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Chapter 12


Urinary System


The Y-shaped urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urethra (Fig. 12.1). The bean-shaped kidneys lie behind the organs in the abdominal cavity. The kidneys perform this system's main functions for homeostasis. In doing so, they slowly produce urine, which passes through the ureters and into the urinary bladder, where it is temporarily stored. When the bladder becomes partially filled, it contracts, forcing the urine through the urethra and out of the body.


For short videos on topics on interest, search Blausen. For Internet images of normal urinary system structures or diseases, search the Images section of for the name of a particular structure or disease.



Main Functions for Homeostasis


Several systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, and digestive systems, play major roles in maintaining chemical homeostasis; the urinary system completes this list. Besides regulating numerous chemicals, the urinary system assists other systems in regulating blood pressure.


The urinary system makes seven contributions to homeostasis. Each activity is adjusted to compensate for changing body conditions. Each kidney function is regulated by the nervous system, the endocrine system, or the characteristics of the blood flowing through the kidneys.


Removing Wastes and Toxins


One function of the urinary system is removing wastes and toxins (e.g., heavy metals, dyes) from the blood. Major waste materials removed include urea, uric acid, and ammonia, which result primarily from the metabolism of amino acids and proteins, and creatinine from muscle cells. Although body concentrations of urea and creatinine can become relatively high before causing significant harm, slight elevations in uric acid cause the formation of irritating crystals (e.g., gout), and ammonia is highly toxic at very low concentrations. Many drugs, which can reach toxic levels, are also removed.


Regulating Osmotic Pressure


Osmotic pressure is the total concentration of dissolved materials in a liquid. Since water and many dissolved substances can pass through capillary walls, the osmotic pressures of the blood and the fluid surrounding body cells (interstitial fluid) are equal. The kidneys regulate the osmotic pressure of blood and therefore that of interstitial fluid by adjusting the amounts of water and dissolved materials that leave the body in urine.


If the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is the same as the osmotic pressure inside body cells, osmotic homeostasis exists and the cells remain the same size. However, if the osmotic pressure surrounding the cells rises, water will leave the cells by the process of osmosis, causing them to shrink and their contents to become more concentrated. Conversely, if the osmotic pressure surrounding the cells falls, water will diffuse into the cells, causing them to swell and their contents to become dilute. In either situation the cells malfunction because their structure and chemical concentrations are disturbed. Swelling of brain cells is especially dangerous because the excess pressure that develops inside the skull causes neuron injury and malfunctioning.


Though all substances dissolved in the interstitial fluid contribute to its osmotic pressure, the ratio between water and sodium is the main determinant of its osmotic pressure. Therefore, the kidneys maintain osmotic homeostasis primarily by adjusting the amounts of water and sodium that remain in the blood and the amounts excreted in the urine. The kidneys must frequently alter these amounts to compensate for factors that alter osmotic pressure, including changes in intake (e.g., drinking fluids, eating salty foods) and output (e.g., perspiring, having diarrhea).


Maintaining Individual Concentrations


The urinary system maintains individual homeostatic concentrations of specific minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Each mineral is important for specific cell activities and must be available at the correct concentration for these activities to occur properly. The kidneys adjust the retention and excretion of each substance individually, compensating for changes in input (e.g., eating) and output (e.g., perspiring, bleeding).


Maintaining Acid/Base Balance


Maintaining acid/base balance (pH homeostasis) is important because disturbances disrupt molecular structure and functioning (e.g., enzymes). Many body activities tend to disturb acid/base balance because they produce acids (e.g., carbonic acid, lactic acid, ketoacids). Acid/base balance can also be disturbed by ingesting acidic substances such as vinegar and citrus fruits, ingesting alkaline substances such as sodium bicarbonate and other antacids, or changing CO2 levels through altered respiratory system functioning. The kidneys help compensate for such disturbances and thus help maintain acid/base balance by adjusting acid and buffer materials (e.g., sodium bicarbonate) in the blood.


