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Chapter 13


Reproductive systems


The male and female reproductive systems each consist of a pair of primary reproductive organs or gonads (testes in men, ovaries in women) and a variety of accessory structures, including ducts, glands, blood vessels, external reproductive structures (genitalia), and, in women, breasts (Fig. 13.1). (Suggestion 265.02.02)







The gonads have two main functions. The first is the production of sex cells. The purpose of each male and female sex cell (sperm cell in men, ovum in women) is to unite with the other type and initiate the life of a human being. The second main function is the production of gonadal sex hormones. The main purposes of these sex hormones include stimulating the development, maintenance, and certain functions of the gonads and accessory reproductive structures. These hormones also influence structures and functions in other body systems (e.g., integumentary, circulatory, muscle, skeletal). Some of these activities contribute to homeostasis (Chap. 14).


Accessory Structures


The accessory reproductive structures may be considered to have four main functions, three of which are involved with reproduction.


Reproductive Functions   By helping to create new individuals, the three reproductive functions contribute to the survival of the human species. One reproductive function is helping to unite a sperm cell with an ovum inside the female reproductive system. Male reproductive structures seem to contribute most to this function when they assist in placing sperm cells into the female reproductive system during sexual intercourse. The second and third reproductive functions of the accessory reproductive structures are supporting the development of and giving birth to new individuals. These functions are performed by the female structures. The breasts help support development after birth when they provide nourishment to children.


Sexual Activity   The fourth main function of the accessory reproductive structures is performing sexual activity, which can enhance an individual's psychological well-being and social interactions. For example, sexual activity involving proper functioning of the accessory structures can provide intense physical pleasure, enhanced self-esteem, mood elevation, stress reduction, and a sense of being loved. Furthermore, it can be a means of establishing and maintaining an emotional and social bond. Finally, it can be a physical means to express affection, tenderness, and other positive feelings. However, sexual activity can be accidentally or intentionally misused. Incorrect, improper, or inappropriate sexual activity leads to many undesirable biological, psychological, social, and economic consequences.


In conclusion, a main role of the male and female reproductive systems is to act together to promote the survival of the human species. This is unlike other body systems, which generally maintain homeostasis only for the individual. The reproductive systems contribute to homeostasis indirectly, however, through certain effects of the sex hormones they produce and through the positive psychological and social effects of sexual activity.




The male reproductive system contains several paired tubular structures, including the testes, the epididymides (sing., epididymis), and the ductus deferentia (sing., ductus deferens) (Fig. 13.2, Fig. 13.3). There are also two pairs of glands: the seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands. The other important structures in this system occur singly and include the scrotum, the prostate gland, the urethra, and the penis. Finally, the scrotum and the area near the base of the penis are covered with pubic hair.




The two testes rest within the scrotum, a sack of skin and fibrous material suspended near the front of the body between the thighs (Fig. 13.4, Fig. 13.5). Each oval-shaped testis is divided into 250 to 300 sections by fibrous sheets, and each section contains up to four long, highly coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules. Each tubule may be up to 100 feet long, and the total length of all tubules in one testis is approximately up to 1/8 mile. Spaces among these tubules contain blood vessels and special cells called interstitial cells (Leydig's cells).


Vessels and Interstitial Cells   Blood flow through the testes delivers needed materials and removes wastes and sex hormones produced by the testes. The interstitial cells produce and secrete two male sex hormones: testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hormones are essential for proper sperm production, development and maintenance of male reproductive structures, development and maintenance of other male characteristics (e.g., deep voice, beard), and interest in sexual activity (libido). They also influence several other activities (Chap. 14).


Seminiferous Tubules and Sperm Production   The wall of each seminiferous tubule is many cells thick (Fig. 13.5). Many cells in the outer region of the tubule wall reproduce rapidly, and most of the newly produced cells move toward the central channel (lumen). As each cell moves toward the lumen, it undergoes a special type of cell division called meiosis, which results in the formation of four cells called spermatids. In men, meiosis is also called spermatogenesis. Each spermatid then matures into a long sperm cell through the process of spermiogenesis. Later, when fully mature, each sperm cell can initiate the life of a new human being by entering an ovum during the process of fertilization. Since sperm production occurs continuously throughout the nearly one-eighth of a mile of seminiferous tubules in each testis, a man produces several hundred million sperm cells a day.


The seminiferous tubule wall also contains large sustentacular cells (Sertoli's cells) (Fig. 13.5), which promote sperm production in three ways. First, they produce and retain androgen-binding protein (ABP), which binds testosterone and concentrates it in the tubules, stimulating sperm production. Second, these cells protect sperm-producing cells from attack by the immune system. Third, they nourish spermatids as they mature into sperm cells. The sustentacular cells also produce a sex hormone (inhibin) that helps regulate testosterone levels.




Epididymis   A series of conducting tubes connect the seminiferous tubules in each testis to an epididymis, a coiled tube behind the testis. Sperm cells and the small amount of fluid produced by the seminiferous tubules move through the conducting tubes into the epididymis. While being stored in the epididymis for 10 days or more, sperm cells become fully mature and capable of swimming. The epididymis also secretes a small amount of fluid that seems to contain nutrients for the sperm cells.


During sexual arousal and activity, contractions of the epididymis push the sperm cells and fluid into the tubular ductus deferens. Mature sperm cells that are not released from the epididymis within about a month are broken down chemically.


Ductus Deferens and Ejaculatory Duct   Each ductus deferens (also called vas deferens) passes up from the scrotum and into the body cavity (Fig. 13.2, Fig. 13.3). There, the ductus deferens loops over the urinary bladder from front to back and widens just before entering the rear of the prostate gland. Upon entering the prostate gland, the ductus deferens becomes the ejaculatory duct, which leads into the center of the prostate gland and joins the urethra. Rhythmic peristaltic contractions that occur during sexual activity propel the sperm from the ductus deferens into the urethra.


Urethra   The urethra passes through the prostate gland, exits from the body cavity, and extends through the penis to its external opening. Rhythmic peristaltic contractions of the urethra, which occur during the peak of male sexual response (i.e., during ejaculation), propel the sperm cells and accompanying fluids through the urethra and out of the body.




The successful delivery of functional sperm cells into the female reproductive system depends not only on the functioning of the reproductive ducts but also on secretions from reproductive glands (seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands) (Fig. 13.2, Fig. 13.3). The mixture of sperm cells and secretions released from a man's body during sexual activity usually contains 300 million to 500 million sperm cells and totals approximately 3 ml. to 5 ml. Almost all of this mixture—semen—consists of secretions from reproductive glands.


Seminal Vesicles   Approximately two-thirds of the semen comes from the seminal vesicles, which lie behind the urinary bladder just above the prostate gland. The wall of each seminal vesicle consists of three layers: an inner epithelial layer of secreting cells, a middle layer of smooth muscle, and an outer layer of fibrous connective tissue. Within the gland the wall is highly folded, producing many interconnected spaces that resemble a sponge.


The thick secretion from the inner layer of the seminal vesicle is stored in the internal spaces of the gland. This secretion contains a variety of substances, including water, fructose, and alkaline materials. During sexual activity contraction of the smooth muscle layer forces the secreted materials out of the spaces, through the duct in the seminal vesicle, and into the ductus deferens where it leads into the ejaculatory duct. The secretion then mixes with the sperm and fluids passing from the ductus deferens into the ejaculatory duct.


The water in this secretion dilutes the sperm cells so that they have more room to move. The fructose provides energy that allows the sperm cells to swim actively while trying to reach the ovum. The alkaline materials protect the sperm cells by neutralizing acid materials in the urethra and the female reproductive system.


Prostate Gland   The prostate gland surrounds the upper end of the urethra. It is slightly flattened and is little more than 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. It actually consists of numerous small glands that contain secreting cells and are surrounded by smooth muscle. In addition, fibrous material is found throughout the prostate gland and a distinct layer of fibrous material surrounds the entire gland.


During sexual activity, contraction by the smooth muscle forces the secretion from each small gland through its duct and into either the ejaculatory ducts or the urethra. The secretion then mixes with the sperm cells and other fluids. It contains water and alkaline materials, which serve the same functions as the corresponding substances in the secretions from seminal vesicles. Secretion from the prostate gland constitutes approximately 15 percent of the semen.


