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Chapter 14


Endocrine system


The endocrine system consists of all body structures that secrete hormones (Fig. 14.1, Fig. 14.2). Hormones are substances that result from manufacturing processes in cells, are secreted into the blood, and alter the activities of cells in other parts of the body. Body materials with only one or two of these characteristics are not hormones (e.g., CO2, lactic acid, oil from sebaceous glands, blood-clotting materials). Many scientists now consider vitamin D a hormone rather than a dietary nutrient because it can be manufactured in the body, enters the blood, and increases intestinal calcium absorption.


Many endocrine system structures (e.g., heart, stomach) have additional important functions. Usually, only endocrine structures that seem to have hormone secretion as their primary function are called endocrine glands (e.g., pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands).


Main Functions for Homeostasis


Like the nervous system, the overall job of the endocrine system is to regulate parts of the body and ensure that they contribute to maintaining homeostasis. The main functions for homeostasis of this system are similar to four of those performed by the nervous system: monitoring, communicating, stimulating, and coordinating (Chap. 6). However, the endocrine system performs these functions somewhat differently.


When an endocrine structure detects that a body condition is changing or has strayed from homeostasis, it secretes a hormone, which communicates information about the errant condition to other body cells. The hormone also causes alterations in cell activities to stop the change from occurring and bring the straying condition back into the homeostatic range. Often the hormone alters functions in many types of cells in several ways and therefore coordinates adaptive responses in various organs. For example, if the concentration of calcium in the blood declines, the parathyroid gland detects this change and secretes parathormone. The parathormone causes the blood calcium level to rise back to normal through its effects on bones, the small intestine, and the kidneys. The parathyroid gland then detects the rise in blood calcium and diminishes parathormone secretion, preventing the calcium concentration from rising too high. If calcium levels rise above a satisfactory level, the thyroid gland secretes thyrocalcitonin, which lowers blood calcium through its effects on bone matrix. Therefore, like the nervous system, the endocrine system performs the first two steps in negative feedback systems and contributes to the third by causing adaptive responses by parts of the body. Negative feedback responses are not governed simply by turning hormone secretions and the functions being controlled on and off as thermostats do in systems operating heaters and air conditions. Negative feedback control by the endocrine system can produce a continuous gradation and modulation in the rates of hormone secretion and functional alterations.


Therefore, negative feedback responses in the endocrine system operate more like a driver who maintains a proper and fairly steady speed on a hilly highway by adjusting foot pressure on the accelerator and brake pedals of a vehicle. Furthermore, like slightly excessive foot pressure on an accelerator or a brake pedal, the amount of circulating hormone can become slightly too high or low. Though a small error may cause no harm over a short period, sustaining such a condition can result in substantial deviations in the condition being regulated. Normally, negative feedback responses prevent such occurrences. Finally, like an alert driver, the endocrine system is a highly sensitive and rapidly responsive negative feedback system that can reverse shifts in hormone levels quickly so that minimal fluctuations occur. There are a few situations in which the endocrine system provides positive feedback responses, which increase rather than decrease change. These situations involve functions in the female reproductive system that cause ovulation by the ovary and milk production by the breasts. These functions end during menopause.




Comparing Endocrine and Nervous Systems


Since the overall job and main functions of the endocrine system are very similar to several functions performed by the nervous system, why does the body have both systems? A comparison reveals that these systems complement rather than duplicate each other.


The nervous system can cause adaptive responses such as the blink of an eye with pinpoint accuracy and within a fraction of a second because it uses nerve impulses and highly specialized and localized connections. It is also able to provide remembering and thinking. However, the nervous system can directly control only neurons, muscle contractions, and secretions from a few glands (e.g., sweat glands, salivary glands). Furthermore, this system has difficulty sustaining long-term control of activities because neurotransmitters become depleted.


