided, people with fecal incontinence often suffer severe social disruption, social isolation, and psychological upheaval. The magnitude of the disturbances is sufficient to make fecal incontinence (together with urinary incontinence) the second leading cause of institutionalization among the elderly. Only disorders of the nervous system such as strokes and dementia rank higher as a cause of institutionalization.


Since fecal incontinence is an abnormal condition and since its causes are well known, much can be done to prevent, reduce, or stop its occurrence. The main strategy in each case is to identify the specific causes and reduce or eliminate them. Suggestions for preventing or stopping constipation and diarrhea were presented above. Individuals with structural irregularities of the colon, rectum, or anus may be helped by corrective surgery. Many individuals whose fecal incontinence results from disorders affecting the nervous system can be helped by biofeedback training combined with exercising the external sphincter muscle to increase its strength. Biofeedback training and muscle strengthening can also be helpful for individuals who are incontinent for reasons other than nervous system disorders. Such training increases the individual's awareness of the need to defecate and the individual’s control of the external sphincter. Strengthening the external sphincter enables the individual to retain feces until defecation is desired. A combination of training and muscle strengthening is required for significant and long-lasting progress in reducing or stopping fecal incontinence.


Another key factor in preventing or reducing fecal incontinence is making toilet facilities easily accessible or available at appropriate times by scheduling visits to the toilet at specific times or intervals. Attempting to defecate shortly after eating is often effective because filling the stomach leads to reflexive mass peristalsis and a high probability of having a successful defecation shortly afterward. Using dietary modifications to regulate intestinal functioning can also increase control of defecation. Examples include regulating water intake and reducing the intake of foods such as beans, cabbage, and cauliflower, which cause intestinal gas production. Control of defecation can be further increased by using medications to regulate intestinal functioning or by modifying the use of medications for other disorders.


Many aspects of preventing or reducing the incidence and effects of fecal incontinence depend on the actions of those who care for affected individuals. While ample care is important, the extra attention and social interaction that usually accompany the extra care may perpetuate or increase the problem by unintentionally providing positive reinforcement for incidents of incontinence.


Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis   Diverticulosis is characterized by the presence of deep outpocketings (diverticula) in the wall of the large intestine (Fig. 10.5). Usually, each diverticulum has a narrow opening leading to an expanded outer region. Most diverticula occur in the sigmoid colon.


Diverticulosis is present in about 30 percent of people over age 60, its incidence increases to about 50 percent of those over age 70, and it may occur in 60 percent of those over age 80. The number of diverticula increases with age.


Though 80 to 85 percent of people with diverticulosis have no ill effects from this disorder, diverticula in the remaining 15 to 20 percent become inflamed. When this occurs, the condition is called diverticulitis. The longer a person has diverticulosis, the greater is the chance of developing diverticulitis.


Diverticulosis develops when excessive pressure from strong mass peristalsis, such as from constipation or intestinal spasms, cause the intestinal wall to bulge outward at weak spots such as haustra and blood vessels. Most cases are believed to result from inadequate amounts of fiber in the diet over a period of years.


Diverticulosis leads to diverticulitis when fecal material becomes trapped within the diverticula and produces noxious material. Irritation of diverticula by entrapped indigestible particles such as seed hulls may also cause diverticulitis.


Most people who develop diverticulitis experience significant abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Diverticulitis causes intestinal bleeding in approximately 25 percent of cases. Though the bleeding is usually slow and is not life-threatening, it may lead to anemia. Individuals with anemia usually become fatigued quickly and may be lethargic because inadequate amounts of oxygen are delivered to body cells.

Other serious complications of diverticulitis include infection and perforation of the large intestine. If the large intestine perforates, feces can pass into the surrounding body cavity. This condition can cause excruciating pain and lead to death from extremely low blood pressure or widespread infection.


Prevention of diverticulosis and diverticulitis is relatively easy if adequate dietary fiber is consumed daily and constipation is avoided. Those who have developed either abnormality can be helped by increasing their intake of dietary fiber, avoiding constipation, and avoiding foods containing seeds or other materials that increase intestinal inflammation. Antibiotics may be prescribed for those who have developed infections. Individuals with advanced cases of diverticulosis may require surgical removal of portions of the large intestine.