Bulbourethral Glands   The bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands) are located on opposite sides of the urethra just below the prostate gland. Each round bulbourethral gland is less than a quarter inch in diameter.


At the beginning of sexual arousal these glands secrete no more than a few drops of a clear slippery alkaline liquid into the urethra. The alkaline material helps neutralize acid materials in the urethra before contractions in the ejaculatory ducts push sperm cells into the urethra. This protects sperm cells from any acid urine in the urethra. In addition, some of the secretion often leaks out of the external urethral opening onto the end of the penis. This material (precoital fluid) lubricates the end of the penis and aids in inserting it into the vagina at the beginning of sexual intercourse.




The penis contains the urethra, three elongated masses of spongy erectile tissue, and several arteries and veins, all of which run parallel to the urethra ((Fig. 13.2, Fig. 13.3) and Fig. 13.4). One portion of the erectile tissue (corpus spongiosum) surrounds the portion of the urethra that passes through the penis. The other two erectile tissue masses (corpus cavernosa) are above the urethra and its erectile tissue. The spaces within the erectile tissue can be filled with blood from the penile arteries. Sheets of fibrous tissue surround all these penile components, and the surface of the penis is covered with skin.


Under resting conditions, the erectile tissues are narrow and soft because they contain little blood and the penis is flaccid (limp and flexible). In this state the penis is only a few inches long, though its length varies both from time to time and between individuals.


Erection   During sexual arousal dilation of penile arteries causes blood to enter and fill the erectile tissue spaces faster than the veins carry it away (Fig. 13.6). As a result, the erectile tissues expand and become firmer, causing the penis to widen and lengthen. As the erectile tissue expands, it compresses the veins and slows the exit of blood. This further increases the extent of erectile tissue engorgement. The restricting nature of the surrounding fibrous sheets causes the pressure in the filling erectile tissue to increase, and the penis straightens and stiffens. Collectively, these changes constitute the process of erection. Once erection is complete, the penis can be inserted into a vagina and semen can be deposited into the female reproductive system.


An erect penis is often more than 1 inch in diameter and measures 6 inches to 7 inches in length. The final dimensions of the erect penis vary somewhat between individuals and bear only a small correspondence to its dimensions in the flaccid condition.


Erection is a reflexive action controlled primarily by autonomic nerves. It can be caused by erotic physical stimulation (stimulation of the penis or scrotum) or by erotic mental processes (sexual fantasies). Other types of physical stimulation, such as having a full urinary bladder or mild irritation of the urethra, and certain other mental processes, such as those which occur during sleep, can also result in erection. Conversely, erection can be prevented or reversed by other physical stimuli (e.g., pain) and mental processes (e.g., fear).


The results of erection are reversed when blood flow into the erectile tissue is slowed by penile artery constriction. Then blood leaves the erectile tissue faster than it enters, and the penis returns to its flaccid state.


Pubic Hair


The skin of the scrotum is covered with fairly sparse pubic hair. A thicker mat of pubic hair covers the skin near the base of the penis.






On the average, the testes decrease in size and weight with age. The degree of shrinkage is highly variable among individuals and is not present in all men. Therefore, it may be caused by factors other than aging, such as poor nutrition and diseases in other parts of the body. Within the testes, the interstitial cells decrease in number but show no significant changes in structure. Changes in their production of gonadal sex hormones and the effects of those changes are described in Chap. 14.


Changes in the seminiferous tubules include thinning of the wall and narrowing of the lumen. At first, the changes occur in small and widely scattered patches. These modified patches increase gradually in size and number. In some places the lumen becomes so narrow that it completely blocks the tubule. Most of the age-related changes in the seminiferous tubules seem to be due to factors other than aging. Factors include declining blood flow caused by blood vessel changes; injury to the tubules by the immune system; and alterations in sex hormone production. Age-related compensatory increases in stimulatory hormones from the pituitary gland [luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)] may help minimize tubule alterations caused by other changes.


Because of these changes, there is an average decline in the rate of sperm production and a higher percentage of irregular nonfunctional sperm cells are produced. However, the decrease in sperm production is highly variable among men, and some men show no decline. Furthermore, sperm production never ceases in a healthy man because only some tubules stop production completely. In other tubules production slows only in the modified patches. Therefore, the reserve capacity for sperm production assures that the number of normal sperm cells produced by a healthy man always remains adequate for fertilization.




The effects of aging on the structure and sperm-carrying abilities of the ducts have not been well studied. There is no evidence that aging results in significant changes in their contributions to reproduction.




Seminal Vesicles   Age changes in the seminal vesicles have no known effect on their contributions to reproduction.


Prostate   Age changes in the lining and muscle layer of the prostate gland, which become thinner, are apparent by about age 40. At first the changes occur in widespread patches, but by age 60 essentially all of the prostate has changed. The thickening basement membrane and declining blood flow may reduce nutrient supply and waste removal and therefore may account for some of the shrinkage in the lining and muscle layer. None of the changes in the prostate seem to adversely affect its contributions to reproduction. However, increased binding of testosterone may promote the development of an abnormal condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy. In contrast to the prostate, most body structures show an age-related decline in the binding of testosterone.


Bulbourethral Glands   The decrease in fluid production by the bulbourethral glands is not sufficient to reduce their contributions to reproduction significantly.




Age changes in the penis appear between ages 30 and 40. The accumulation of fibrous material occurs first in the erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. Some years later fibrous buildup in the other two masses of erectile tissue begins. By age 55 to 60 all areas of erectile tissue show gradually increasing fibrosis.


Age changes in the penis seem to contribute to the gradual decline in the speed with which erection occurs. However, in healthy men under ordinary circumstances the penis retains the ability to become erect and enter a vagina and therefore to assist in placing sperm cells into the female reproductive system.




Although the testes function continuously, many activities in other parts of the male system are largely restricted to periods of sexual activity. During these active periods, the chronological sequence in which these parts operate is different from their anatomic sequence. In keeping with Masters and Johnson's thorough description of human sexual response, which forms the basis for the following discussion of sexual activity, this chronological sequence can be divided into five phases. These phases are listed in Table 13.1 along with bodily changes that occur in almost all instances (universal changes) and changes that occur less frequently (common or occasional changes).


Different men are affected by diverse intensities and combinations of factors. Therefore, there is great heterogeneity in age-related changes in sexual activity. Additional heterogeneity occurs because for each man, each incident of sexual activity may vary as a result of conditions such as physical environment, partner's involvement, mood, and length of time since the last sexual experience.


Excitement Phase


The excitement phase involves the development and persistence of several changes. Sometimes this phase may last for only a few seconds, while at other times it may be extended for many minutes.


The first action during this phase is erection of the penis. This is accompanied by reflexive contraction of the muscular sphincters below the urinary bladder so that urine cannot leave the bladder and injure sperm cells. These developments may be completed within several seconds and may be sustained for many minutes. The onset of erection is accompanied by or shortly followed by secretion from the bulbourethral glands. These three changes are often accompanied by other bodily changes, some of which occur more commonly than others.


Plateau Phase


As sexual arousal increases during the excitement phase, peristaltic contractions of the epididymis and ductus deferens move sperm cells and fluids into the ejaculatory ducts; as the penis reaches peak erection, the plateau phase begins. This phase is often accompanied by increases in the bodily changes seen during the excitement phase. Other changes may also occur. Up to this point distractions or a reduction in sexual stimulation may cause reduced or complete loss of erection and reversal of all the other concomitant sexual response changes. Renewed sexual stimulation can restore the conditions of the plateau phase.


At the end of this phase muscle contractions in the seminal vesicles and prostate gland force their secretions into the ejaculatory ducts and urethra. Simultaneously, the external urinary sphincter relaxes, allowing the semen to flow into the urethra. The internal urinary sphincter contracts forcefully, preventing semen from entering the bladder and preventing urine from leaving the bladder and entering the urethra.


