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Chapter 15


Immune System


The immune system contains a diverse group of structures and cells that are spread throughout the body (Fig. 15.1). These structures include the thymus gland, red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, lymph vessels, other structures containing lymphatic tissues (tonsils, lining of the respiratory system and GI tract), and skin. These structures promote the development of the cells of this system and, together with blood and lymph, serve as the main repositories for them. Immune system cells include macrophages, Langerhans cells, and several types of lymphocytes. Special protein molecules called antibodies (see below) are also considered part of the immune system.





The immune system is a main defense mechanism for the body against harmful agents, including many foreign substances, bacteria, parasites, viruses, and its own cancer cells. This system uses different defense strategies against different agents, including blocking their entrance, abolishing those found in the body, and helping neutralize or eliminate undesirable substances produced by invading organisms.


Therefore, a person's immune system serves like a combination of a nation's agencies for customs and immigration, drug enforcement, and counter-insurgency. Unfortunately, as with such agencies, immune system activities occasionally injure innocent constituents through misidentification or overzealous actions such as autoimmunity and allergy.




Three characteristics of the immune system make it unique among the body's defense mechanisms. First, it shows self-recognition, which means that the immune system attempts to distinguish between substances that are normal constituents of a person's body and substances that are foreign to it. Upon identifying a substance as foreign, the immune system mounts an immune response against it. It can perform an immune response against some types of cancer cells because they display molecules identified as foreign. Any substance that causes an immune response is called an antigen.


The second unique characteristic is specificity, which means that an immune response will operate only against one antigen. Therefore, a different immune response must be produced each time a different antigen is encountered. For example, specificity explains why an immune response against the virus that causes measles provides no protection against the virus that causes chickenpox. In contrast to the immune system, other bodily defense mechanisms against harmful chemicals, microbes, viruses, and cancer cells are called nonspecific because each mechanism helps protect the body against a variety of these agents. Some nonspecific defense mechanisms, such as the skin, mucous membranes, and mucus, prevent harmful agents from entering the body, while others, such as movements of cilia, defecation, and urination, help expel them. Other mechanisms, such as fever, perspiration, sebum, and acidic conditions in the stomach and vagina, inhibit the growth of harmful microbes. Finally, phagocytic cells (e.g., WBCs) and natural killer (NK) cells act nonspecifically in killing microbes and cancer cells.


The third unique characteristic is memory. When the immune system responds against an antigen, it develops a residual set of lymphocytes called memory cells and usually develops a group of long-lasting antibodies. Antibodies are protein molecules that adhere to antigens and help combat them. Each time a particular antigen is encountered, the memory cells and antibodies developed for that antigen cause a quicker and more intense attack and thus eliminate it faster. In contrast, nonspecific defense mechanisms function with the same speed and intensity each time an injurious agent presents itself, allowing for the same risk of injury from the agent before it is eliminated.




A burst of development in the immune system occurs over several weeks before and after birth. At first the prenatal liver and spleen produce monocytes, which are phagocytic white blood cells, and lymphocytes. As the time of birth approaches, production of monocytes and lymphocytes shifts to the red bone marrow, which continues to produce these cells thereafter (Fig. 15.2)

Fig. 15.2 - Development of macrophages, T cells, and B cells. (1) Bone marrow cells produce monocytes and lymphocytes. (2) Monocytes enter blood vessels and are transported to capillaries throughout the body. (3a) Some lymphocytes enter blood vessels and are transported to the thymus. (3b) Some lymphocytes enter blood vessels and are transported to other areas, such as bone marrow. (4) Some monocytes leave capillaries and become macrophages (M) among body cells. (5) Lymphocytes in the thymus reproduce and develop HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors and become T cells (T). (6) T cells with antigen-specific receptors for self-antigens are destroyed (clonal selection). (7) Remaining T cells are transported to lymphatic tissues such as the lymph nodes and spleen. (8) T cells in lymph tissues reproduce and mature to form T cell clones. (9) Lymphocytes in bone marrow reproduce and develop HLA proteins and antigen-specific receptors to become B cells (B). (10) B cells with antigen-specific receptors for self-antigens are destroyed (clonal selection). (11) Remaining B cells enter blood vessels and are transported throughout the body.)



Macrophages and Langerhans Cells


Many monocytes pass through capillary walls and enter the spaces among body cells and within lymph nodes and other lymphatic tissues. These migrating monocytes are then called macrophages. Similar cells called Langerhans cells develop in the epidermis. Lifelong monocyte production by red bone marrow helps sustain the population of macrophages, and the epidermis attempts to maintain adequate numbers of active Langerhans cells.