Hemorrhoids   A fifth abnormality of the large intestine is the presence of hemorrhoids (Fig. 10.5). These varicose veins in the rectum and anal canal were discussed in Chap. 4. Their occurrence increases and they become more of a problem as age advances because the factors that promote them increase with age.


Hemorrhoids result from conditions that cause repeated high pressure in the rectal and anal areas such as straining during bowel movements that accompany constipation, straining while lifting heavy objects, chronic coughing from bronchitis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Hemorrhoids can cause considerable pain and discomfort and, if they bleed regularly, can lead to anemia. Injured and inflamed hemorrhoids may become infected.


Preventing hemorrhoids involves avoiding circumstances that cause high pressures near the rectum and anus. Individuals with hemorrhoids can relieve discomfort by applying appropriate salves to the affected area. More advanced cases and hemorrhoids that contain clotted blood can be treated surgically.


Cancer   Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled reproduction and spreading of cells. Cancer of the large intestine is called colorectal cancer (Fig. 10.5).


The incidence of colorectal cancer increases dramatically after approximately age 40, nearly doubling with each 5-year increase beyond that age. It occurs equally among men and women. Of all forms of cancer in the United States, only lung cancer occurs with a higher frequency.


Colorectal cancer is a common cause of death. It ranks as the third leading cause of death from cancer, accounting for about 15 percent of all deaths from cancer in adults. Only lung cancer and breast cancer cause more deaths. Since colorectal cancer increases in incidence with age, it ranks as a major cause of death among the elderly. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for men over age 75 and the leading cause of cancer deaths for women over age 75.


Though the causes of colorectal cancer are not known, several factors are known to increase the risk of developing it. They include diets low in fiber; diets high in meats, animal fat, or sugar; having relatives with colorectal cancer; having the identifiable gene that promotes familial colorectal cancer; having cancer of the breast or female reproductive organs; having noncancerous intestinal growths such as polyps; and conditions that cause chronic intestinal inflammation, such as ulcerative colitis.


Colorectal cancer can cause obstruction of the large intestine and destroy the intestinal wall. Obstruction can cause toxic materials from intestinal bacteria to accumulate and be absorbed into the body. Obstruction of the large intestine or destruction of the intestinal wall can lead to intestinal perforation and widespread infection. Colorectal cancer can also cause substantial bleeding. Finally, it often spreads to other parts of the body, such as the liver and lungs, and can destroy any organ it enters. The functioning of organs damaged by cancer is reduced, and their ability to help maintain homeostasis diminishes. Illness and death result.


One main way to combat colorectal cancer is to reduce the major dietary risk factors. Such changes seem to minimize the formation and accumulation of carcinogens in the large intestine. Other important preventive measures for colorectal cancer and its consequences include early detection and prompt treatment. Warning signs, such as having blood in the feces and having noticeable changes in bowel functioning, should be followed up by a professional examination. People over age 40 should have routine diagnostic testing for this cancer. People with a family history of colorectal cancer can be screened for the presence of the gene, for familial colorectal cancer and can receive more frequent and thorough diagnostic testing if they have the gene. Finally, removal of polyps may be advisable.


Once colorectal cancer has developed, the only effective treatment is surgical removal of the affected areas. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy is sometimes used before surgical treatment of cancer in the rectum or anus.


Appendicitis   Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) may be caused by entrapment of feces within the blind passageway in the appendix or infection of the lymph nodes in the appendix wall, both of which cause the appendix to become infected (Fig. 10.5). The infection can be spread through the body by the circulatory system. A life-threatening crisis develops if the appendix ruptures and feces and infected material, such as pus, spread into the body cavity surrounding it. Older people face the same dangers of infection found in younger people.


The incidence of appendicitis decreases with age. However, cases in older individuals may be more severe, and the incidence of rupturing increases because age-related reductions in sensitivity to symptoms and milder signs of disease cause a delay in seeking diagnosis. In addition, an age-related reduction in blood flow allows deterioration of the appendix to occur faster and rupturing to occur sooner. Appendicitis is treated by surgical removal of the appendix. Antibiotics may be administered to combat infection.