Orgasmic Phase


The expansion of the urethra by semen often gives the impression that loss of voluntary control of sexual activity is imminent, and within a few seconds it triggers the orgasmic phase. During this phase completely reflexive rhythmic peristaltic contractions of the urethra, the other ducts, and muscles at the base of the penis force the semen out of the urethra (ejaculation). The first few contractions are the strongest and occur at intervals of slightly less than 1 second. After the first few contractions, the rhythm slows and the force of contraction diminishes. These activities are often accompanied by extreme levels of pleasurable sensations, which are usually centered in the penis, and by increases in the other changes that occur during the excitement and plateau phases. They may be followed by widespread perspiration. The orgasmic phase may last for a number of seconds.


Resolution Phase


As the orgasmic phase subsides, the penis begins to become flaccid. From seconds to minutes may be required to achieve a completely flaccid state. All the other bodily changes that occur during orgasm also quickly diminish and gradually disappear. This return to resting conditions constitutes the resolution phase.


Refractory Period

The resolution phase is followed by the refractory period, during which erection of the penis and the accompanying changes cannot occur. This period may last a few minutes to many hours, after which erection and the other activities in the cycle of male sexual activity may occur again.




Significant age-related alterations occur in the functioning of the male reproductive system during sexual activity. Some of these changes seem to be due to age changes within the reproductive structures. For example, alterations in erection seem to be due in part to an increase in fibrous material in the penis. However, many age-related changes seem to be due to age changes in other systems, abnormal and disease conditions, or other age-related factors. Let us consider five examples.


First, since much of the functioning during sexual activity depends on conscious sensations and reflexive actions, some age-related changes probably derive from age-related changes in the nervous system.


Second, since several events in male sexual activity (e.g., erection, scrotal tensing, testes enlargement) depend on substantial increases in blood flow to reproductive structures, some age-related changes seem to be due largely to age changes in arteries, atherosclerosis, and other age-related conditions that reduce the ability of the circulatory system to quickly increase blood flow to structures.


Third, advancing age is accompanied by increased use of medications, many of which adversely affect sexual functioning. Some medications for high blood pressure reduce erectile ability and the intensity of erection, many medications that regulate nervous system functioning (e.g., sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants) suppress erection and ejaculation, and certain hormones (e.g., ACTH) and drugs decrease blood levels of testosterone. In this case, deterioration of sexual activity occurs because the maintenance and function of reproductive structures require sustaining adequately high levels of testosterone.


Fourth, declining sexual performance by the reproductive system seems to be directly correlated with declining frequency of use, which occurs in many aging men.


Fifth, since sexual activity is highly influenced by psychological factors, some changes in sexual activity may result from age-related psychological changes such as a deteriorating self-image. These changes may result from age-related social or economic changes such as institutionalization, retirement, and loss of income.


These and other factors that seem to affect male sexual activity are discussed in the section on impotence, below.


Excitement Phase


Alterations in erection of the penis are perhaps the most noticeable age-related changes in the excitement phase. Major reasons for these changes include diminishing penile sensitivity to touch, increasing amounts of fibrous material in the penis, alterations (e.g., stiffening, narrowing) of arteries leading to and through the penis, and increased leakage of blood through veins that drain the penis.


Plateau Phase


Since the plateau phase consists largely of a heightening of the excitement phase, age-related changes in these phases are similar. Though most age-related changes in the plateau phase may be of little consequence, three of them seem to be significant. One is a more frequent inability to reestablish erection if it is lost because of decreased stimulation or distraction. The effect is entry into a refractory period without having achieved ejaculation. Such occurrences may be considered unsatisfactory attempts at sexual activity.


A second change, which is often considered desirable, is an increasing ability to delay ejaculation and prolong the plateau phase. By so doing, a man can extend his sexually aroused state and the duration of sexual intercourse and therefore may provide more stimulation for his female partner. As a result, the woman is more likely to achieve sexual satisfaction by attaining orgasm before the man ejaculates and loses his erection.


Third, the strength of contractions in the seminal vesicles and prostate and the amount of fluid forced into the ejaculatory ducts and urethra often become inadequate to initiate the sensation of imminent ejaculation. Therefore, ejaculation may begin with no warning sensations. By contrast, occasionally the perception of imminent ejaculation develops and lasts several seconds but is not followed by ejaculation. Both situations may diminish physical pleasure during the transition from the plateau phase to the orgasmic phase.


Orgasmic Phase


As the number and strength of ejaculatory contractions diminish, the duration of ejaculation becomes shorter. These changes may result from altered reflex functioning and the decline in the quantity of semen released. They are accompanied by a diminishing intensity of the pleasant sensations associated with ejaculation.


Resolution Phase


Most aspects of the resolution phase occur faster.


Refractory Period


The refractory period may last only a few minutes in young men. With advancing age, it may last from many minutes to several days.


In summary, as age increases, the activities and alterations in the male reproductive system that occur during sexual activity generally take longer to develop, reach lower peak levels, and return to resting conditions more rapidly. More time must pass before the next cycle of sexual activity can occur. However, the male reproductive system largely retains the ability to provide satisfactory sexual experiences.




The reproductive system in women contains certain paired structures, including the ovaries, the tubular oviducts, external genital structures (labia minora and labia majora), and breasts (Fig. 13.1, Fig. 13.7, Fig. 13.8Fig. 13.12). Important female structures that occur singly include the uterus, vagina, and clitoris (Fig. 13.11).


This section is abbreviated because reproductive functioning in women ends at menopause. Menopause usually occurs some time between ages 45 and 55 and is evidenced by the absence of menstrual periods for at least 1 year.




The ovaries are held in place within the lower region of the abdominal cavity by several ligaments (Fig. 13.9). Each ovary is shaped like a slightly flattened oval and is approximately the size of a large almond (2.5 to 5.0 cm long, 1.0 to 2.5 cm wide, 0.5 to 1.0 cm thick). The bulk of the ovary consists of the stroma, which contains fibrous material with many blood vessels  (Fig. 13.10). Embedded within the stroma and near its surface are many small clusters of cells called follicles. Each follicle contains an immature ovum. The entire ovary is surrounded by a thin layer of cells (germinal epithelium)..


Ovarian Cycles   Unlike the testes, which produce hormones and sperm cells at a fairly steady rate, ovarian functioning consists of a sequence of events during which hormones and ova are produced periodically. Since this sequence is repeated over and over, it is called the ovarian cycle (Fig. 13.10).


An ovarian cycle begins when two hormones (LH and FSH) from the pituitary gland stimulate the cells in a few follicles to make more follicle cells and secrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The blood levels of these hormones rise as the follicles grow and increase their hormone production. These hormones also cause the immature ovum in each stimulated follicle to begin to mature. For unknown reasons, one of the follicles develops faster than do the others, and after several days the other stimulated follicles begin to degenerate and become masses of scar tissue.


Approximately 14 days after the cycle has begun, elevated blood estrogen levels cause the pituitary gland to increase production of LH and FSH. The surge in these hormones causes the fully mature follicle to rupture and release its ovum in a process called ovulation. The freed ovum is then transported down the oviducts, where it degenerates unless it is fertilized within 3 days.


After ovulation, LH and FSH cause the ruptured follicle, which remains in the ovary, to grow into a mass called a corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces estrogen and great quantities of progesterone for about 10 days after ovulation. Then, as high levels of progesterone cause blood levels of the pituitary hormones to decline, the corpus luteum degenerates. As it does so, the production and blood levels of estrogen and progesterone fall sharply. The degenerated corpus luteum remains in the ovary as a pale mass of scar tissue. Once estrogen and progesterone levels have become very low, the pituitary gland initiates the beginning of the next ovarian cycle. Though a typical ovarian cycle spans 28 days, each cycle may vary by several days.


The estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovaries are required for the complete development and maintenance of female reproductive system structures and other female characteristics (e.g., body contour). The ovary also produces a very small amount of testosterone, which seems to stimulate interest in sexual activity (libido), just as it does in men. These three hormones also influence several other activities (Chap. 14).


Approximately 200,000 immature follicles are present in each ovary when ovarian cycles begin and sexual maturation occurs during adolescence. Once begun, ovarian cycles are repeated until menopause. Since usually only one follicle matures fully and releases its ovum during each ovarian cycle, not more than approximately 500 follicles release ova before ovarian cycles cease. Most of the other follicles degenerate into atretic follicles.