Thymus and T Cells


As macrophage formation begins, the blood transports a portion of the new lymphocytes into the thymus which lies above the heart and behind the sternum (breastbone) (Fig. 15.1 , Fig. 15.2). The thymus converts these lymphocytes into a special type of cell called T lymphocytes (T cells).


HLA Receptor Formation   One process that occurs during T-cell development involves varying T cells so that they produce cell surface receptor molecules called human leukocyte-associated (HLA) receptors. These receptors bind to molecules of HLA protein, which are found on virtually every cell in the body.


Each person has certain types of HLA proteins on his or her cells, and these proteins differ from the proteins in every other person. Therefore, each person's HLA protein identifies each cell as belonging only to that person's body. Exceptions occur with genetically identical people (e.g., identical twins), whose cells have identical HLA proteins.


Antigen-Specific Receptor Formation   A second process during T-cell development results in each T cell producing a second type of surface receptor, an antigen-specific receptor. All the antigen-specific receptors on each T cell can bind to only one substance, and each T cell develops a different type of antigen-specific receptor. There may be 100 million types of antigen-specific receptors and therefore an equal number of different types of T cells.


Clonal Selection and Suppression   Many scientists believe that during the formation of antigen-specific receptors samples of all surface materials on body cells are carried into the thymus. Once these materials enter the thymus, that gland selectively destroys T cells with antigen-specific receptors that bind to any of those materials. Surface materials that bind to antigen-specific receptors are called self-antigens because they are native body materials that could start an immune response. T cells that are incapable of binding to self-antigens that enter the thymus during this period survive and begin to reproduce. Therefore, in each person, each surviving T cell forms a clone of identical cells. Each cell has HLA receptors for that person's HLA protein plus one type of antigen-specific receptor for one substance that is not a self-antigen.


The entire process of T-cell development is called clonal selection. Members from each clone are carried throughout the body by the circulatory system, with many of them deposited in the spleen, lymph nodes, and other lymphatic tissues. Thymic hormones continue to cause the dispersed T cells to reproduce and mature. Once mature, the T cells can use their HLA receptors to distinguish the individual's cells from any other cells. The T cells will be activated to participate in an immune response whenever both their HLA receptors and their antigen-specific receptors are bound to the surface of a cell. They are therefore said to be immunocompetent and have also developed both self-recognition and specificity. Almost all clonal selection is believed to occur in the thymus within 1 month after birth.


Furthermore, at least some members of each clone probably survive outside the thymus for many years. Therefore, each clone represents a widespread reserve of T cells that can attack one antigen each. However, as long as the thymus secretes ample thymic hormones, these hormones may be able to stimulate additional conversion of lymphocytes, clonal selection, and maturation of T cells outside the thymus. These processes could form T-cell clones for additional antigens and bolster or reestablish some older clones that had dwindled or vanished through gradual T-cell death.


Many scientists believe that during clonal selection some T cells actually form T-cell clones against self-antigens. These clones lack self-recognition and therefore could begin immune responses against the body's own cells. They are prevented from doing this by mechanisms that suppress their participation in an immune response. At least part of the suppression may be performed by special T cells called suppressor T cells (sT cells).


B cells


Recall that only some lymphocytes produced by the red bone marrow are converted into T cells by the thymus and thymic hormones. Other new lymphocytes are converted into B lymphocytes (B cells). B-cell formation does not depend on the thymus. Though its site is unknown, this process seems to be very similar to the clonal selection that produces T-cells (Fig. 15.2). However, there are two important differences. First, B cells do not develop HLA receptors and therefore need have only their antigen-specific receptors bound to an antigen to begin participation in an immune response. Second, B cells develop HLA protein, which allows them to bind to HLA receptors on T cells.




Once macrophages, Langerhans cells, T cells, and B cells have developed, the immune system is ready to initiate immune responses. The system begins to monitor substances in the body in an attempt to detect foreign materials.


Immune responses and other immune system activities are regulated by signaling substances from the nervous system and endocrine system, and from the immune system cells themselves. Some regulating substances act at great distances from their sites of production, and others affect cells close to their sources. Like hormones, these signaling substances contact many cell types, yet they affect only certain cells and organs. Usually, the affected cells respond because they contain receptor molecules to which the signaling molecules bind.