The liver is the largest gland in the body (Fig. 10.1). It is made up of microscopic units called lobules, which resemble each other in structure and functioning (Fig. 10.6). The liver cells making up each lobule are arranged in a radiating pattern, allowing blood from the periphery of the lobule to flow through large capillaries among the cells as it moves to the center of the lobule. These capillaries are called liver sinusoids.


Blood Flow


Blood enters the outer region of the lobule from arteries and veins at several points around the periphery of the lobule. The blood in the arteries comes from the heart and delivers oxygen and substances such as hormones from other organs to the liver cells. The blood in the veins comes from capillaries in the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and pancreas. Blood from the spleen also passes through veins leading into the lobules. Since all these veins deliver blood to the liver rather than returning it to the heart, they are called the hepatic portal system (Fig. 10.7).


Once blood from the arteries and the hepatic portal system has passed through the liver sinusoids, it is collected by a central vein at the center of the lobule. Blood from all the central veins moves into hepatic veins, which send it into a main vein going to the heart (the inferior vena cava). This arrangement of vessels permits the liver cells to adjust the contents of blood from digestive organs and the spleen before sending it to other parts of the body. The most abundant type of liver cells (hepatocytes) regulate the chemical makeup of blood. Other cells (Kupffer's cells) remove unwanted particles such as bacteria and damaged red blood cells from the blood (Fig. 10.6).


Bile Flow


In addition to blood vessels, each lobule contains other small passageways called bile canaliculi (Fig. 10.6). Bile, which is produced by hepatocytes, moves through the canaliculi to the periphery of the lobule, where it is collected into bile ducts. These ducts converge into one large duct, the hepatic duct, which carries the bile out of the liver (Fig. 10.8). Bile in the hepatic duct may flow through the cystic duct for storage in the gallbladder or through the common bile duct into the small intestine.




Each lobule contributes to every liver function. Many of these functions were mentioned earlier in this chapter. For example, the liver helps convert foods to a usable form by secreting bile and sending it to the small intestine. Bile is a complex mixture of materials, including water, cholesterol, bile salts, and bile pigments. The salts and pigments are mostly waste materials removed from the blood. For example, when red blood cells are destroyed, parts of their hemoglobin molecules are converted into bilirubin, which is secreted into the bile. Bile also contains the breakdown products of cholesterol.


Bile helps convert foods to a usable form by breaking up droplets of fat from foods. This emulsification process allows digestive enzymes to hydrolyze the fat more easily. Bile also assists with absorption by allowing some fat to be absorbed by the small intestine without being hydrolyzed.


Since blood from the stomach and intestines flows through the liver before it is sent to other parts of the body, the liver can remove excess amounts of nutrients. The liver uses these extra nutrients to manufacture substances that are at inadequate concentrations in the blood. For example, hepatocytes remove excess sugar that is absorbed after one eats a sweet dessert. Some of the sugar may be converted into other nutrients (e.g., fat) that may be in low supply in the food, and some may be stored in the liver as glycogen. Later, when blood sugar levels drop, the liver converts the glycogen back into sugar and returns the sugar to the blood. Thus, body cells receive fat and sugar at a steady rate.


Passing blood from the stomach and intestines through the liver also allows the hepatocytes to remove harmful or toxic materials that have been ingested and absorbed, such as alcohol from alcoholic beverages. The liver also removes unwanted materials produced by body cells, such as ammonia and bilirubin. Ammonia produced by intestinal bacteria and absorbed by the intestine is also removed from the blood. The liver converts the toxic ammonia to a much less dangerous material called urea. Finally, the liver removes many medications from the blood.


The liver has several other functions. One is helping to maintain proper and fairly stable blood pressure. Because it has so many large blood vessels, the liver can hold a large volume of blood. When blood pressure begins to drop, constriction of liver vessels sends more blood to the heart and arteries, restoring blood pressure to normal levels. Alternatively, relaxation and dilation of liver vessels remove some blood from circulation and lower blood pressure when it becomes too high.