While minutes or hours may be required for an endocrine structure to secrete enough hormone to cause an adaptive response, the hormone may remain in the blood and cause the adaptive response to continue for many hours. Additional hormone can be secreted gradually to continue long-term responses for days, weeks, or months (e.g., growth, maturation). Furthermore, hormones can directly control many body cells and functions that are not influenced by neurotransmitters, including epidermis, bone, cartilage, and blood cells. Representative functions include growth and gene activity. In fact, every type of body cell has at least some of its functions regulated by hormones.


Though the nervous and endocrine systems have exclusive control of certain body activities, they share responsibility for regulating others, such as GI tract functioning and blood pressure.


Coordinated Operation


Coordination of the nervous and endocrine systems is provided by three communication links. The hypothalamus and infundibulum at the base of the brain provide one main link by which the brain can influence hormone secretion by the pituitary gland ((Fig. 14.1, Fig. 14.2).


The hypothalamus uses neurons to send hormones through the infundibulum and into the blood in the posterior pituitary gland. In contrast, the hypothalamus uses blood vessels in the infundibulum to send hormones to the anterior pituitary gland. These hormones regulate the production of other hormones by the anterior pituitary gland. Since the pituitary secretes many hormones, some of which regulate the secretion of other hormones, influencing the pituitary gland produces widespread effects on the endocrine system.


Production of most hormones by the hypothalamus is controlled by negative feedback mechanisms. In addition, the production of hormones destined for the anterior pituitary gland can be influenced by brain activities involved in psychological states and emotional reactions.


The nervous system also uses certain sympathetic nerves to stimulate epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion by the adrenal medulla (inner part of the adrenal glands). Epinephrine and norepinephrine have similar effects. Recall that many sympathetic nerves in other parts of the body release norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter.


The third link between these systems is the circulatory system, which delivers hormones to the brain. Some hormones significantly alter brain function. Of course, altered brain function in turn can result in modified hormone secretion.




Control of Secretion


The body has three ways to control hormone secretion. First, it can be controlled by nervous impulses that result from internal or external stimuli. For example, the secretion of norepinephrine can be controlled by sympathetic nerve impulses initiated by fear. Second, secretion can be controlled by other hormones. For example, the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones is controlled by hormones from the hypothalamus.


Third, secretion can be controlled by the substance or condition being regulated by a hormone. For example, it was noted earlier in this chapter that the rate of parathormone secretion is controlled by calcium in the blood, which in turn is regulated by parathormone. Control of hormone secretion by a substance or condition acted on by the hormone is called substrate control.


Hormone Elimination


The concentration of a hormone in the blood is determined by the balance between the rate at which the hormone is secreted and the rate at which it is eliminated. Hormones are removed from the blood by being chemically broken down, converted to other materials, or excreted. The liver and kidneys are very active in these processes. Elimination of substantial amounts of some hormones requires only minutes, while elimination of significant amounts of others may require several hours.


Receptors and Responses


Since hormones are secreted into the blood, which transports them to virtually all parts of the body, each hormone contacts many cell types, yet most hormones affect only certain cells and organs. The affected structures, called the hormone's targets, respond because their cells contain receptor molecules to which the hormone molecules bind. Receptors for some hormones are on the target cell membranes, while receptors for others are in the target cell cytoplasm.


Different targets exposed to the same amount of a particular hormone respond to different degrees because they have fewer or more receptors or because their receptors bind the hormone more weakly or strongly. In addition, the strength of each target's response can be changed by modulating the number or binding strength of its receptors. Finally, the effectiveness of a hormone can be influenced by conditions in the target that affect its response mechanism.


Hormone Effectiveness


We have seen that hormone effectiveness can be influenced by the rate of hormone secretion, the rate of hormone elimination, target receptors, and conditions within the target cells. However, many other factors, such as substances that bind hormones, changes in rhythms of secretion, and interference by nerve impulses or other hormones, can influence the effectiveness of a hormone.


With so many factors influencing hormonal effectiveness, determining the rates of hormone secretion or measuring the concentrations of hormones in the blood at any one time provides only a small portion of the information needed to evaluate endocrine system performance and the ability of the aging endocrine system to continue contributing effectively to homeostasis.