Different cells exposed to the same amount of a signal respond to different degrees because they have fewer or more receptors or because their receptors bind weakly or strongly to the signal molecules. The strength of each target's response can be changed by modifying the number or binding strength of its receptors. The effectiveness of a signal can be influenced by conditions in the target cells. Finally, as with hormones, signal effectiveness can be influenced by rates of formation and elimination. Therefore, determining secretion rates or measuring concentrations of signaling substances provides only a small portion of the information needed to evaluate immune system performance. In this section, only a few of the signaling substances will be mentioned and only some of their main effects will be described.


Processing and Presentation


The macrophages perform this surveillance by phagocytizing microbes, viruses, and unusual molecules (Fig. 15.3).


Fig. 15.3 Processing and presentation of antigens and the formation of specialized T cells. (1) Macrophages (M) ingest antigen. (2) Macrophages digest antigen and present antigen fragments. (3) T cells (T) with antigen-specific receptors for the antigen join to the presenting macrophage, using HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors. IL-1 from macrophages stimulates the joined T cells. (4) T cells reproduce and form specialized T cells (hT, cT, dT, sT). (5) Specialized T cells reproduce.


As a macrophage or Langerhans cell digests and destroys these items, it transports fragments of each one through its cell membrane. Then the cell presents the fragments, together with its own HLA protein, to neighboring T cells. If a fragment and the HLA protein bind to a T cell, the fragment and the item from which it came (microbe, virus, or molecule) are considered antigens. Both the macrophage and the T cell are activated to initiate an immune response against these antigens.


T-Cell Participation


T-Cell Specialization   The activated macrophage secretes interleukin-1 (IL-1), which stimulates the T cell to produce more identical T cells. The new T cells specialize into any combination of four different types, depending on the source of the antigen fragment and the type of HLA used: helper T cells (hT cells), cytotoxic T cells (cT cells), delayed-hypersensitivity T cells (dT cells), and suppressor T cells (sT cells). Some of these cells have other names: hT cells are CD4+ cells; cT cells are CD8+ cells.


Langerhans cells act like macrophages except that they do not produce IL-1. However, neighboring keratinocytes produce IL-1, and so similar immune activities occur in the skin. Besides stimulating T cells, IL-1 evokes inflammation and fever, two nonspecific defense mechanisms.


In the rest of this section, note that IL-1 and several specialized T-cell secretions (IL-2, lymphokines) cause positive feedback effects that amplify the immune response until sT cells come into play.


Helper T-Cell (hT-Cell) Activities     There are two main types of hT cells. TH-1 hT cells produce signaling substances that stimulate cT cells and that promote inflammation. These substances from TH-1 hT cells include IL-2, interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Macrophages also produce TNF and stimulate inflammation. TH-2 hT cells produce signaling substances that stimulate B cells. Examples include IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10. Many cell types including monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, mast cells, keratinocytes, and osteoblasts produce IL-6. IL-6 promotes inflammation, bone matrix removal, and other body activities. The signaling substances from hT-cells and from other cells regulate the hT-cells and other immune response cells so immune system activities remain balanced.


The hT cells that are produced bind to the original presenting macrophage or to any other macrophage that presents the same antigen. Then the hT cells then secrete interleukin-2 (IL-2). IL-2 initially enhances the developing immune response in several ways (Fig. 15.4).


Fig. 15.4 Activation and activities of hT cells. (1) Macrophages (M) ingest antigen. (2) Macrophages digest and present the antigen. (3) hT cells with specific receptors for the antigen join the presenting macrophage, using HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors. (4) hT cells produce IL-2, which stimulates macrophages, hT cells, cT cells, and B cells that are joined to the antigen. (5) hT cells produce lymphokines.


First, it stimulates macrophages to phagocytize more antigen, leading to the digestion and presentation of more antigen and the activation of more T cells specific for that antigen. Second, it stimulates the production of more hT cells and cT cells. Third, it stimulates the proliferation and activity of any B cells that have bound to the original undigested antigen.


While the hT cells are producing IL-2, they also secrete other helpful defense substances called lymphokines. These substances increase macrophage phagocytosis in several ways and protect normal body cells from viruses.


Cytotoxic T-Cell (cT-Cell) Activities   Unlike hT cells, which bind to antigen and HLA protein on macrophages and Langerhans cells, cT cells bind to antigen and HLA protein on other body cells (Fig. 15.5).