Finally, the liver regulates many substances in the blood that are not considered nutrients. For example, it manufactures several substances (e.g., fibrinogen, prothrombin) that are involved in forming blood clots. It also makes many of the blood proteins that regulate the distribution of water in the body. Without adequate amounts of these proteins, much water leaves the blood and accumulates around body cells. This condition (edema) can cause uncomfortable swelling; when it occurs in the lungs, respiration is seriously impaired. Finally, the liver plays a major role in removing excess hormones from the blood. Important examples include aldosterone, which increases salt and water reabsorption by the kidneys, and sex steroids.


Age Changes


Aging causes little change in the overall structure of the liver, though there seems to be a slight decrease in size, the total amount of blood flow through the liver may decline, and liver cells become somewhat altered.


These slight structural age changes seem to have little or no effect on the functional capacity of the liver. This maintenance of function probably stems from two features. First, the liver has a very large functional reserve capacity. As much as 80 percent can be removed, and the remaining portion can maintain normal body operations when conditions are favorable. Second, the liver easily regenerates new cells when older ones are damaged or destroyed. This regenerative ability is unchanged by aging. Studies of age changes in the liver suggest that both the storage of vitamin C and glycogen and the removal of a few medications (e.g., acetanilide, diazepam) declines. Elimination of particulate material by Kupffer's cells may decline with aging. It is important to note that smoking significantly reduces toxin, waste, and drug elimination by the liver.


Abnormal Changes


Cirrhosis   A common and serious abnormal condition that often accompanies old age is the disease called cirrhosis. In this disease, the liver is converted into a lumpy scar-filled organ with greatly reduced functioning (Fig. 10.6). Though many cases of cirrhosis occur among younger adults, this disease ranks among the top 10 causes of death among those over age 55.


Cirrhosis results from long-term repeated or continuous liver damage. Such damage among the elderly is most commonly caused when gallstones block large bile ducts. The resulting accumulation of bile in the liver puts pressure on liver cells and, together with chemicals in the trapped bile, damages them. Other causes include chronic alcohol consumption, hepatitis infections, and ingestion or inhalation of toxic substances such as volatile organic solvents in glue, cleaners, and paint thinners. Malnutrition, which is often associated with alcohol abuse, amplifies the effects of alcohol on the liver.


The development of cirrhosis occurs in basically the same way regardless of the cause. When liver cells are injured, the liver becomes inflamed and enlarged. Injured hepatocytes are not able to convert nutrients properly, resulting in accumulations of fat within the cells. Fibrous scar tissue then forms around the lobules. The presence of scar tissue inhibits the flow of blood and bile through the liver. With time, the flow of blood and bile is further restricted because the scar tissue shrinks, distorting and compressing blood vessels and bile passages. The liver attempts to compensate by forming new lobules. The growth of new lobules, along with compression by the scar tissue, gives the enlarged liver a lumpy appearance.


Since hepatocytes are injured, they are less able to perform their functions. Bilirubin from hemoglobin breakdown is left in a fat-soluble form called unconjugated bilirubin rather than being converted to the water-soluble conjugated form for excretion in bile. Inadequate amounts of bile are produced for emulsification and absorption. Since bile ducts are blocked, much of the bile cannot pass out of the liver to the hepatic duct. Therefore, digestion and absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins are reduced. Blood nutrient levels become unbalanced because of this and because the hepatocytes are less able to manufacture, convert, and store nutrients. All body cells become malnourished, as indicated by the onset of fatigue.


Blocked bile passages, together with the declining conversion of unconjugated bilirubin, result in accumulations of bilirubin. This gives the affected person a yellow or brown color, a condition called jaundice. Excessively high concentrations can eventually cause brain damage because unconjugated bilirubin accumulates in fatty myelin in the brain. In more advanced stages of cirrhosis, ammonia poses an even greater threat to the brain. Ammonia increases partly because of the dwindling conversion of ammonia to urea by hepatocytes. A second reason is that blocked blood flow causes blood from the intestines to flow through alternative routes, particularly veins in the esophagus. Thus, ammonia produced by intestinal bacteria is sent directly to the heart and from there to other organs, including the brain. Affected individuals show mental confusion, reduced muscle control, and even coma. This situation can eventually prove fatal.