Regulating Blood Pressure


The kidneys help regulate blood pressure by adjusting the amount of water retained in the blood and thus help determine the volume of blood in the vessels. Low blood pressure can be increased by retaining more water, and high blood pressure can be reduced by allowing more water to leave in the urine.


The kidneys also influence blood pressure by secreting an enzyme (renin) when blood pressure in the kidneys is low. This enzyme causes the formation of another substance in the blood (angiotensin II), which results in increased production of the hormone aldosterone. Angiotensin II and aldosterone increase blood pressure by causing small arteries to constrict and causing the kidneys to retain more water. Conversely, when blood pressure rises, less renin is produced. Then blood pressure can drop back to normal because vessels can dilate and more water can leave in the urine.


Activating Vitamin D


The urinary system helps maintain proper calcium concentrations not only by directly adjusting the retention and excretion of calcium but also by activating vitamin D. Fully activated vitamin D from the kidneys is needed for adequate absorption of calcium by the small intestine and proper calcium retention by the kidneys.


Regulating Oxygen Levels


The urinary system helps regulate oxygen levels. When oxygen levels are low, the kidneys secrete a hormone (erythropoietin) that stimulates red blood cell production in bone marrow. When red blood cells increase, more oxygen enters the blood in the lungs. Conversely, high oxygen levels inhibit erythropoietin production, leading to slower RBC production. As the number of RBCs declines through normal attrition, oxygen levels decrease.




Since the kidneys are virtually identical to each other in structure and functioning, we will consider only the right kidney here.


Blood Vessels


As shown in Fig. 12.1, blood vessels enter and leave the kidney where it is indented. The arteries branch into smaller vessels as they pass through the inner region (medulla) of the kidney (Fig. 12.2). These branches curve over the segments of the medulla and then send smaller arterial branches to the outer region (cortex). Within the cortex, each of the smallest branches (afferent arterioles) leads into a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus. Another tiny artery (efferent arteriole) leaves the glomerulus and leads into another group of capillaries (peritubular capillaries), which surround small kidney tubules. Blood from these capillaries is collected into veins, which carry it back through the medulla and out of the kidney.


The capillaries that constitute each glomerulus are much more porous than are other capillaries. Blood pressure causes much of the water and most small molecules in the blood, including both desirable and undesirable substances, to pass through the glomerular wall by the process of filtration. The filtrate that has passed through the glomerular wall is captured by a double layer of kidney cells called Bowman's capsule, which surrounds the glomerulus. The filtrate then passes into a twisted tube called the renal tubule, which has three sections, the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and the distal convoluted tubule. (Fig. 12.3). Meanwhile, blood cells, large molecules such as proteins, and some water and small molecules remain in the glomerulus and then flow through the efferent arteriole.


Tubules and Collecting Ducts


Different types of kidney cells compose each region of the renal tubule, and one region of the tubule (the loop of Henle) passes through the center of the kidney. As the filtrate passes through each region of the tubule, the tubule cells send desirable materials in the filtrate into the blood in the surrounding capillaries. These materials include essentially all the glucose and amino acids, much of the water and sodium, and smaller amounts of minerals such as calcium. This retrieval process is called reabsorption (Fig. 12.4). At the same time, the tubule cells cause undesirable materials remaining in the blood to move into the fluid within the tubule by the process called secretion (excretion). Finally, more water is reabsorbed as the fluid passes through the collecting duct. The solution of wastes, toxins, and other undesirable materials remaining in the collecting duct is urine. Urine passes from the kidney into the ureter, which transports it to the urinary bladder.




The kidney has approximately 1 million glomeruli, each of which is associated with a Bowman's capsule and a renal tubule. The combination of these three structures is called a nephron (Fig. 12.2, Fig. 12.3). All nephrons function in a similar though not an identical manner. One noteworthy difference is that nephrons with glomeruli close to the medulla (juxtamedullary nephrons) seem to be especially important for reabsorbing water.