Fig. 15.5 Activation and activities of cT cells. (1a) Antigen invades body cells (bc). (2a) cT cells (cT) with specific receptors for the antigen join to the infected body cell, using HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors. (3a) cT cells produce lymphokines (jagged arrow) against infected cells. (4a) Infected cells and enclosed antigen are destroyed. (5a) cT cells produce more identical cT cells to attack other body cells that are infected with the antigen. (1b) Body cells become cancer cells (cc) and produce antigens. (2b) cT cells with specific receptors for the antigen join to the cancer cells, using HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors. (3b) cT cells produce lymphokines against the cancer cells. (4b) Cancer cells are destroyed. (5b) cT cells produce more identical cT cells to attack other identical cancer cells.



Such combinations occur on cells infected with viruses, fungi, or bacteria; certain types of cancer cells; and cells transplanted into the body from a person with different HLA protein or from an animal. When a cT cell binds to an antigen-bearing cell, it is activated and proliferates, producing a clone of cT cells that bind to other cells with the same antigen. With the assistance of IL-1 and IL-2, each cT cell destroys the cell to which it binds, using secretions that damage the cell membrane. This type of immune response is called a cell-mediated response because the cT cells make direct contact with each antigen-bearing cell they attack. It contrasts with the humoral response by B cells, which secrete antibodies that attack antigens at a distance (see below).


Every cT cell can move from cell to cell, selectively destroying each antigen-bearing cell that binds to both of its types of receptors. The cT cells also release lymphokines, which activate macrophages and other types of T cells while protecting normal cells from viruses. Certain cT-cell lymphokines also stimulate natural killer cells (NK cells), nonspecific lymphocytes that destroy cancer cells.


Delayed-hypersensitivity T-cell (dT cell) Activities   Delayed-hypersensitivity T cells are similar to cT cells in the way in which they identify abnormal cells. However, these cells do not kill cells directly. Rather, the lymphokines produced by these cells stimulate other immune system cells (e.g., macrophages) to destroy cells with surface antigens. These lymphokines also cause inflammation, which increases the defense of the affected area (Chap. 3). The inflammation is evident during excessive dT-cell reactions, such as those resulting from poison ivy or positive skin tests for tuberculosis (e.g., tine tests). Delayed-hypersensitivity cells received their name because at least 1 day is required for them to cause significant inflammation. By contrast, allergic reactions caused by B cells are called immediate-hypersensitivity reactions because they produce significant effects within minutes or hours. Examples of immediate-hypersensitivity reactions include forms of asthma and allergic reactions to penicillin, bee stings, and foods.


Suppressor T-Cell (sT-Cell) Activities   We have seen that IL-2 stimulates immune activity by acting on hT cells, cT cells, and dT cells. However, IL-2 also stimulates the proliferation of sT cells. Since this occurs slowly, it takes approximately 1 week to develop a large number of sT cells specific for the antigen being attacked. When enough sT cells have developed, their secretions overpower and quell the immune activities of the attacking immune system cells and the immune response to that antigen subsides. By this time the antigen usually is being reduced or has been eliminated.


Suppression of the immune response helps prevent the adverse effects that may accompany excessive or prolonged immune activity. Examples include discomfort and damage from accidental immune injury to normal body components and from inflammation. Therefore, sT cells help maintain homeostasis by providing timely negative feedback that reverses the positive feedback effects of other immune system cells.


Though some sT cells are antigen-specific and therefore suppress specific immune responses, others suppress immune responses to many different antigens simultaneously. This provides ongoing regulation of the entire immune system. One benefit is a reduction in autoimmune reactions, which are immune responses against normal parts of the body, such as rheumatoid arthritis and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Another benefit is a reduction in allergic responses, which are excessive immune responses against foreign antigens, such as hay fever, asthma, and food and drug allergies.


B-Cell Participation


Most aspects of the immune response mentioned up to this point result in nonspecific defense reactions against an antigen (e.g., phagocytosis, inflammation, fever). Only the portion of the antigen bound to cells bearing HLA protein is specifically attacked. To understand how unbound antigen, such as antigen suspended in body fluids, is attacked, we must examine the operations of B cells and the antibodies they produce.


B-Cell Activation   Since antigen-specific receptors on B cells are more complete than antigen-specific receptors on T cells, B cells can bind to an antigen even when HLA protein is not present (Fig. 15.6).


Fig. 15.6 Activation and activities of B cells. (1) Antigen binds to B cells (B) that have specific receptors for the antigen. (2) B cells with bound antigen join hT cells (hT) that have specific receptors for the antigen, using HLA receptors and antigen-specific receptors. (3) hT cells release IL-2 which stimulates B cells to reproduce. (4) Stimulated B cells produce mB cells (mB) and plasma cells (p). (5) Plasma cells produce antibodies that have specific bonding sites for the antigen. (6) Antibodies bind to the antigen.