An ovum that has been ovulated enters the funnel-shaped opening of the nearby oviduct (uterine tube, fallopian tube) (Fig. 13.9). Each oviduct is approximately 10 cm (4 inches) long and extends from the region near its corresponding ovary to its point of entry into the upper part of the uterus. The wall of each oviduct consists of an inner lining of cells, a middle layer containing smooth muscle, and an outer layer containing fibrous material that helps hold the oviduct in place.


The cells covering the open end of the oviduct and lining its interior have motile projections called cilia. The cilia beat in an organized pattern that sweeps fluids from the body cavity into the funnel-shaped opening of the oviduct. The current produced carries each ovulated ovum into the oviduct. Movement of the cilia and peristaltic contractions of the smooth muscle keep the ovum moving toward the uterus, a journey that takes almost 9 days. The cells in the lining of the oviduct also secrete fluid that seems to nourish the ovum.


The oviducts also serve as an upward passageway for sperm cells deposited into the female system during sexual intercourse. This function is important because an ovum is viable for not more than 3 days after ovulation. Therefore, for fertilization to occur, the sperm must reach the ovum while it is in the upper third of the oviduct. The mechanism by which sperm cells move quickly up the oviduct while an ovum is carried downward toward the uterus is not clearly understood.


Ova that are not fertilized degenerate. However, once an ovum is fertilized, the embryo begins to develop immediately. It divides into many cells and begins to form a hollow sphere of cells before reaching the uterus. Secretions from the oviduct help support the development of the new individual by providing it with nutrients.




The uterus is suspended near the bottom of the abdominal cavity and has a broad upper region into which the oviducts enter. It is held in place by several ligaments and receives support from the muscular floor of the pelvic cavity, the urinary bladder, and the end of the large intestine. The uterus tapers to a narrow lower portion, the cervix, which protrudes into the vagina  (Fig. 13.7, Fig. 13.8). An average uterus in a young adult woman is 7.5 cm (3 inches) long and 5.0 cm (2 inches) wide at its broadest point.


Like the oviducts, the uterine wall is composed of three layers, but the two inner layers are much thicker. The innermost layer (endometrium) becomes especially thick when its growth is stimulated by estrogen and progesterone. The middle layer of smooth muscle (myometrium) is the thickest layer. The outermost layer contains much fibrous material that attaches to ligaments that hold the uterus in place. The uterine wall surrounds a narrow space called the uterine cavity, which connects the passageways in the oviducts with the central channel in the vagina.


Since the uterine cavity extends from the vagina to the oviducts, it serves as a passageway for sperm cells in the vagina to reach the ovum. Several days after fertilization, the embryo reaches and enters the uterus. The embryo remains adrift in the uterine cavity for a few days, after which it embeds itself into the endometrium.


The endometrium contributes to the formation of the placenta and thus nourishes the developing child until birth. The placenta also produces estrogen and progesterone, which further stimulate breast development and help maintain pregnancy. As the developing child and the placenta grow, the myometrium stretches to accommodate them. When prenatal development is complete, contractions of the myometrium (labor contractions) push the infant through the vagina and out of the mother's body.


Menstrual (Uterine) Cycles   Because of hormonal changes during an ovarian cycle, the uterus also undergoes cyclic changes. These changes constitute a menstrual cycle or uterine cycle.


A menstrual cycle begins within 3 days to 4 days after blood levels of estrogen and progesterone start to fall, near the end of the previous ovarian cycle. Since the endometrium is no longer strongly stimulated by these hormones, the arteries serving it constrict, resulting in inadequate blood flow to this thickened layer. Then, except for a thin layer of endometrial cells close to the myometrium, the endometrium dies and is shed along with some blood from the damaged vessels. This material passes through the central passageways in the cervix and the vagina and leaves the woman's body as the menstrual flow. The period of 3 days to 5 days required for endometrial shedding is often called the menstrual period, and the woman is said to be menstruating or "having a period."


By the time menstruation is completed, the next ovarian cycle has begun and blood levels of estrogen and progesterone rise. These rising hormone levels stimulate the remaining endometrial cells to proliferate, and the endometrium thickens considerably for the next 20 days. This prepares the endometrium to receive and nourish an embryo if fertilization and the embedding of an embryo occur. If embedding does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels fall and the menstrual cycle ends approximately 3 days thereafter, when the next menstrual period begins. Thus, the end of one menstrual cycle is marked by the beginning of the next. Since these cycles are controlled by and parallel ovarian cycles, both cycles take approximately 28 days.


If an embryo is embedded in the endometrium, the developing placenta produces hormones that stimulate the corpus luteum to continue hormone production so that menstruation does not occur. Therefore, the developing child is retained and pregnancy continues. Hormones from the placenta and corpus luteum also inhibit the production of LH and FSH by the pituitary gland and prevent additional ovarian cycles until birth has occurred.




The vagina is a tube approximately 7.5 to 10.0 cm (3 to 4 inches) long that extends downward behind the urinary bladder and urethra. It leads from the cervix to the outside of the body (Fig. 13.7, Fig. 13.8).


The wall of the vagina is thin and is composed of an inner lining of cells covering a layer containing smooth muscle, blood vessels, and much fibrous elastic material. Under resting conditions, the wall of the vagina is wrinkled and collapsed inward so that the inner surfaces touch and close its central channel. However, the wrinkles (rugae) and the elasticity of the wall allow the vagina to be stretched considerably in both length and width. This allows the entrance of a penis during sexual intercourse and the exit of an infant during birth.


The vagina makes five contributions to the reproductive functioning of the female system. It permits the menstrual flow to leave the woman's body; serves as part of the passageway for sperm cells to reach an ovum; helps sperm cells reach an ovum by accommodating the entrance of a penis and permitting the cells to be deposited close to the opening to the uterus; provides a warm moist environment for sperm cell survival; and provides a birth canal through which an infant can leave the mother's body during birth.


Since the vagina undergoes physical trauma during sexual intercourse and provides a relatively wide entry into a woman's body, its lining has three adaptations to resist abrasion and the entry of microbes. First, the lining cells form many layers which resemble the epidermis except that no keratin is present. The surface cells of the lining steadily peel away and are replaced by underlying cells. Second, lubricating fluids, which seem to seep through the lining from underlying blood vessels, help reduce friction during sexual intercourse. Third, lining cells contain glycogen, which is released from these cells after they peel away. Healthful bacteria in the vagina use the glycogen as a nutrient to produce acidic waste products that prevent the growth of harmful microbes. Sperm cells survive the acids because alkaline materials in the vaginal lubricating fluid and in semen neutralize the acids.


External Structures (Genitalia)


Externally, the vaginal opening is flanked by a pair of thin fleshy folds called the labia minora (Figs. 13.7, Fig. 13.8, Fig. 13.11). These folds also flank the urethral opening, which lies in front of the vaginal orifice. The labia minora meet a short distance in front of the urethral opening.


Under resting conditions, the free edges of the labia minora tend to meet at the midline and cover the vaginal orifice, inhibiting the entrance of microbes and foreign materials. The labia are very sensitive to touch because they have many sensory nerve endings. Their surface also contains many sebaceous glands. Between the rear of the labia minora and the vaginal orifice lie a pair of Bartholin's glands. During sexual arousal, these glands secrete a small amount of lubricating fluid.


To the side of the labia minora lie the labia majora, two thick fleshy folds that contain fat and have hair (pubic hair) on their exposed surfaces. These labia meet in front of the junction of the labia minora and blend with the mons pubis, a fatty hair-covered pad overlying the front of the pelvis at the center. As in the labia minora, the free edges of the labia majora meet under resting conditions and help block the entrance to the vagina.


The junction of the labia minora marks the location of the clitoris. Most of the clitoris is embedded between the front limits of the labia minora and the junction of the labia majora. However, the tip of the clitoris (glans) protrudes slightly just behind the junction of the labia minora. The clitoris is approximately 2.5 cm long and less than 1.3 cm wide.


The clitoris consists primarily of two masses of erectile tissue. Though much smaller, these masses correspond to the two masses of erectile tissue along the top of the penis (corpus cavernosa). Also like the penis, the clitoris is very sensitive to touch and its erectile tissue becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal.