Overall Functions


Urine formation involves the three processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. The rate and amount of each of these processes are carefully adjusted so that blood leaving the kidneys can compensate for any factors that tend to disturb homeostasis with respect to waste and toxin levels, osmotic pressure, the concentrations of many individual substances, acid/base balance, and blood pressure. Adjustments are made based on the quality of blood passing through the kidney and many regulatory substances including hormones, nitric oxide (*NO), and sympathetic nerves. Tubule cells also add correct amounts of vitamin D and erythropoietin to the blood. Thus, the kidneys perform all the urinary system functions for homeostasis.


Under favorable living conditions, such as having comfortable temperatures, proper diet, and moderate exercise, as little as 30 percent of the working capacity of both kidneys is needed to maintain homeostasis. The additional reserve capacity becomes important when conditions are less favorable, such as when high temperatures cause profuse sweating or the diet contains excess water. However, even the most fully functional kidneys can be overburdened by extreme conditions such as complete water deprivation. Therefore, in healthy adults there is a range of living conditions within which the kidneys can maintain homeostasis. Conditions outside this range overwhelm the powers of compensation of the kidneys and lead to loss of homeostasis, cell and body malfunction, illness, and possibly death.


Age Changes in Kidneys


Aging causes the kidneys to gradually decrease in length, volume, and weight. The decline in size may begin as early as age 20, and the resulting changes are evident by age 50. Shrinkage of the kidneys continues thereafter. (Suggestion 258.01.03)


Blood Vessels


The loss of kidney mass seems to result primarily from declining blood flow through the kidneys caused by degenerative changes in the smaller arteries and glomeruli. The smaller arteries, including arterioles attached to glomeruli, become irregular and twisted. Glomeruli can be injured by *FRs, glycation of proteins, imbalances between substances causing vasodilation and vasoconstriction, and by excess cell formation. Functional glomeruli are lost gradually, beginning before age 40. By age 80, 40 percent of the glomeruli may stop functioning. From 20 to 30 percent of glomeruli that stop functioning become solidified, and this stops all blood flow through them. Increasing numbers of other glomeruli have their capillaries replaced by one or a few arterioles that permit blood flow while preventing filtration. These shunts develop predominantly in glomeruli close to the medulla. Many remaining glomeruli become smoother and have thicker and declining surface area. These latter changes reduce their filtration rates.


Renal Blood Flow


The amount of blood flowing through kidney vessels is called renal blood flow (RBF), and age changes in kidney vessels significantly decrease RBF. The decline may begin as early as age 20 and is apparent in most individuals during the fifth decade. The average decline in RBF is 10 percent per decade, though many individuals have more rapid decreases with age. There is a greater decline in blood flow through peripheral cortical nephrons than through glomeruli close to the medulla (juxtamedullary nephrons) and the medulla itself.


This decline seems to be the main reason for most reductions in the functional capacity of the kidney, including filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. In addition, age changes seem to reduce the ability of kidney vessels to dilate and constrict and therefore to adjust kidney blood flow. This change reduces both the speed of kidney functioning and the extent to which it may increase or decrease to meet alterations in body conditions. The greater decline in blood flow in the cortical region compared with the medulla also seems to contribute to the decline in the ability of the kidneys to reduce water loss. This change reduces the ability to compensate for high osmotic pressure.


Some older individuals are at risk for even greater reductions in RBF and kidney functioning because certain abnormal or disease conditions cause less blood to pass through the kidneys. Examples include dehydration, atherosclerosis of kidney arteries, weak heart function, and edema from protein malnutrition or cirrhosis. Renal blood flow is also reduced by certain pain-relieving medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which lead to vasoconstriction of kidney arterioles.


Glomerular Filtration Rate


One main effect of age changes in glomeruli and a declining RBF is a declining rate of filtration through the glomeruli [glomerular filtration rate (GFR)]. The GFR usually begins to drop between ages 30 and 35. However, both the age at which GFR begins to drop and the rate of decline vary greatly among individuals. In some older individuals GFR may remain steady or improve for years before declining again.