Specific Hormones


The endocrine system produces a prodigious number and assortment of hormones that have myriad influences on various cell types and parts of the body. There is significant information about the presence or absence of age changes and the nature and effects of such changes for only a few hormones. The following section contains additional information about these few hormones.


Abnormal and disease conditions will be discussed only with regard to insulin and glucagon because abnormalities and diseases of other hormones are not common among the elderly. When such conditions arise, they usually involve having an inadequate amount or an excess of a hormone. Inadequacies are usually treated simply by administering more of the hormone or stimulating its secretion. Excesses are often treated by destroying or removing part or all of the structure secreting the hormone or administering other hormones or medications that reduce the secretion or effects of the excess hormone.


Finally, little mention will be made of changes in endocrine structures. Usually, aging results in decreases in size, increases in fibrous material or lipofuscin, and certain changes in the cells. Except for the thymus gland and ovaries, these age changes do not seem to have a significant effect on the ability of the endocrine structure to perform its functions. This situation may exist because of the large reserve capacity in many endocrine structures.


Growth Hormone


Source and Control of Secretion


Growth hormone (GH) secretion by the anterior pituitary gland is regulated primarily by hormones from the hypothalamus using negative feedback mechanisms (Fig. 14.3). A decline in blood levels of GH results in increased GH secretion, which causes an elevation in GH blood levels. GH secretion is also increased by low blood levels of  insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), also known as somatomedin C, and by exercise. Conversely, elevations in GH result in decreased GH secretion and a decline in GH blood levels. GH secretion is also slowed by high blood levels of IGF-1. Other factors that influence GH secretion include brain neurons and blood levels of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids.


Growth hormone is secreted in short bursts (i.e., pulses). The accumulation of GH from many large frequent pulses causes blood levels of GH to rise. In young adults, GH secretion and blood levels rise during the night. As secretion diminishes later during the night and GH is removed from the blood, blood levels begin to decline. The blood level of GH reaches a minimum during the following day. Since this cycle is repeated with each succeeding night and day, it is called a circadian rhythm (diurnal rhythm). Though GH blood levels follow a circadian rhythm, IGF-1 levels remain steady.




The pattern of GH pulses plus the total blood level of GH cause its effects. Growth hormone causes the liver and other target cells to secrete IGF-1. The IGF-1 affects target cells and diffuse to neighboring cells, producing the effects from GH. IGF-¼1 in the blood also promotes the effects from GH. The local effects from IGF-1 may be more important than the effects from IGF-1 in the blood.


The IGF-1 increases passage of amino acids into cells and increases synthesis of proteins from those acids. These chemical changes result in growth, especially of bone and muscle. Growth hormone also causes an increased breakdown of fat to supply energy. The combination of these changes increases the proportion of lean body mass, which consists mainly of the skeletal and muscle systems and the skin, spleen, liver, kidneys and immune cells. Finally, GH increases blood glucose levels and therefore is considered to antagonize insulin.


Age Changes


Age changes in growth hormone have been studied mostly in men. On the average, GH secretion and IGF-1 levels during the day remain unchanged. During the night, there is less rise in GH pulses and blood levels and IGF-1 secretion. The declines in secretions begin for many men at age 30. These age-related decreases have been called somatopause.


When the nighttime rise in GH secretion finally disappears, the circadian rhythm in GH blood levels vanishes and these levels become steady at all times. As a result, both the total amount of GH produced in each 24-hour period and the blood level of IGF-1 decrease. IGF-1 levels in women are also known to decrease with age.


Though many men show the age changes just described, decline in the nighttime surge in GH blood levels shows considerable heterogeneity among individuals. Some elderly men have nighttime surges that are approximately equal to those found in young men. However, virtually no individuals show substantial increases in GH or IGF-1 levels with advancing age.