Except for preventing the entrance of foreign materials and providing a small amount of lubricant, the external genitalia contribute little to the reproductive role of the female system. However, they make major contributions to the pleasurable sensations derived from sexual activity.




The breasts are attached to the layer of fibrous material that overlies the large chest muscles (pectoralis major) (Fig. 13.13). Except when a woman is pregnant, each breast consists mostly of fat tissue. The breast is divided by sheets of fibrous material into approximately 20 segments, each of which contains some glandular material (mammary glands). The glands remain small unless the woman becomes pregnant. During pregnancy, the very high blood levels of estrogen and progesterone stimulate them to enlarge. When a woman is not pregnant, the fat tissue makes the breast firm and the sheets of fibrous material support the breast, causing the breast to protrude from the chest wall.


The circular pigmented patch of skin on the front of each breast is called an areola. The nipple is the protrusion at the center of the areola. Both structures contain many sensory nerve endings which make them especially sensitive to touch. When the areola or nipple is stimulated by touch or other factors (e.g., cold) or when a woman becomes sexually aroused, smooth muscle cells contract and cause the nipple to become firmer and protrude farther, a process called erection of the nipple.


The reproductive role of the breasts is to help support the development of a child by providing nourishment after birth. This is accomplished when a hormone (prolactin) produced by the mother's pituitary gland after giving birth causes the enlarged mammary glands to produce milk. Another pituitary hormone (oxytocin) causes the breasts to eject the milk through ducts leading out of the nipples.




Aging of the female reproductive system can be divided into two phases, which are separated from each other by menopause. Menopause is the time when age changes in the ovaries cause menstrual cycles to cease for at least 1 year. The average age at which menopause occurs is 51, though it can occur any time between ages 45 and 55. Women who have not experienced menopause are called premenopausal, and those who have passed through it are called postmenopausal.


Women lose reproductive ability quickly during menopause. Female animals do not have menopause. Animals lose their ability to reproduce very gradually as they age, though there may be a few animals that have menopause (e.g., whales). Scientists speculate about why menopause occurs in humans and in essentially no other animals. One explanation rests on the great amount and length of care human infants require after they are born. Evolution by natural selection promotes menopause because it allows women to nurture children more effectively. Bearing more children at advanced ages would prevent women from devoting enough time and energy to nurture the children they already had. Women passed menopause could also help raise children from other women.


Menopause is important for two reasons. First, pregnancy, and therefore reproduction, is no longer possible because ovulation has stopped. Second, bodily structures and functions that are influenced by estrogen and progesterone undergo significant changes after menopause because blood levels of these hormones drop and stay low when follicles no longer mature. Some of these hormone-related age changes were described in Chaps. 4 and 9 (e.g., changes in blood lipoproteins, skeletal changes). These and other postmenopausal changes are also described in Chap. 14. This chapter will discuss premenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal age changes in the reproductive system.




Before menopause, as more follicles ovulate or become atretic, the number of follicles capable of ovulation decreases, and by age 50 almost no viable follicles remain. While the number of viable follicles is decreasing, the follicles that develop during each ovarian cycle develop less completely, fewer of them ovulate and form a corpus luteum, and therefore less estrogen and progesterone are produced. Eventually no follicles mature fully, ovulation ceases, ovarian cycles disappear, and reproduction becomes impossible. Since the occurrence of menstrual cycles depends on the hormones produced by ovarian cycles, menstrual cycles also cease and menopause occurs.


After menopause, the ovaries produce very small quantities of estrogen and progesterone, and this production gradually diminishes. These hormonal changes are responsible for many other changes, including most age changes in other parts of the reproductive system.




In spite of age changes, the oviducts do not entirely lose the ability to carry ova and sperm cells. Of course, this point is moot once ovulation ceases.




The most noticeable change in the uterus before menopause is a decrease in the degree of endometrial thickening during menstrual cycles. Since this decline is due to reduced ovarian hormone production, this change is observed most frequently during menstrual cycles that accompany ovarian cycles with no ovulation.


The menstrual flow resulting from cycles that have reduced endometrial thickening may be so slight that it is not viewed as constituting a true menstrual period. Menstrual cycles may seem to become very long because two or more cycles may occur before enough menstrual flow is produced to definitively mark the end of a cycle.


As the proportion of ovarian cycles involving no ovulation increases, the time between menstrual periods also increases. When no periods happen for 1 year, menopause has occurred. Note that occasional periods may occur after menopause. However, pregnancy becomes impossible when ovulation ends or when the endometrium fails to thicken enough to form a placenta capable of supporting the development of an embryo.


Both before and after menopause, the uterus often tips backward and settles lower in the abdominal cavity as its supporting ligaments weaken and surrounding structures shift. If the lowering of the uterus is excessive, it may descend into or through the vagina. This abnormal condition is called uterine prolapse. Uterine prolapse may also develop as a complication from childbirth or from surgery in the pelvic area.


After menopause, the entire uterus shrinks. It may decrease in size by 50 percent within 15 years after menopause and may eventually shrink to less than 2.0 cm in width.




Age changes have no significant effect on the reproductive functions of the vagina. However, they significantly reduce its role as a barrier against abrasion and microbes because as the vagina becomes smaller, thinner, and less elastic, it is more easily damaged by even mild physical trauma, such as friction during sexual intercourse. The increased risk of injury and the decline in lubrication are also more likely to result in pain from sexual intercourse. As the risk of vaginal injury rises, so does the risk of developing sores and vaginal infections. The risk of vaginal infections rises also because as age increases, the lining cells contain and release less glycogen. As glycogen declines, less acidic material is produced by healthful microbes and injurious microbes can flourish.


Finally, since the urethra lies immediately in front of the vagina, thinning of the vaginal wall increases the frequency of urethral and bladder irritation and inflammation (cystitis) from agitation of the vagina during intercourse. Painful urination and temporary urinary incontinence may result.


The rate of age changes in the vagina can be slowed by continued frequent sexual intercourse and by administered estrogen. Therefore, the undesirable consequences of these changes can be minimized. Topical application of estrogen-containing creams directly to the vagina is especially effective. In addition, because the postmenopausal vagina is relatively thin, much of the estrogen enters the blood and can have beneficial effects in other areas.


External Structures (Genitalia)


Though the changes in the vagina are the main reasons for the increased risk of developing vaginal infections, age-related shrinkage of the labia majora may also play a contributing role. This shrinkage causes the labia to remain separated more of the time, allowing microbes to enter the vagina more easily. Other age changes in the external genitalia are discussed in connection with age changes in female sexual activity, below.




Age changes in the breasts result primarily from the decline in ovarian hormones after menopause. Shrinkage of glandular material, increases in fat, and weakening of fibrous materials in the breasts reduce their firmness and support, causing them to sag and droop rather than protrude from the chest (Fig. 13.13). Breasts that have stretched fibers from years with little support from undergarments may show more sagging. These changes have significant cosmetic effects. Other age changes in the breasts are discussed in connection with female sexual activity.




The sequence of changes during female sexual activity can be divided into phases that resemble the phases seen in men. However, female sexual activity involves only the first four of these phases because women can pass from the resolution phase into another excitement phase without an intervening refractory period. Many women can even cycle between the plateau and orgasmic phases several times before entering a resolution phase. In addition and in contrast to the male system, the female system can perform its reproductive role without undergoing the changes involved in female sexual activity. If ovulation and endometrial development have occurred, all that is required for reproduction to begin is the placement of sperm cells into the female reproductive system.


Several changes occur during female sexual activity in young adult women (Table 13.2). These physical changes are accompanied by pleasurable sensations that vary in nature and degree from person to person and from one sexual experience to another. The intensity of these pleasurable sensations usually increases from the beginning of the sexual experience through much of the orgasmic phase and then subsides during the resolution phase.


This section is based largely on the work of Masters and Johnson. The previous comments on heterogeneity in sexual activity in men apply to sexual activity in women. Therefore, the age-related changes in female sexual activity described below represent typical alterations.