A decline in GFR is important because it reduces the elimination rate of many undesirable substances by filtration and secretion. Examples include acids, urea, uric acid, creatinine, toxins, and certain antibiotics, NSAIDs, and other drugs. Therefore, these substances may accumulate in the body and reach hazardous levels. Reductions in GFR also limit the ability of tubules to adjust the retention or elimination of materials such as water, sodium, and potassium.


Normal individual variability in the changes in GFR, together with difficulties in accurately measuring GFR, increases the possibility of making errors in establishing GFRs for older individuals. Such errors can lead to other errors in making dietary recommendations or prescribing drug doses.


Tubules and Collecting Ducts


Age changes in blood vessels are accompanied by age changes in tubules. The tubules become thicker, shorter, and more irregular as their cell numbers decrease. These changes seem to have little effect on the functioning of individual tubules. However, the total capacity for reabsorption and secretion by kidney tubules is reduced because of the decrease in GFR, which supplies filtrate to the tubules, and because whole nephrons stop functioning, shrink, and are lost. The loss of nephrons whose glomeruli are close to the medulla exceeds the loss of more peripheral nephrons.


Little information about age changes in collecting ducts is available, suggesting that these ducts undergo few age changes. There are conflicting views about whether there is an age-related decline in the responsiveness of the collecting ducts to hormones that promote water reabsorption.


Other Changes


Renin   One way by which the kidneys regulate blood pressure is by adjusting the production of renin. The kidneys also produce renin when osmotic pressure or sodium concentrations are abnormal. Renin indirectly causes tubules to reabsorb more sodium and secrete more potassium. Therefore, adjusting renin production helps regulate blood pressure, along with osmotic pressure and concentrations of sodium and potassium.


Aging causes a gradual decrease in renin production by the kidneys, and the kidneys become less sensitive to messages initiated by renin. These changes decrease further the ability of the kidneys to maintain homeostasis of osmotic pressure, sodium and potassium concentrations, and blood pressure.


Vitamin D Activation   Aging causes a decline in vitamin D activation by the kidneys, especially after age 65. Lower vitamin D activation promotes calcium deficiencies, bone fractures, and osteoporosis.


Women experience dramatic decreases in vitamin D activation before age 65 because estrogen, which stimulates vitamin D activation, drops precipitously at menopause (approximately age 50). In women, the combination of aging of the kidneys and hormonal changes results in a greatly reduced vitamin D supply and is a major reason for the higher incidence of osteoporosis among postmenopausal women.




In summary, there is an age-related decline in the reserve capacity of the kidneys for maintaining homeostasis of osmotic pressure, concentrations of sodium and potassium, acid/base balance, and blood pressure. Elimination of wastes and toxins becomes slower, and less vitamin D is activated. As with age changes in other parts of the body, these changes begin at different times and progress at different rates. The ability to produce erythropoietin to regulate oxygen levels declines, which increases the risk of anemia. Age changes in the ability to regulate substances such as calcium and magnesium have not been well studied.


In spite of the gradual decline in many kidney functions, healthy people enter adulthood with enough kidney reserve capacity so that under favorable living conditions there is ample functioning to maintain homeostasis regardless of age. However, the declining kidney capacity results in a narrowing of the range of conditions over which the kidneys can provide compensatory adjustments. This narrowing in range, together with certain age changes and many age-related abnormal and disease changes, increases the chances that excessive demands will be placed on the kidneys. Therefore, as people get older, there is a greater likelihood that the frequency, extent, and duration of excursions outside the urinary system's adaptive capacity and beyond the bounds of homeostasis will occur. This necessitates greater conscious effort to prevent such excursions and, when they occur, to correct the conditions causing them.