Decreasing GH and IGF-1 seem to contribute to a gradual decrease in lean body mass. For example, decreased stimulation of bone and muscle may contribute to the age-related decline in the thickness and strength of bone matrix and muscles plus the age-related increase in body fat. The increase in body fat may then reduce GH secretion, and a downward spiral of GH secretion begins as body fat increases. Age changes in the skin and kidneys may also be due in part to decreased GH secretion. The smoothing of the circadian peaks in GH blood levels may contribute to changes in other circadian rhythms, such as sleep patterns. Finally, the effects of lowered GH levels may be amplified because there is an age-related decrease in the responsiveness of cells to IGF-1.


Growth Hormone Supplementation


Though GH production declines, target structures seem to retain their ability to respond to it by producing IGF-1. For example, when older men are injected with GH or artificial substances that stimulate GH secretion, the levels of IGF-1 and lean body mass increase and body fat decreases. Also, loss of matrix from some bones occurs more slowly or is reversed; blood LDLs decline and HDLs increase; skin thickens; immune function and mental functions improve. Recall that an increase in exercise produces almost all these results, perhaps by stimulating GH secretion. However, unlike exercise, injections of GH or GH stimulants cause undesirable increases in blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and they may prevent normal circadian rhythms. Questions remain about the desirability of GH-stimulated enlargement of parts of the body such as the spleen, liver, and kidneys. Other potential problems include heart disease; high blood pressure; arthritis; high blood glucose levels and diabetes mellitus; and faster growth of cancers. The lack of adequate information about the short-term and long-term effects of GH administration argues against the routine use of GH supplementation to stop or reverse GH-related age changes.


Antidiuretic Hormone


Source and Control of Secretion


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released by neurons that originate in the hypothalamus and extend through the infundibulum to the posterior pituitary (Fig. 14.1, Fig. 14.2). ADH secretion is stimulated by an increase in osmotic pressure or a decrease in blood pressure. Conversely, it is inhibited by decreased osmotic pressure, increased blood pressure, and alcohol.




Antidiuretic hormone provides a communication link in the negative feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostatic levels of body osmotic pressure and blood pressure. When more ADH is secreted, more water is allowed to pass from the filtrate in the kidney collecting ducts back into the blood. The reabsorbed water helps prevent increases in body osmotic pressure and, by helping maintain a substantial blood volume, prevents lowering of blood pressure. The constriction of blood vessels caused by ADH also helps sustain adequate blood pressure.


Conversely, a decrease in ADH secretion causes more water to escape in the urine, increasing body osmotic pressure or lowering blood volume and blood pressure.


Age Changes


Though there is wide variation among individuals, aging results in an average increase in blood levels of ADH, particularly when body osmotic pressures are high. Since the extra ADH stimulates more water reabsorption by the kidneys, this age-related increase seems to compensate partially for the corresponding decline in the ability of the kidneys to retain water when needed. The ability to increase ADH secretion in response to low blood pressure seems to remain intact or decrease slightly. There is no apparent age change in the ability to decrease ADH secretion to eliminate more water in the urine. Therefore, the contributions to homeostasis made by ADH do not decline significantly, and one of them seems to improve in many individuals.




Source and Control of Secretion


Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland (Fig. 14.1). Its secretion seems to be controlled by alterations in brain impulses caused by light detected by the eyes. Since an increase in light exposure inhibits melatonin secretion, blood levels follow a circadian rhythm, with low levels during the day and high levels at night. Secretion is also influenced by the qualities of light, including time of exposure, light intensity, and wavelengths (colors). Melatonin is also produced by the retina, where it seems to have an antioxidant effect.




Melatonin seems to inhibit sexual maturation until the teenage years. Its circadian rhythm regulates circadian rhythms, including sleep and body temperature. Also, oscillations in melatonin seem to affect psychological parameters such as mood and depression. Therefore, adverse effects from alterations in circadian secretion may occur in people who receive little exposure to natural light, who are exposed to different wavelengths of light (e.g., fluorescent light), or who receive exposure to artificial light very different from the natural schedule of daylight.