No macrophages or other cells are needed to process or present the antigen to B cells, and B cells specific for the antigen bind to it wherever they meet it. This stimulates the attached B cells to proliferate and produce two special types of B cells-memory B-cells (mB cells) and plasma cells-both of which continue to reproduce. All the mB cells and plasma cells have the same antigen specificity as the B cells from which they were derived. Memory B cells are described below in connection with memory. The plasma cells manufacture and secrete antibodies (immunoglobulins), which combat the antigen in several ways (see below). However, the original antigen-bound B cells and their progeny usually function inadequately unless they are stimulated by IL-2. The hT cells provide a concentrated application of IL-2 to the antigen-bound B cells, plasma cells, and mB cells by binding to them. This cell-to-cell binding is similar to other types employed by various T cells. That is, the two types of hT-cell receptors bind simultaneously to their corresponding HLA proteins and antigens on the surfaces of the B cells and their progeny.


Several days after the antigen is detected by the T cells and B cells, many fully activated plasma cells are produced and secrete antibodies profusely. Each plasma cell may continue antibody production for up to 1 week, after which it dies. Exhausted plasma cells may be replaced by new ones.


Antibodies   All antibodies from a plasma cell have the same antigen specificity as did the B cell that first bound to the antigen. Therefore, these antibodies also bind to the antigen wherever the two meet. However, different classes of antibodies are produced and concentrated in different places in the body.


The different antibody classes are designated by different letters. IgA antibodies are concentrated in the secretions from mucous membranes lining body systems (e.g., respiratory system, digestive system). When they bind to antigens, they help block the entry of the antigens into the body. Most antibodies in the IgM and IgG classes are found in blood and lymph. IgM and IgG prevent injury from antigens in several ways. For example, they cause some antigens to become more easily phagocytized by clumping them together and coating them with phagocyte-stimulating substances. IgM and IgG chemically neutralize other antigens. They also lead to the destruction of other antigens by activating a group of substances in the blood called the complement system. Complement substances can kill antigenic cells such as bacteria directly and intensify defense activities by promoting phagocytosis and inflammation. IgE antibodies bind to mast cells. When antigen later binds to this IgE, the mast cells release histamine and cause inflammation. Antibodies assist only in fighting antigens; they do not destroy antigens.




We have seen that an antigen causes the production of a large number of specialized T cells, plasma cells, and antibodies that have specificity. It takes several days to produce enough of these cells and antibodies to combat a large dose of antigen the first time it is encountered. This is called a primary immune response. (Fig. 15.7)


Secondary Immune Response   Many specialized T cells and plasma cells produced during the primary immune response are eliminated once the antigen has been reduced. The remaining specialized T cells constitute a cadre of memory T cells (mT cells). The mB cells and much of the antibody produced during the primary immune response also remain, though the amount of antibody declines over a period of weeks. Since memory cells are abundant and specialized, they swiftly produce many specialized T cells and plasma cells if the antigen is detected again. Furthermore, the antibody level rises precipitously, reaching a valve far above the peak level attained during the primary immune response. Therefore, the old antibody, along with the new specialized T cells and the antibody from new plasma cells, produces a more rapid and intense attack on the antigen if it appears in the body again. An immune response to an antigen encountered a second or subsequent time is called a secondary immune response. This response may effectively eliminate an antigen within 1 day of its detection by the immune system (Fig. 15.8).


With each subsequent secondary immune response to an antigen, additional memory cells and antibody for that antigen may accumulate and the antibody level may decline more slowly. When this happens, each subsequent secondary immune response is faster and more effective than the previous one. This further decreases the risk of sustaining injury from the antigen each time it is present. It can also cause allergic responses to become worse with repeated exposure to certain antigens (e.g., penicillin, bee stings).


Acquired Active Immunity   sometimes the formation of memory is so effective that only one exposure to an antigen prompts complete and permanent resistance. For example, most people have measles or chickenpox only once. Once the secondary immune response is strong enough to prevent significant adverse effects from the next encounter with an antigen, the person has an acquired active immunity against that antigen. Such immunity may result when the first dose of antigen is sufficient to cause serious illness, as occurs with full-blown measles. However, this immunity is sometimes acquired after a person receives an antigen in one or more doses that are not strong enough to cause significant illness. Acquired active immunity against antigens such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and influenza can be intentionally induced in this way, using vaccines that contain the antigen.