Excitement Phase


Erection of the nipples and lubrication of the vaginal lining are the first signs of sexual arousal and mark the beginning of the excitement phase. The lubricating fluid in the vagina eases entry of the penis and neutralizes some of the vaginal acids to prevent damage to sperm cells. Substantial nipple erection and vaginal lubrication may be achieved within seconds after sexual stimulation begins. Both conditions persist and may increase throughout the excitement and plateau phases.


Nipple erection and vaginal lubrication are quickly followed by changes in the clitoris and labia minora. Swelling of the labia minora, which results from an increased input of blood, causes the labia minora to double or triple in thickness and push outward. In so doing, they separate the labia majora and protrude from between them. Simultaneously, changes in the labia majora cause further separation, making the vaginal opening more accessible. Swelling of the breasts results from an increase in blood flow.


As the excitement phase progresses, the inner portion of the vagina opens. This change and others in the vagina, uterus, and glands seem to further prepare the vagina for the entry of the penis. Other changes occur toward the end of this phase.


Plateau Phase


Movement of the clitoris marks the transition from the excitement phase to the plateau phase. If flushing of the skin occurs, it may spread over more of the body. The changes in the vagina and labia minora result from increases in blood flow into these structures. Once these changes have occurred, the orgasmic phase is imminent.


Orgasmic Phase


The orgasmic phase begins with rhythmic contractions of the outer portion of the vagina. As happens during ejaculation in men, the first few contractions are the strongest and occur at intervals of slightly less than 1 second. After the first few contractions, the rhythm slows and the force of contraction diminishes. Vaginal contractions, which may number a dozen or more, are often accompanied by extreme levels of pleasant sensations.


Resolution Phase


As the vaginal contractions of the orgasmic phase subside, the resolution phase begins. The changes that occurred during the previous three phases are reversed, starting with the ones that began last. Thinning of the outer region of the vagina and fading of the color of the labia minora occur within a few seconds. Many seconds to several minutes may be required to completely reverse other changes and fully reestablish resting conditions. However, if sexual stimulation continues or is repeated any time after the orgasmic phase, restoration of resting conditions may cease. The changes of the excitement and plateau phases may then be repeated, and another orgasmic phase may occur.




Age-related changes in sexual activity in women result from diverse combinations of many of the same factors that produce these changes in men (e.g., age changes, less frequent sexual activity, nonbiological factors). However even more frequently than in aging males, sexual activity in aging females is subject to the effects of reproductive system diseases (e.g., cervical cancer) and hormone therapies (e.g., estrogen replacement therapy).


Excitement Phase


The only aspect of the excitement phase that remains essentially unaffected by aging is erection of the nipples. Because less vaginal lubrication is present, insertion and movement of the penis is more difficult and sexual intercourse may become painful. The decline in lubricant production seems to result primarily from a declining frequency of sexual activity. Older women who frequently participate in sexual activity maintain high levels of vaginal fluid production.


Difficulties from low lubricant production can be overcome by applying a lubricant either near the vaginal opening or to the penis before sexual intercourse. Lubricated condoms and slippery contraceptive materials can also be helpful.


Plateau Phase


During the plateau phase upward and inward movement of the clitoris changes little with age. Though there is less thickening of its outer region, the vagina narrows with age, and the final size of the passage though this region of the vagina remains the same.


Orgasmic Phase


As with the decline in vaginal fluid production, there is less of a decrease in the number of vaginal contractions in women who frequently engage in sexual activity. Painful uterine contractions may result from shrinkage of the uterus; they may be relieved by hormone therapy.


Resolution Phase


The pattern of changes during the resolution phase remains the same, though virtually all changes occur more rapidly and resting conditions are achieved more quickly.


In summary, as age increases, the activities and alterations that occur in the female reproductive system during sexual activity generally take longer to develop, reach lower peak levels, and return to resting conditions more rapidly. In spite of this, the female reproductive system largely retains its ability to provide satisfactory sexual experiences.





A brief examination of age-related alterations in the frequency and enjoyment (subjective quality) of sexual activity follows. Except where specific differences are noted, this discussion describes both men and women.


On the average, the frequency of sexual activity decreases with age. This decrease accompanies average declines in desire for, interest in, and enjoyment of sexual activity. However, the degree of change in these three parameters is highly variable among individuals, and some people experience increases rather than decreases in one or more parameters.


Contributing Factors


Among the most important biological factors that reduce the frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity is declining health of one of the partners, especially the man. Furthermore, the influence of declining health is often amplified by treatments that affect sexual functioning (e.g., medications, radiation therapy, surgery on reproductive or other organs). Other biological factors that tend to reduce the frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity include age changes in the reproductive, nervous, and circulatory systems; faster onset of fatigue; overeating; and excessive consumption of alcohol.


Menopause leads to an average reduction in sexual activity. However, it results in increased sexual activity for some women because they no longer fear pregnancy or because sexual activity helps prevent or reverse negative self-images resulting from menopause.


Male sexual activity is not affected by ordinary changes in testosterone levels until after approximately age 80. However, abnormally severe decreases in testosterone reduce the desire for sexual activity and adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive system.


The frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity are usually reduced by age-related social changes (e.g., loss of spouse, change in household) and psychological factors. Relevant psychological factors include fear of aggravating a heart condition, boredom from lack of variation in sexual expression, diminished self-image, perceptions of altered physical appearance, depression, stereotyping, and fear of failure. Conversely, especially for men, novelty in sexual activity (e.g., new spouse, modified types of sexual expression) may result in temporary increases in the frequency of sexual activity.


The consequences of economic changes may also diminish the frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity. For example, a reduced income may cause altered living arrangements (e.g., living with relatives) and an accompanying loss of privacy. Finally, institutionalization can create or amplify adverse effects in all these categories (biological, social, psychological, economic).


Making Adjustments


The physical, social, psychological, and emotional benefits of sexual activity continue to be important for many older people. Therefore, actions that prevent or ameliorate factors that adversely affect sexual activity can help maintain a high quality of life. Such actions include maintaining good health; accepting age changes (e.g., cosmetic changes, slowed responsiveness); and using compensatory strategies (e.g., lubricants, modified sexual techniques). When the frequency or enjoyment of sexual activity becomes unsatisfactory, medical and psychological evaluation and therapy can help identify and resolve problems.




Several abnormal and disease conditions affect the reproductive systems and become especially common or serious with advancing age.


For short videos on topics on interest, search Blausen. For Internet images of normal reproductive system structures or diseases, search the Images section of for the name of a particular structure or disease. For diseases, I highly recommend searching WebPath: The Internet Pathology Laboratory, the excellent complete version of which can be purchased on a CD.


Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy


In men, one of these conditions is benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), which is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.


Recall that the prostate gland surrounds the urethra immediately below the urinary bladder (Fig. 13.2). Though the prostate of most 40-year-old men has begun to shrink, in some men of this age it enlarges because of increases in fibrous material and muscle cells.


By age 40 few prostate glands have grown enough to cause problems. However, the percentage of men with substantially enlarged prostates increases with age so that approximately 90 percent of all men who reach age 80 have a prostate large enough to cause significant problems.


Causes   The causes of this abnormal growth are unknown, though age-related changes in sex hormones and increased binding of testosterone by the prostate are suspected to be contributing factors.


Consequences   Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a serious disorder primarily because the enlarged gland compresses the urethra. The resulting partial or complete blockage of urine flow is especially harmful to the urinary system because it promotes difficult and painful urination; enlargement and weakening of the bladder; bladder spasms; urinary incontinence; urinary tract infections; urinary stone formation; kidney malfunction; kidney damage; and impotence (see below). All these effects can reduce the quality of life, and most of them diminish the ability of the urinary system to maintain homeostasis.


Prevention and Treatment   Nothing can be done to prevent the initial abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland in men with BPH. However, BPH develops gradually and can be detected in the early stages. Once it has been discovered, treatments to prevent the adverse effects can be initiated.


The simplest method for early detection of BPH is to include evaluation of the prostate in an annual physical examination. Other conditions suggesting the development of BPH include (1) slow urine flow, (2) difficulty starting, continuing, or stopping urine flow, (3) discomfort or pain during urination, (4) frequent need to urinate, and (5) urinary incontinence.