The blockage of liver vessels causes other problems. Since blood cannot pass freely through the liver, it backs up into intestinal veins, causing them to swell and become varicose veins. When this happens in the rectum, hemorrhoids develop. When it happens in the esophagus, serious and even fatal bleeding can occur. As a further complication, extra fluids leak out of the stomach and intestinal capillaries into the surrounding abdominal cavity. This accumulation of fluids (ascites) causes abdominal swelling and imbalances in fluids in body cells in other regions.


Ascites worsens because reduced production of blood protein by injured hepatocytes allows more of the fluid to remain outside the capillaries. The reduction in blood proteins also causes edema and swelling in many parts of the body. The ascites and edema are amplified because injured hepatocytes do not remove enough steroid hormones from the blood (e.g., aldosterone, sex steroids), causing water retention by the kidneys. Edema causes a puffy appearance and discomfort, and in the lungs it significantly reduces respiratory functioning.


Many other problems result from cirrhosis. The more serious ones include bleeding because of reduced production of clotting materials, anemia because of poor hemoglobin breakdown and blood backing up into the spleen, weak bones because of reduced vitamin D activation, and reduced sexual functioning from abnormal hormone levels.


Many cases of cirrhosis are preventable. Individuals with blocked large bile ducts can usually have the blockages removed. This is especially true among the elderly, in whom the blocked ducts usually result from gallstones. Cirrhosis from chronic alcohol consumption (the other common cause of cirrhosis) can be prevented by avoiding or reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Excessive alcohol consumption is a serious problem because many elderly people suffer from loneliness, depression, boredom, and anxiety. Staying active and receiving social and emotional support can help reduce the incidence of alcohol abuse, and good nutrition reduces the effects of alcohol on the liver. Hepatitis, another cause of cirrhosis, can be prevented by using good hygiene; avoiding contact with affected individuals, especially their feces, blood, and body fluids; and being immunized. Avoiding exposure to toxic materials can prevent other cases of cirrhosis.


Treatment of those with cirrhosis involves avoiding further liver injury by avoiding causative factors. If the cirrhosis is not very advanced, some liver regeneration and improvement in liver function can occur spontaneously. Advanced cirrhosis is essentially irreversible. Treatment at all stages includes minimizing the effects of complications from this disease.


Cancer   Most cases of cancer in the liver develop when cancer cells move through the hepatic portal system to the liver from other parts of the digestive system or the spleen. Movement of cancer from one location to another is called metastasis, and a cancer that metastasizes is called metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer of the liver is often widespread and is of diverse types. It may reduce many liver functions and can cause several of the problems associated with cirrhosis.


Treatments for metastatic liver cancer, including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, do little more than slow the progress of this fatal disease. Essentially all cases are fatal within 5 years.




The gallbladder is a sac just under the lower edge of the liver (Fig. 10.1). Recall that the gallbladder receives bile from the liver through the cystic duct and that bile in the gallbladder may pass to the small intestine through the common bile duct (Fig. 10.8).


The gallbladder stores bile until it is needed for digestion. Recall that bile assists in the digestion and absorption of fat. The gallbladder absorbs water from bile while the bile is being stored.


Emptying of the gallbladder and passage of bile into the small intestine is stimulated by a hormone [cholecystokinin (CCK)] from the small intestine and impulses in parasympathetic nerves. Operation of the CCK control mechanism is especially important when fat enters the small intestine.


Age Changes


Aging causes no significant changes in gallbladder structure. There is a decrease in the sensitivity of the gallbladder to stimulation by CCK. However, with age, the small intestine compensates by producing more CCK. Therefore, contraction of the gallbladder in response to the entrance of fat into the small intestine remains unchanged.


Two age changes associated with the gallbladder involve the bile ducts: The bile ducts widen over most of their length, and the end of the common bile duct near the small intestine becomes narrower. Normally, these changes are not important, but the former one may increase the likelihood that small gallstones formed in the gallbladder will pass down the bile ducts. The latter change inhibits the escape of such stones into the small intestine. As described below, gallstones trapped in the bile ducts can cause cirrhosis and pancreatitis.