Though acquired active immunity against antigens such as polio usually lasts indefinitely, the memory cells and antibodies for other antigens may diminish substantially if the cells do not encounter the antigen again for months or years (e.g., tetanus). Then the antigen may cause approximately the same degree of injury that it did when it was first encountered because several days may be required to produce enough of an immune response to eliminate it. This sometimes can be prevented by receiving a vaccine again (a booster dose) at appropriate intervals.




Distinguishing age changes from other changes in the immune system is difficult for various reasons. Reasons include limited understanding of this complex system; confounding influences from changes in nonspecific defense mechanisms; diverse and rapidly changing methods of research; controversy over the interpretation of results; and diversity in the factors affecting it. Examples of such factors include chronic exposure to sunlight; cirrhosis; malnutrition; diabetes mellitus; cancer; chemotherapy; radiation therapy; anesthesia; surgery; and stress. Common age-related increases in most of these factors reduce immune system effectiveness. Finally, comparing immune systems between individuals reveals an age-related increase in heterogeneity. Therefore, unless otherwise noted, the immune system changes described below represent average age-related changes that may be due in part to aging of the system.




As the age of a population increases, the proportion of people with a declining immune function increases and the level of immune function within the individual decreases. Decreases in immune function include reductions in the speed, strength, and duration of immune responses and in the regulation of the immune system. These age changes are a major reason for the higher susceptibility of elders to Coronavirus COVID-19, which spread as a national and worldwide pandemic starting in early 2020.


Developmental Changes


Most developmental changes in the immune system occur before the end of puberty and result in the formation of a mature immune system. The few developmental changes after this period may be considered age changes, most of which result in declining immune system functioning.


Macrophages and Langerhans Cells   Age changes and age-related changes in macrophage production and numbers have not been well studied, suggesting that these changes are small. However, the rate of production of Langerhans cells falls below the rate of destruction, leading to significant decreases in cell numbers. Areas of skin chronically exposed to sunlight have much greater reductions than do unexposed areas. These reductions lead to decreases in the processing and presentation of antigens in the epidermis, causing increasing risks of skin infection and cancer and decreasing delayed-hypersensitivity reactions, including allergic reactions. The latter change causes a reduction in signs and symptoms (e.g., local swelling, itching, rash) that warn of the presence of potentially harmful substances (e.g., topical medications) and are used in skin tests to detect previous exposure to tuberculosis (e.g., tine test).


Thymus and T Cells   The thymus begins to shrink during or shortly after puberty and continues to do so until about age 50, when it may be only 5 percent of the original size. Thymic hormone production declines in a parallel fashion, and circulating levels of these hormones reach zero by age 60. These changes cause a precipitous decline soon after puberty in the conversion of unspecialized lymphocytes to T cells and the clonal selection of T cells. Lymphocyte conversion and clonal selection for T cells finally cease, ending the development of immune response capabilities against additional antigens.


Though changes in T cells in human lymph tissues have not been well studied, healthy people seem to retain a steady rate of production of antigen-specific T cells in lymphoid tissue since the total number of T cells in the blood remains stable. However, declining thymic hormone causes reduced maturation of T cells, resulting in a decrease in the ratio of mature to immature T cells in the blood. This change decreases the number of circulating T cells that can respond to and combat each antigen. The degree of change varies considerably between individuals because of differences in aging, abnormal conditions, diseases, and other factors. Up to 25 percent of older people may show no decrease in T-cell functioning, while approximately 50 percent have moderate declines. The remaining 25 percent experience major decreases in T cell responses to an antigen.


B Cells   As with T cells, B-cell production from B-cell clones that were established early in life seems to remain steady in many people since the total number of these cells in the blood usually remains stable. However, the number of circulating B cells decreases in some individuals. Ordinary changes in B-cell numbers are not important since limitations in B-cell functioning derive from decreases in T-cell stimulation of B cells rather than from changes in B cells themselves.


Immune Responses


Decreases in immune system function result not only from developmental changes in the immune system but also from age-related changes in immune responses.


Processing and Presentation   Aging seems to have little or no effect on the functioning of macrophages and Langerhans cells during the initial processing and presentation stage of an immune response. However, the effectiveness of macrophages and Langerhans cells during an immune response decreases with aging because they receive less IL-2 stimulation from hT cells that bind to them. The effectiveness of Langerhans cells also declines because their total number decreases with age.