The relationships between the kidneys and medications change in several ways as age increases. Age changes in the kidneys reduce their ability to destroy some drugs (e.g., morphine) and to eliminate others in the urine (e.g., aspirin, NSAIDs, antibiotics). The effects of these age changes may be enhanced or reduced by diseases (e.g., circulatory diseases, cirrhosis, urinary tract infections, kidney diseases), by some medications (e.g., NSAIDs, diuretics), and by age-related decreases in total body water and increases in percent body fat. Therefore, as age increases, types and doses of all medications should be selected in a more individualized and careful manner to provide effective therapy while minimizing the risks of complications.


Abnormal and Disease Changes in Kidneys


Aging is associated with an increase in the risk of developing kidney diseases such as infections. However, the age-related rise in most kidney diseases results from an increase in factors outside the urinary system that cause adverse changes in the kidneys. Examples include age changes such as reduced white blood cell functioning, abnormal conditions such as autoimmune problems and drug toxicity, and diseases such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and prostatic hypertrophy. Abnormal and disease conditions in the kidneys can be prevented or minimized by avoiding, compensating for, or treating these nonurinary factors.


Abnormal and disease conditions of the kidneys become more important with age because aging has already reduced some kidney functions. Many conditions are serious threats since the kidneys play several essential roles in maintaining homeostasis. However, abnormal and disease conditions of the kidneys are not discussed in this book because they become neither sufficiently more frequent nor unusual in the elderly and are not among the most common disorders in older people.


For short videos on topics on interest, search Blausen. For images of diseases, I highly recommend searching WebPath: The Internet Pathology Laboratory , the excellent complete version of which can be purchased on a CD.

For a photo of urinary bladder stones, go to Preserved  Specimen Photos .




Urine passes through the ureter from each kidney and enters the urinary bladder (Fig. 12.1). Occasional waves of peristalsis in the muscle layer in each ureter pump urine toward the bladder. Gravity may assist the flow of urine through the ureters. The ureters seem to undergo no significant age changes.


Urinary Bladder


The urinary bladder is located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity (Fig. 12.1). It has a smooth inner lining, a middle layer of smooth muscle, and an outer fibrous layer. The muscle layer, the detrusor muscle, is fairly thick (Fig. 12.5).


As urine enters the bladder from the ureters, the bladder wall is stretched. It can expand enough for the bladder to accommodate approximately 1 liter of urine, though the bladder usually empties before it has been filled to capacity. Emptying is accomplished by contraction of the muscular wall of the bladder and simultaneous relaxation of muscles in and around the urethra. Once emptying begins, reflexes cause it to continue until all urine has been voided. However, voluntary impulses and muscle contractions can stop bladder emptying before all urine has been eliminated. Since emptying involves the coordinated actions of the bladder, the urethra, and other muscles and nerves, this function is discussed in detail after the section on age changes in the urethra.


Age Changes


Aging causes the bladder to become smaller. Bands of tissue develop within the bladder and fibrous material in the bladder wall increases. These changes reduce the bladder’s ability to stretch and contract. Consequently, the bladder empties less completely and the maximum capacity of the bladder declines. Incomplete emptying of the bladder increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections from bacteria that remain in the bladder. The declining bladder capacity results in frequent emptying, which becomes inconvenient. When the bladder must be emptied three or more times during the night, the condition is called nocturia. Nocturia disrupts sleep and increases the risk of falls from nighttime visits to toilet facilities. Age-related factors that increase urine production also contribute to nocturia. Finally, the age-related increase in spontaneous spastic contraction of bladder muscle (i.e., unstable bladder) increase nocturia and the risk of unintentional release of urine.




The urethra begins at the base of the bladder, extends through the layer of voluntary skeletal muscle at the bottom of the pelvis, and ends at an opening on the surface of the body, the external urethral meatus. The male urethra is several inches longer than the female urethra because it extends through the penis (Fig. 12.5).