Some cases of BPH can be treated by regulating dietary fluid intake and with medications. Many cases are treated surgically. One of the simpler surgical procedures, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), involves using surgical instruments to remove the inner region of the prostate piecemeal through the urethra. More advanced cases require more involved surgical procedures. Though these procedures rarely affect sexual functioning directly, their negative psychological consequences may adversely affect sexual activity.




The essential feature of impotence is an inability to engage in sexual intercourse because the penis is not sufficiently erect (not stiff enough) to be inserted into the vagina. In some cases (primary impotence) adequate erection is not achieved in spite of significant amounts of sexual stimulation; in other cases (secondary impotence) an adequate erection is achieved but subsides before insertion of the penis. See videos in Fig. 13.6.


Occasional incidents of impotence occur in many men at every age and are not considered abnormal. Impotence is considered abnormal only when it occurs in a high percentage of attempts at sexual intercourse. Opinions vary widely regarding what rate of impotence constitutes an abnormal frequency. Identifying abnormal impotence in older men is complicated because the refractory period may last for several days.


Abnormal impotence seems to be present in far less than 10 percent of men under age 40. Its incidence increases slowly between ages 40 and 50, though it seems to remain below 10 percent. The incidence rises slightly more rapidly after age 50, reaching perhaps 15 percent by age 60. Thereafter the incidence rises more rapidly, and impotence may be present in more than 50 percent of men over age 80.


Causes   The age-related increase in abnormal impotence occurs because of the age-related increase in both the incidence and severity of many factors that contribute to this condition. Since proper functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems is essential for erection, factors that adversely affect these systems contribute substantially to impotence. The highest ranking among these factors are medications, especially neuroactive drugs and drugs that reduce blood pressure; diabetes mellitus; and atherosclerosis. Other common contributing factors are nervous system diseases (e.g., strokes, dementia), surgery of reproductive or adjacent structures (e.g., prostate, rectum), and alcoholism. Less common contributing factors include hormone imbalances (e.g., inadequate testosterone production), malnutrition (e.g., inadequate zinc), and other diseases (e.g., emphysema, kidney disease). Many older men have more than one contributing factor. Aging of arteries in the penis may augment the effects of these contributing factors.


Probably more than 50 percent of all cases of abnormal impotence result primarily from one or more of these physical factors, though psychological factors may also contribute. Psychological conditions are the primary cause of all other cases of abnormal impotence, though some degree of physical impairment may also be present. Relevant psychological conditions include anxiety, depression, fear of aggravating a physical problem such as heart disease, boredom, lack of confidence (e.g., fear of repeated impotence), and poor self-image.


Note that virtually none of these factors are age changes. Therefore, contrary to a common stereotype of older men, becoming impotent is not an inevitable part of becoming old but an abnormal condition. Recall that unless abnormal or disease conditions develop, the male reproductive system retains the ability to perform its reproductive functions and its operations in sexual activity throughout life.


Consequences   The onset of abnormal impotence is of concern to many aging adults because it can cause extensive adverse psychological and social effects, including the breakdown of a relationship. Therefore, preventing, ameliorating, or eliminating abnormal impotence can provide a much higher quality of life.


Prevention and Treatment   Obviously, preventing impotence means avoiding or minimizing factors that contribute to its development. Chaps. 4, 6, 7, and 14 describe methods for avoiding or minimizing many relevant physical factors (e.g., diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, strokes). Good physical health, positive social interactions, and economic security also help prevent or minimize some contributing psychological factors.


When abnormal impotence occurs, identifying the specific contributing factors is the first step in establishing treatment strategies. Once the principal factors have been identified, appropriate treatments can be applied. This may involve reducing or removing the cause, which may include modifying medications, repairing blood vessels surgically, administering hormones, or instituting counseling or psychotherapy.


When reducing or removing the cause is impossible or unsuccessful, other techniques can be used. One involves injecting a vasodilating drug (e.g., papaverine) into vessels in or near the penis when erection is desired. External pumps that draw blood into the penis can be used to achieve erection. Various prostheses, pumps, and other devices that provide temporary or permanent erection can be surgically implanted into the penis or surrounding areas. Both the number and extent of treatments attest to the seriousness with which this disorder is regarded.


The drug sildenafil is a recent addition to treatments for impotence. Sildenafil is produced by Pfizer Labs and is sold under the brand name Viagra. The drug helps produce and sustain vasodilation of vessels in the penis by assisting the actions of nitric oxide (*NO).


During sexual stimulation and arousal, neurons stimulate the production of *NO in the penis and elsewhere in the body. The *NO causes smooth muscle cells in penile arteries to produce a special form of nucleotide - cyclic GMP (cGMP). The cGMP causes the smooth muscle cells to relax, allowing blood pressure to expand the arteries and produce erection. Eventually the cGMP is broken down by an enzyme (i.e., cGMP phosphodiesterase), the smooth muscle contracts, and the penis returns to the flaccid condition.


Sildenafil helps develop and sustain erection by inhibiting the enzyme the breaks down cGMP. By inhibiting the enzyme, more cGMP can accumulate and it can last longer, so erection occurs easier and lasts longer. When sildenafil is taken orally as the drug Viagra, it is absorbed within minutes. The sildenafil is slowly removed from the blood by the liver, so it becomes ineffective within a few hours.


The body contains at least six forms of the enzyme that breaks down cGMP. Different cells have different proportions of these enzyme forms. Sildenafil has a much greater effect on enzyme form 5, the form that predominates in penile vessels. Therefore, sildenafil has little effect in other parts of the body. However, since sildenafil has some effect on other forms of the enzyme, it may cause extra vasodilation in other vessels. For example, sildenafil affects vessels in the retina, leading to side effects in vision such as altered perception of blue and green colors. If sildenafil affects many body vessels, it can cause widespread vasodilation and low blood pressure. Blood pressure can become abnormally low if the effects from sildenafil are amplified by other medications. Examples include medications that promote *NO formation and medications for vasodilation that contain nitrates (e.g., nitroglycerine).


Prostate Cancer


Like all cancers, prostate cancer consists of cells whose relentless reproduction and spreading are not stopped by the body's normal regulatory mechanisms. See videos in Fig. 13.6.


Prostate cancer occurs rarely before age 50; its incidence rises steadily afterward. In men, the incidence of prostate cancer is second only to that of lung cancer. Prostate cancer ranks second to melanoma as a cause of death in men from cancer. For men over age 55, it is the third leading cause of death from cancer, exceeded only by lung cancer and colorectal cancer. The fact that cancer ranks second only to heart disease in causing deaths among older men highlights the importance of these statistics.


Causes   Since the causes of prostate cancer are not known, the specific reasons for the age-related increase are also unclear. The development of prostate cancer is not related to having BPH. Since prostate cancer is 50 percent more common in black males than in white males, a genetic factor may be involved.


Consequences   At first the cancerous cells remain within the prostate gland. As the mass of cells enlarges, the prostate compresses the urethra. Since this obstructs urine flow, the consequences are similar to those of BPH.


The cancer eventually spreads out of the prostate and usually invades the pelvic region first. Because cancer cells can be carried by blood and lymph, they also spread to other regions. Common sites include the vertebrae and other bones, the lungs, and the liver. Several organs may be invaded simultaneously.


The cancer destroys the normal structure and functioning of every part of the body it enters. The ability to sustain homeostasis deteriorates, illness develops, and death ensues. Three examples will be presented. First, prostate cancer weakens bones, causing pain and leading to fractures and their complications. Second, prostate cancer in the lungs may block airways, thicken membranes, fill air spaces, and cause hemorrhaging, significantly reducing respiratory functioning. Third, prostate cancer can severely impair many of the numerous functions of the liver and may cause problems similar to those caused by cirrhosis of the liver.


Prevention and Treatment   Since the causes of prostate cancer are not known, virtually nothing can be done to prevent its onset. However, as with BPH, early detection can lead to early treatment, which may prevent, delay, or minimize the effects. Unfortunately, prostate cancer produces few signs and symptoms until it is well developed. Since some cases can be detected by feeling the prostate during a rectal exam, such an examination should be part of an annual physical exam, especially for men over age 40. A newer and more convenient method involves evaluating blood samples for the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The PSA test is more accurate than other diagnostic procedures and is used to test many men. Ultrasound imaging (sonograms) is used to test for prostate cancer, and small pieces of the prostate can be removed and tested for the presence of cancer cells.