T-Cell Participation   Age-related changes in the ability of macrophages and Langerhans cells to convert T cells into specialized T cells (hT cells, etc.) are unclear. However, when T cells from older people are experimentally stimulated to reproduce, fewer T cells can reproduce and those which reproduce do so fewer times. These decreases seem to be caused by a combination of declining production of IL-2 and declining T-cell responsiveness to IL-2. Since the progeny from T cells control all subsequent aspects of the immune response, age-related reductions in T-cell proliferation lead to reductions in all the subsequent parts of an immune response. Part of the decline in cell reproduction may result from loss of telomeres.


Regardless of reductions in the proliferation of T cells or specialized T cells, there is an age-related decline in both the production and effectiveness of IL-2 from hT cells. This decline stems from a decrease in IL-2 receptors on T cells and specialized T cells. By reducing the positive feedback effects of IL-2, these changes diminish the intensity of both the cell-mediated and humoral parts of an immune response, reducing all its defensive capabilities. Delayed-hypersensitivity responses also decline, reducing their roles in defense and as warning mechanisms.


Since aging decreases the ratio between TH-1 hT cells and TH-2 hT cells, immune responses become unbalanced. This loss of balance causes reductions in certain aspects of the response while producing excesses in other aspects including IL-6 production and autoimmune responses. The extra IL-6 contributes to loss of bone matrix and unwanted inflammation. The excess inflammation contributes to increased damage from free radicals and age-related diseases (e.g., atherosclerosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease). These and other adverse effects from weaker, unbalanced, and poorly regulated immune responses form the basis for the immune theory of aging (see Chapter 2).


The average activity level of NK cells, which receive stimulation from cT cells, does not change. However, total NK-cell activity becomes more heterogeneous between individuals. Additional NK-cell heterogeneity develops because of individualized increases and decreases in NK cells for different types of cancer. People with a reduction in NK-cell activity may have an increased risk of developing cancer.


Finally, age-related decreases in IL-2 may contribute to a decline in sT-cell numbers or effectiveness, which may be a main factor in the age-related reduction in the regulation of the immune system. This reduction is evident as an increase in the production of autoantibodies, which are antibodies against self-antigens. No significant consequences from autoantibodies resulting from aging have been discovered. However, while they are suspected of contributing to age-related detrimental changes such as seminiferous tubule degeneration, they may be beneficial by helping rid the body of abnormally altered proteins. Autoantibodies resulting from processes other than aging may contribute to abnormal or disease conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.


B-cell Participation and Antibodies   Aging seems to have little or no direct effect on the ability of B cells to bind to antigen, be activated, or perform their other functions during a primary immune response. As mentioned previously, however, all aspects of B-cell participation decline with aging because B cells receive less IL-2 stimulation from hT cells. Consequently, more antigen is needed to prompt antibody production, antibody production is slower, antibody production ends sooner, a lower peak antibody concentration is achieved, and the antibody level declines faster. Furthermore, the effectiveness of antibodies against certain antigens declines because some antibodies bind less well to their antigens and because of the increased variability in the proportions of the different classes of antibodies. Of note is a decline in IgE. Finally, there is an increase in autoantibody production.


The first six changes contribute to the age-related decline in the effectiveness of primary immune responses. The decline in IgE contributes to the age-related decline in allergic reactions. All changes in B cells and antibodies develop slowly until approximately age 60, after which they occur more rapidly.


Memory   As primary immune responses diminish with aging, they leave the body with fewer memory cells and less residual antibody for memory. Furthermore, residual antibody dissipates faster. As immune memory declines with aging, the speed and strength of the initial secondary immune response against an antigen also decline. Therefore, the higher the age at which an antigen is first encountered, the greater injury caused by a second encounter with that antigen. The antigen also may cause injury many times because additional secondary responses may be needed before acquired active immunity develops. Because of these changes, aging is accompanied by a decline in the effectiveness of initial vaccinations.


Though memory produced from primary immune responses declines substantially with aging, there is much less of a decline in the ability to maintain memory produced during youth or young adulthood. Therefore, secondary immune responses resulting from such early memory remain effective, especially if the antigen is encountered occasionally, as occurs with booster doses of vaccines.


Furthermore, since the decline in establishing memory becomes particularly evident after age 60 and advances more rapidly afterward, vaccinations should be received well before age 60. However, vaccines can be beneficial at any age, especially for those who are weakened by other factors and are at high risk for exposure to certain bacterial pneumonias (e.g., pneumococcal pneumonia) or strains of influenza virus.