Melatonin travels easily to all body parts. It is a powerful antioxidant. Also, it stimulates production enzymes that remove *FRs, and it promotes the formation and effectiveness of other antioxidant substances. It seems to have a major role in protecting the brain and other body parts (e.g., lungs) from *FR damage.


Age Changes


Aging is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of the circadian rhythm of melatonin, which results from a decrease in the maximum blood levels attained at night. This leveling in rhythm may influence age-related changes in circadian rhythms such as sleep patterns and hormone secretion (e.g., GH, testosterone).


Melatonin supplementation


Using melatonin supplements has become popular. Melatonin is inexpensive, easy to obtain and can be taken orally. Though it is a hormone, its sale and use are not regulated like most other hormones. Melatonin is used commonly to reduce the effects from "jet lag" and to help establish or reestablish circadian rhythms. Some people take melatonin to slow, stop, or reverse age changes because it is an antioxidant, caloric restriction helps sustain melatonin levels as it increases ML and XL, and melatonin supplements increase ML in animals. Hazards from melatonin supplementation include disruption of circadian rhythms, unbalancing other hormones, and overdosing or toxicity from the unregulated production and testing of melatonin supplements.


Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4)


Source and Control of Secretion


Most of the hormone-producing cells of the thyroid gland secrete two related thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Target cells convert some T4 to T3 and then release the T3 back into the blood.


Thyroid hormone secretion is controlled primarily by a negative feedback mechanism that acts through the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland. Low blood levels of thyroid hormone result in increased thyroid production, and vice versa. However, thyroid hormone secretion can be influenced by other factors. For example, a low metabolic rate stimulates thyroid hormone secretion. By contrast, high blood levels of somatostatin, glucocorticoids, and sex steroids (e.g., testosterone, estrogen) inhibit secretion.




Though T3 is more powerful than T4, both cause a general increase in the metabolic rate by increasing the rates of many chemical reactions in most cells. Only certain cells in the brain, spleen, testes, uterus, and thyroid gland are unaffected by thyroid hormones. The general increase in metabolic rate increases heat production, which assists in maintaining normal body temperature. Regulating the metabolic rate also assures that each organ will grow, repair itself, and perform its functions at a proper rate.


Age Changes


As age increases, average thyroid hormone blood levels decline slightly, though they remain in the normal range. In addition, there is a decrease in the T3/T4 ratio. These changes may be compensatory because they prevent the development of excessively high metabolic rates in certain cells (e.g., muscle) as lean body mass declines. Therefore, aging does not alter the ability of thyroid hormones to provide proper regulation of their target tissues.


There is an age-related increase in damage to the thyroid gland by the immune system, which occurs usually in women. The result is in adequate thyroid hormone production, which affects as many as 10 percent of elderly women. Some diagnostic procedures and therapies that use iodine also damage the thyroid gland. The treatment is thyroid hormone supplementation. Excess thyroid production is rare in the elderly. It can result from Grave's disease, excess iodine intake, or thyroid nodules. These conditions are treated easily by removing part or all of the thyroid gland or reducing iodine intake.





Sources and Control of Secretion


Though most thyroid gland cells secrete thyroid hormones, others secrete calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin). Calcitonin secretion is controlled by blood calcium levels, using a simple negative feedback mechanism that does not involve the hypothalamus or pituitary gland but instead uses substrate control. High blood levels of calcium stimulate calcitonin secretion, which causes blood calcium levels to decline by stimulating removal of calcium from the blood. The resulting lower blood calcium levels then reduce calcitonin secretion and allow parathormone to raise blood calcium levels. When blood calcium rises, calcitonin secretion increases again. As a result, homeostasis of blood calcium is maintained.




Calcitonin decreases blood calcium by stimulating osteoblasts to incorporate blood calcium into bone matrix, inhibiting osteoclasts from removing calcium from bone matrix, and allowing the kidneys to release more calcium in the urine.