Sometimes the best treatment is to retest periodically to see how the disease is progressing. Prostate cancers that grow very slowly may require no further treatment. Sometimes prostate cancer is treated with radiation therapy, surgery, or medications that suppress testosterone production.


Vaginal Infections


In aging women changes in the vagina increase the risk of developing vaginal infections. Perhaps the most common type of vaginal infection which results from the age-related decrease in vaginal acidity is yeast infection. This type of infection often causes intense itching and is usually accompanied by excessive vaginal discharge.


Wearing underwear made of cotton and avoiding clothing that fits tightly in the genital area reduce the risk of developing vaginal infections. Yeast infections can be treated effectively with antibiotic creams or suppositories.


Breast Cancer


In aging women as in aging men, reproductive system cancers are common and serious disorders. The most common cancer of the female reproductive system is breast cancer. See videos in Fig. 13.12.


In women, the incidence of breast cancer is exceeded only by that of lung cancer. Breast cancer occurs in 10 percent of all women at some time. The rate of new cases increases with age throughout life, with the most rapid increase occurring between ages 45 and 65. For women over age 55, breast cancer is second only to heart disease as a cause of death.


Risk Factors   A woman's chances of developing breast cancer are increased by many risk factors besides age. One of the strongest factors is having a mother or sister with breast cancer, especially if it occurred during early adulthood or in both breasts. Other risk factors include using oral contraceptives containing estrogen, undergoing estrogen replacement therapy, drinking alcoholic beverages, being exposed to high doses of radiation, having no children, and, possibly, consuming a high-fat diet.


Consequences   Though the dozen or more types of breast cancer have various effects on the breasts, the most dangerous ones are those which tend to spread easily to other parts of the body. Spreading usually occurs through lymph and blood vessels. The structures more frequently invaded include certain bones (skull, vertebrae, ribs, pelvis), the lungs, the liver, and the kidneys. The loss of homeostasis resulting from fractures or inadequate functioning of other vital organs leads to illness and death.


Prevention and Treatment   In spite of the serious threat posed by breast cancer, most of the complications, illnesses, and deaths it causes can be prevented by early detection and treatment. Knowing and routinely checking for signs of breast cancer can be helpful. These signs include (1) a thickening or lump in the breast, (2) changes on the breast skin, areola, or nipples (e.g., wrinkling, puckering, sores), (3) enlarged lymph nodes near the armpits, and (4) irregularly shaped or asymmetrical breasts. These signs can be detected by monthly breast self-examination and by having a breast examination as part of a routine physical examination. However, the most effective way to detect breast cancer in the early stages is to receive mammograms (x-rays of the breast). An annual mammogram is especially recommended for women over age 45 because the risk of developing breast cancer increases markedly after that age.


Another important aspect of prevention is minimizing risks from estrogen intake by limiting the amount of estrogen used for oral contraception or estrogen replacement therapy, administering estrogen on a cyclic basis rather than continuous one, and including progesterone along with the estrogen.


When breast cancer is suspected, the preliminary diagnosis can be confirmed or negated by examining a sample of the tissue (biopsy). If cancer is present, the specific type and its extent are determined. Depending on the results of these investigations, treatment plans designed to cure the cancer or reduce the effects by slowing its progress are developed. Such treatment plans may involve surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.


Endometrial Cancer


Endometrial cancer is cancer of the uterine lining. It has the highest incidence among cancers of the female reproductive structures, occurring in slightly more than 2 percent of all women. New cases develop most frequently between ages 50 and 64. Risk factors include eating excess calories in the diet, having a lowered glucose tolerance, having no children, having relatives with endometrial cancer, and receiving estrogen therapy.


The risk of developing endometrial cancer can be reduced by avoiding overeating and adjusting estrogen therapies in ways similar to those recommended for preventing breast cancer. Once initiated, endometrial cancer reveals its presence by causing bleeding from the vagina between menstrual periods or after menopause. This type of cancer is not as dangerous as others because it is usually detected early. The most common indicator is abnormal bleeding from the reproductive system. Because endometrial cancer is usually detected early, it is easily and effectively treated by surgery and hormone therapy.


Ovarian Cancer


Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in occurrence among cancers in women and in older women, it ranks second among cancers of the female reproductive structures. Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other female reproductive system cancer and is the fifth leading cause of death for women.


Risk factors include never being pregnant, inhaling cigarette smoke, and estrogen replacement therapy. Avoiding or minimizing these factors can help reduce the incidence of this cancer. However, little can be done to prevent it from spreading and destroying other organs because it is difficult to detect before it is well established in many areas. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy usually can only slow its destructive progress somewhat.


Cervical Cancer


Cervical cancer ranks third in older women among cancers of the female reproductive structures. Recall that the cervix is the lower part of the uterus and protrudes into the upper part of the vagina ((Figs. 13.7, Fig. 13.8, Fig. 13.9). Cervical cancer occurs in 2 to 3 percent of all women before age 80. Most new cases develop between ages 40 and 60.


Risk Factors   The most important risk factor for cervical cancer is having sexual intercourse soon after sexual maturation. Other risk factors include having many male sex partners; having male sex partners who have had sexual intercourse with other women with cervical cancer; inhaling cigarette smoke; using oral contraceptives; and having sexually transmitted diseases such as human papillomavirus. This virus sometimes causes genital warts and often occurs together with genital herpes and chlamydia. Hence, the incidence of cervical cancer is higher in women with these diseases.


Consequences   Once present, cervical cancer usually spreads by infiltrating nearby organs. Later, it is carried to more distant organs by the lymphatics. Like other reproductive system cancers, it causes illness and death by destroying the structure and functioning of any organ it invades.


Prevention and Treatment   A primary strategy in the prevention of cervical cancer is avoiding or minimizing behaviors that increase its risk factors. Once cervical cancer begins, it provides few indications of its presence, though it may cause slight bleeding or a watery discharge from the vagina between menstrual periods or after menopause. However, cervical cancer can be easily detected in the early stages by a Pap smear, which involves examining a sample of cells scraped off the cervix. It is recommended that younger women and women with abnormal cervical cells have a Pap smear as part of an annual physical examination. Older women who repeatedly have normal Pap smears may require smears at 2- to 3-year intervals rather than annually. As with most cancers, early detection and treatment can prevent the development of complications, illness, and death.


If a Pap smear reveals the presence of cervical cancer, one or a combination of treatments (e.g., surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy) may be used to cure it or slow its progress.


Uterine Fibroids


One type of growth in the female reproductive system that becomes less of a problem as age increases after menopause is uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas. A uterine fibroid consists of a spherical mass of smooth muscle within the muscular wall of the uterus.


Uterine fibroids may begin to develop during or after puberty and may continue to grow until menopause. They occur in various sizes and sometimes become larger than a grapefruit. They usually develop in the upper part of the uterus, though they may occur anywhere in its wall. Uterine fibroids occur in 20 percent to 25 percent of women beyond age 35, and affected women often have more than one. Since uterine fibroids do not invade neighboring regions or metastasize, they are not cancerous.


Most women with uterine fibroids suffer no adverse effects. However, some fibroids cause excessive bleeding during menstrual periods, and unusually large ones may cause problems such as constipation, frequent urination, and kidney disease by putting pressure on adjacent structures. Finally, fibroids occasionally become painful. Treatment may consist of removing the fibroids and the affected part of the uterus or removing the entire uterus (hysterectomy).


Women with uterine fibroids who do not experience significant problems before menopause rarely develop fibroid-related problems afterward because fibroids shrink when blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decline. However, postmenopausal women on estrogen replacement therapy may develop fibroid-related problems because this therapy can cause fibroids to enlarge.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Both male and female reproductive systems are affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Commonly encountered examples include bacterial types (e.g., gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia) and viral types (e.g., herpes type II, human papillomavirus, AIDS). The incidence of STDs is much lower among older people than among younger adults, perhaps because older people have sexual encounters with fewer partners. However, increasing age seems to have little impact on the causes, effects, methods of prevention, and treatments for STDs. Therefore, these diseases are not discussed in this book.


© ©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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