Abnormal Changes: Gallstones


Gallstones are solid masses formed from materials in bile (Fig. 10.8). They are usually formed in the gallbladder. Gallstones contain various combinations of materials, including cholesterol, bile pigments and salts, calcium, and protein. Many individuals may develop one or a few gallstones. The stones range in size, with some becoming larger than 2 cm in diameter. Some individuals may have 200 or more small stones.


The incidence of gallstones increases with age, and they are fairly common among the elderly. Approximately 25 percent of people over age 50 have gallstones. Gallstones are one of the more common reasons for surgery among older people.


An important cause of gallstone formation is having excessively concentrated bile in the gallbladder, because this situation leads to solidification of materials dissolved in the bile. These circumstances occur more frequently among the elderly because the concentration of bile produced by the liver increases with aging, particularly in obese individuals. In addition, many older persons produce unusually low amounts of cholecystokinin. With less CCK, emptying of the gallbladder is delayed and may be less complete. Since more bile stays in the gallbladder for longer periods, it becomes even more concentrated and bile solidification occurs. Gallstone formation can also be initiated by infections in the gallbladder.


Individuals with gallstones often feel vague discomfort in the abdominal region and the digestive system. Many cases involve severe pain, nausea, and vomiting, especially after one has eaten foods containing fat. The painful attacks are probably caused by contraction of the gallbladder on the gallstones or by movement of a stone into the cystic duct. The gallbladder or bile duct may become injured, inflamed, and infected. In very severe cases it may perforate, spilling bile into the abdominal cavity; this can spread infection and cause a sudden drop in blood pressure.


If a gallstone moves into the bile duct and blocks it, the individual may become jaundiced because bile cannot escape, and bilirubin accumulates in the body. Digestion and absorption of fat are greatly reduced, and malnutrition, including vitamin deficiencies, may develop. If the gallstone lodges below the intersection of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct, pancreatic secretions may be blocked. This can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which is discussed below. Prolonged blockage of the bile ducts can cause cirrhosis.


There is no effective way to prevent gallstones, though avoiding obesity reduces the risk of developing them. Gallstones can be removed by several methods, including dissolving them with solutions infused through the bile ducts or with medications, fragmenting them with ultrasound, and extracting them surgically. Surgical removal often includes removal of the gallbladder to prevent a recurrence. A person whose gallbladder has been removed can survive and digest food because the liver can store adequate amounts of bile.




The pancreas is a large gland in the space below the stomach and above the first section of the small intestine (Fig. 10.1, Fig. 10.9. Most of the pancreas consists of clusters of cells (exocrine cells) that secrete pancreatic juice into ducts within the pancreas. The ducts merge to form larger ducts, which finally converge and form one large pancreatic duct. This duct joins the common bile duct just before it enters the small intestine (Fig. 10.8, Fig. 10.9). Therefore, bile and pancreatic juice enter the small intestine through the same opening.


Pancreatic juice contains several enzymes that hasten the chemical breakdown of large nutrient molecules. It also contains sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes stomach acid and prevents it from injuring the small intestine. This process also helps provide a proper acid/base balance for the action of enzymes in the pancreatic juice and in small intestine secretions. The secretion of pancreatic juice is adjusted by the autonomic nervous system and by hormones from the small intestine.


Small clusters of cells (endocrine cells) that secrete hormones into the blood are widely scattered among the exocrine cells (Fig. 10.9). These clusters are called islets of Langerhans. The endocrine cells are of two types: One type (alpha cells) secretes glucagon, and the other type (beta cells) secretes insulin. These hormones help maintain proper and fairly stable levels of glucose in the blood and affect the production and breakdown of proteins and lipids by body cells.


Age Changes


The slight age changes that occur in most components of the pancreas and its ducts do not have a significant effect on the amount of pancreatic juice produced. There may be a slight decrease in the production of certain enzymes (e.g., those for lipid digestion), sodium bicarbonate, and insulin. None of these changes are great enough to alter the ability of pancreatic secretions to digest nutrients, neutralize stomach acids, and regulate blood glucose levels. A main reason for the maintenance of pancreatic digestive function throughout life is the large reserve capacity of the pancreas. As little as 10 percent of the young adult pancreas is needed to produce enough pancreatic juice for normal digestion. Though the effectiveness of the pancreas is virtually unchanged by aging, hormone production is often significantly altered by other factors as people get older (e.g., obesity, lack of exercise) (Chap. 14).