In conclusion, age changes in the immune system contribute to a decline in the ability to maintain homeostasis because they decrease resistance to harmful foreign materials and lead to an increase in the incidence and severity of infections and cancer. The risks increase with the age at which antigens or carcinogenic factors are first encountered. The risks also increase, though less so, with the number of years between encounters with an antigen. The effects on the immune system of many other age-related factors magnify these consequences, as do many age-related changes in nonspecific defense mechanisms. By contrast, the undesirable effects of allergic reactions decrease with aging.


There is an increased incidence of renewed injury from the bacteria causing tuberculosis (TB) and the virus causing chickenpox. In both cases the disease-causing agent may reside within body cells indefinitely, where it is hidden from immune cells after the disease seems to have disappeared. As immune memory against these diseases fades and age-related changes and factors such as stress weaken the immune system, the bacteria or virus is no longer held in check. TB bacteria, which reside in lung cells, may then cause a reactivated infection and additional lung damage. The chickenpox virus, which resides close to the spinal cord in sensory neurons, will be transported down sensory neurons to the areas of the skin they serve. Once there, the virus can cause excruciating pain and severe skin eruptions known as herpes zoster or shingles.


Finally, age changes in the immune system increase the progress and the severity of effects from HIV infection.


Minimizing Consequences


Since the consequences of declining immune system effectiveness often lead to a reduced quality of life and lower life expectancy, researchers are seeking ways to prevent, reduce, or delay the deterioration of the immune system caused by aging. Though some success has been achieved in animals (e.g., diet regulation), no practical and effective methods for humans are available. Other research is aimed at restoring immune system effectiveness lost because of age changes. Studies with animals involving supplements (e.g., thymic hormones, sex hormones) and other drugs have been somewhat successful, but safe and effective methods for aging humans have not been developed. A potential hazard from stimulating immune functioning is the activation of harmful immune activities (e.g., autoimmunity, allergic reactions) along with beneficial ones.


Though there are no practical methods for controlling aging of the human immune system, steps can be taken to help minimize other undesirable changes in this system, including avoiding or reducing factors known to suppress immune system functioning. Other actions may reduce the risks of developing the adverse consequences of decreases in immune functioning. These actions include receiving vaccinations in a timely fashion and minimizing exposure to potentially harmful agents such as bacteria, viruses, and carcinogens. Finally, risks can be reduced by preventing or treating abnormal conditions and diseases that promote infections and cancer.




Recall that aging is accompanied by a decrease in the balanced regulation of the immune system and an increase in the production of new autoantibodies. The autoantibodies produced as part of aging are of little-known importance. In addition, there is only a small increase in the incidence of new-onset autoimmune diseases among the elderly. However, the damage that seems to result from excess inflammation and autoimmune response activities that are part of abnormal or disease conditions often become more serious with age. This occurs largely because chronic inflammation and many autoimmune responses initiated during childhood or young adulthood continue to injure or destroy body components for many years. Some age-related diseases associated with chronic inflammation and autoimmune responses are atherosclerosis, valvular heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, Alzheimer's disease, and chronic renal diseases.


Some abnormal autoimmune responses follow a steady course and cause unremitting progressive damage (e.g., atrophic gastritis). Other autoimmune diseases occur as periodic or occasional flare-ups separated by periods of remission (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis). In these disorders the affected individual's condition worsens in a stepwise manner. However, in all autoimmune disorders there is great variability among individuals regarding the rate at which deleterious effects develop.


A few abnormal autoimmune conditions important in the elderly have been described in Chaps. 9 and 10 (e.g., atrophic gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis). Other abnormal and disease conditions important to older people that seem to involve autoimmune responses and are serious and relatively common will be mentioned briefly here.


Bullous pemphigoid causes blistering of the skin and accompanying itching and discomfort. Rheumatic heart disease results when rheumatic fever leads to autoimmune damage to valves in the heart. Common outcomes include the failure of one or more chambers of the heart and respiratory problems from pulmonary edema. Multiple sclerosis involves patchy deterioration of myelin in the CNS and can result in diverse deficits depending on the portions of the CNS affected. This disorder is characterized by flare-ups and remissions of varying duration. Myasthenia gravis involves autoimmune damage to receptors for acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions and leads to progressive muscle weakness and paralysis, including the muscles for respiration. Regional enteritis (Crohn's disease), which often involves flare-ups and remissions, causes inflammation of the small intestine and large intestine and often results in decreased absorption of nutrients, pain, and diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis is similar to regional enteritis; though it affects only the large intestine, it often causes intestinal bleeding and increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Graves' disease results in abnormally high blood levels of thyroid hormone which increase the metabolic rate and cause bulging and deterioration of the eyes.


© Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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