The urethra has the same three layers found in the bladder, though the muscle layers in the urethra are thinner. In addition, the beginning of the urethra contains a ring of smooth muscle, the internal urethral sphincter. When contracted, this sphincter prevents urine from flowing from the bladder into the urethra. A second ring, composed of voluntary skeletal muscle (external urethral sphincter), encircles the urethra where it passes through the floor of the pelvis. Contraction of both this sphincter and the muscular floor of the pelvis can also prevent urine from passing through the urethra. Note that in men the prostate gland, which functions as part of the reproductive system, encircles the urethra just below the bladder.


Age Changes


The urethra as a whole becomes thinner with aging, causing increased susceptibility to injury. Thinning of the skeletal muscle seems to cause weakening of the external urethral sphincter. These changes are greater in women and seem to result largely from the decrease in estrogen after menopause.


The combination of urethral thinning and weakening of the urethral sphincter reduces the control of urination. However, significant problems such as urethral inflammation and urinary incontinence (inappropriate elimination of urine) develop only when other factors contribute to them.




Elimination of urine from the bladder is called urination, micturition, or voiding. This process is similar in operation to the elimination of feces. When the bladder is empty, its muscular wall is relaxed and the internal urethral sphincter is contracted. As urine from the ureters enters the bladder, the bladder stretches outward. After 200 to 300 ml of urine has entered the bladder, pressure in the bladder rises and is detected by sensory neurons. Impulses are sent by nerves to the spinal cord and brain, causing the person to perceive the need to void. At this point autonomic impulses from the spinal cord reflexively stimulate contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter, causing urine to flow out through the urethra. However, urination can be prevented by voluntary impulses from the brain that suppress the impulses from the spinal cord and cause contractions of the external urethral sphincter and muscles in the pelvic floor.


If urination is voluntarily prevented, the perception of fullness and pressure in the bladder subsides. Bladder filling, bladder stretching, and increasing pressure continue until the sensory neurons are stimulated enough to again cause the sensation of fullness. Once again reflex voiding is initiated, and bladder emptying can be voluntarily prevented. This process can be repeated until the pressure rises high enough and impulses from neurons that detect bladder pressure become powerful enough to override efforts to retain the urine.


In most circumstances, maximum bladder filling and very high pressures do not develop because voluntary impulses that suppress voiding are purposely stopped. Then reflex contraction of the bladder, together with relaxation of both urethral sphincters and the pelvic floor muscles, results in forceful elimination of urine through the urethra. Once initiated, voiding usually continues reflexively until the bladder is empty, at which point the bladder relaxes and the internal urethral sphincter contracts again. Voiding can be stopped before complete emptying has been achieved by voluntarily contracting the external urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.


Urination can occur voluntarily as long as the bladder contains some urine. Then voluntary contraction of abdominal muscles causes bladder pressure to rise, initiating the voiding reflex. Then voluntary relaxation of the external sphincter and pelvic floor muscles permits urine flow.


Age Changes


Age changes in the sensory nerves associated with the bladder cause a declining ability to detect bladder stretching and pressure; some individuals lose all ability to perceive bladder fullness. These sensory changes increase the risk of prolonged urine retention and therefore urinary incontinence. However, the effects of age changes in the bladder usually override the effects of changes in the sensory neurons and cause voiding to occur more frequently and at lower bladder volumes.


Urinary Incontinence


Adequate control of urination is retained regardless of age unless abnormal or disease conditions reduce it. Since the incidence and severity of many of these conditions and diseases increase with age, the incidence of abnormal and inadequate control of urination also rises with age.


One form of inadequate control that becomes more common as age increases is urinary incontinence. Estimates of its incidence vary widely depending on both the strictness applied in defining this condition and the techniques used to identify it. Among noninstitutionalized people over age 65, 5 percent to 15 percent of men and 11 percent to 50 percent of women have at least temporary urinary incontinence. However, at least 50 percent of institutionalized elderly people have urinary incontinence. The ratio of occurrence between elderly hospitalized women and men is approximately 2:1.