Abnormal Changes


Pancreatitis   One of the more common abnormalities of the pancreas among the elderly is pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. Cases that develop quickly are called acute pancreatitis, and cases that develop over a prolonged period are referred to as chronic pancreatitis. Repeated or prolonged cases of acute pancreatitis lead to chronic pancreatitis.


Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by traumatic injury to the abdominal region (such as when the abdomen strikes the steering wheel in an automobile accident), consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially binge drinking), or blockage of the pancreatic duct by a gallstone. Chronic pancreatitis is usually caused by chronic alcohol consumption or blockage of the pancreatic duct by a gallstone.


In addition to causing extreme pain, acute pancreatitis may quickly become life-threatening. Vomiting can severely deplete the body of fluids and minerals, leading to circulatory, nervous, and muscle malfunctions. Bleeding or leaking of pancreatic enzymes into the blood or abdominal cavity can cause blood pressure to drop dramatically, resulting in circulatory failure. Pancreatic enzymes in the abdominal cavity can begin to digest nearby organs, causing destruction and perforation of those organs. Long-lasting muscle spasms may occur as blood calcium levels drop. Blood sugar levels may also drop as injured endocrine cells release insulin. Since the endocrine cells may be permanently damaged, individuals who survive these immediate dangers may be left with diabetes mellitus. Any case of acute pancreatitis can develop into chronic pancreatitis.


Three main problems develop in patients with chronic pancreatitis: recurrent pain; poor protein and fat digestion caused by inadequate production of digestive enzymes; and inadequate regulation of blood sugar and diabetes mellitus resulting from reduced production of hormones.


Since excessive or chronic consumption of alcoholic beverages is a main cause of pancreatitis, many cases can be prevented by avoiding such drinking behaviors. Many other cases can be prevented by removing gallstones before they block the pancreatic duct.


Treatments for acute pancreatitis primarily involve preventing or reducing its effects and complications. Surgical procedures may be required to repair or remove injured organs or remove gallstones. Abstinence from alcoholic beverages is often necessary.


Pain from chronic pancreatitis is relieved with analgesics, and enzyme insufficiency is rectified by ingesting enzyme supplements with meals. Mild cases of diabetes mellitus can be managed by regulating diet and exercise; more severe cases may require the administration of insulin. As with acute pancreatitis, surgery may be necessary, and abstinence from alcoholic beverages is often required.


Cancer   Like all cancers, pancreatic cancer involves uncontrolled reproduction of cells. Almost all cases involve cancer of the exocrine cells. Cancer of the pancreas is the fifth leading cause of death from cancer, and it accounts for 3 percent of all cancers and 5 percent of all deaths from cancer. Within the digestive system, only cancer of the large intestine occurs more frequently. The incidence of pancreatic cancer rises with age, and the incidence is highest among men over age 75. Several risk factors for pancreatic cancer have been identified; smoking cigarettes, eating a diet high in animal fat, eating many foods containing high amounts of nitrates and nitrites as preservatives (e.g., bacon, cold cuts), consuming much coffee, and having diabetes mellitus.


Cancer of the pancreas is especially dangerous because it is usually detected only after it has become quite advanced. Indications include being jaundiced, losing weight, having abdominal or back pain, and having symptoms of diabetes mellitus such as unusually high thirst, hunger, and excessive urine production. This cancer causes pancreatic failure, which includes poor digestion of proteins and fat, and diabetes mellitus. Pancreatic cancer often spreads through the hepatic portal system to the liver, where it causes liver failure.


The chances of developing pancreatic cancer may be lowered by avoiding smoking and other dietary risk factors. Avoiding risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as being obese and being sedentary, may also help.


Though surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have been employed as treatments for pancreatic cancer, no effective treatment for this disease is known. Pancreatic cancer is usually fatal within 1 year of the diagnosis.



© ©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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