The very high incidence of urinary incontinence among institutionalized individuals occurs because incontinence is a main reason for institutionalizing older individuals and because many other conditions leading to institutionalization contribute to it. Examples include dementia, strokes, and severe physical disability.


Types   Four distinct types of urinary incontinence can be identified. Some individuals may have two or more types simultaneously. Overflow incontinence is due to excess pressure in the bladder caused by excessive urine retention. This type of incontinence, which is less common than the other types, may or may not be accompanied by a strong sensation of bladder fullness. Urge incontinence is accompanied by a strong perception that urination is necessary even though the bladder is not filled to capacity. It is often due to excess bladder contractions. Stress incontinence involves urine loss from factors that weaken muscles in the sphincter and pelvic floor. Incontinent events often occur when a rise in abdominal pressure causes higher bladder pressure, such as during coughing, laughing, sneezing, and strenuous effort such as standing up and lifting a heavy object. Stress incontinence is much more common in women than in men because women have shorter urethras and postmenopausal thinning and weakening of structures used for retaining urine. Functional incontinence results from factors that reduce the cognitive functions needed to control urination. Factors include dementia, stroke, and strongly psychoactive medications. This type of incontinence involves no abnormalities or diseases of the urinary system. Some people have more than one type of urinary incontinence, a condition called mixed incontinence.


Overflow incontinence causes elimination of small volumes of urine. Stress, urge, and functional incontinence may result in loss of urine volumes ranging from a few drops to several hundred milliliters. Urge and functional urinary incontinence may cause complete bladder emptying.


Contributing Factors   Urinary incontinence results from excess bladder pressure caused by excess urine production, urine retention, or stimulation of the bladder; from inadequate contraction of pelvic floor muscles due to muscle weakness or nervous system malfunction; or from a combination of these conditions. A person may have two or more factors acting simultaneously or in various sequences.


Effects and Complications   Urinary incontinence has the same undesirable results that characterize fecal incontinence. These include skin inflammation, sores, and infection; social and psychological disruptions; and institutionalization. Costs for devices and supplies (e.g., absorbent undergarments) for adults with urinary incontinence reach 10 billion dollars per year.


Prevention and Treatments   Some cases of urinary incontinence can be prevented by avoiding factors that substantially increase the risk of developing this condition. Examples include certain medications (e.g., diuretics, psychoactive drugs) and limited access to toilet facilities.


Many individuals with urinary incontinence can reduce their incidents of incontinence substantially or can be cured. As with fecal incontinence, the nature and extent of interactions between care givers and persons with urinary incontinence can influence the degree of success achieved. Steps can also be taken to reduce the impact of incidents of urinary incontinence. The first step is to identify the factors leading to incontinence. This procedure may involve taking a patient history, performing a physical examination that includes special tests for urinary function, evaluating nervous system function, and scrutinizing the medications being taken. Once the type of incontinence and the contributing factors have been identified, an individualized care plan can be developed (Table 12.1).



Regulate intake of fluids and diuretics (e.g., alcohol, caffeine, drugs) to reduce urine formation

Regulate all medications affecting urinary or nervous system functioning

Assure accessibility to facilities such as bedpans, urinals, and care giver assistance

Urinate at scheduled times

Cure urinary tract infections to reduce bladder instability

Exercise sphincter and pelvic floor muscles to increase strength (e.g., Kegel exercises)

Use estrogen therapy in women to increase urethral strength

Take medications to modify bladder and internal sphincter function

Undergo surgery to remove obstructions (e.g., prostate surgery), enlarge the bladder, denervate the bladder, or implant an artificial sphincter

Use behavioral modification and training

Use biofeedback control to increase awareness of need to void and gain better control of muscles

Use electrical stimulators to control muscles

Use absorbent pads or male condom catheters to catch urine

Perform skin care to avoid complications

Use catheters to drain urine (can lead to complications such as infections and bladder instability)


© ©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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