Age Changes


Calcitonin levels may decrease with age, increasing the risk of osteoporosis in some individuals. Furthermore, the possible decrease in the effectiveness of calcitonin which may be caused by decreases in estrogen, may play an additional role in the development of osteoporosis in women (see Sex Hormones in Women, below).




Sources and Control of Secretion


Parathormone is produced by the parathyroid gland, which consists of several clusters of cells on the back of the thyroid gland (Fig. 14.1). The secretion of parathormone is controlled by a negative feedback system similar to the one regulating calcitonin secretion. However, unlike calcitonin, parathormone secretion is stimulated by low blood calcium and inhibited by high blood calcium.




Parathormone raises blood calcium levels by causing several alterations in target cell activities. It stimulates the removal of calcium from bone matrix; reduces the release of calcium by the kidneys into the urine; stimulates directly the absorption of calcium by the small intestine; and stimulates the activation of vitamin D by the kidneys. The increase in active vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium by the small intestine.


Note that parathormone directly antagonizes the effects of calcitonin. Maintenance of blood calcium homeostasis depends on providing a proper balance between these two hormones, proper functioning of their target structures, and adequate supplies of active vitamin D and dietary calcium. Besides building and maintaining bone matrix, homeostasis of blood calcium is important for cell and muscle movements, nervous impulse transmission, blood clotting, and regulation of cell activities.


Age Changes


During aging, the parathyroid gland retains the ability to increase or decrease the secretion of parathormone in response to changes in blood calcium levels. Blood levels of active parathormone either do not change or increase slightly. Paradoxically, blood calcium levels decline, though they remain satisfactory. This decline may result from decreases in dietary calcium intake and vitamin D levels.


Individuals with increased parathormone levels may be at greater risk for both rapid loss of bone matrix and osteoporosis. In addition, as noted for calcitonin, the drop in estrogen levels in postmenopausal women may have adverse effects on the ability of the parathyroid gland and parathormone to regulate blood calcium and to help maintain bone matrix.




Source and Control of Secretion


Thymosin is a group of several related hormones produced by the thymus gland (Fig. 14.1). The mechanisms controlling thymosin secretion and blood levels are not understood, though secretion and blood levels of thymosin seem to be positively correlated with the size of the thymus. As the thymus increases in size during childhood, thymosin secretion and blood levels rise. Later, the increase in sex steroid hormones that accompanies puberty causes the thymus to stop growing. At about age 20 the thymus begins to shrink, and thymosin production and blood levels begin to decline slowly. After age 30, thymosin secretion and blood levels decrease more quickly as shrinkage of the thymus continues. By age 60, secretion stops and thymosin levels reach zero.




Thymosin is necessary for the maturation of lymphocytes, which are specialized white blood cells. Lymphocytes constitute a major part of the immune system, whose overall function is defense. This system identifies, destroys, and eliminates many types of undesirable materials, microbes, and viruses that may either enter the body or be produced within it.


Age Changes


As thymosin decreases with age, fewer immature lymphocytes are able to mature and become functional defense cells. Therefore, the ability of the immune system to protect the body declines. The consequences include an increased susceptibility to infection and an increased risk of cancer.




Source and Control of Secretion


Cholecystokinin (CCK) is secreted by the inner lining of the first section of the small intestine (duodenum). Its secretion is stimulated by dietary fat that enters the small intestine from the stomach.




Cholecystokinin stimulates contraction of the gallbladder, causes relaxation of the muscular valve that controls the passage of bile and pancreatic digestive juices from the common bile duct into the duodenum, and stimulates the pancreas to secrete digestive juices. Recall that both bile and enzymes in pancreatic juice are essential for the proper digestion and absorption of fat.


Age Changes


Aging is accompanied by an increase in the length of time during which rapid CCK secretion occurs after fat enters the duodenum. Therefore, the total amount of CCK produced increases and blood levels of CCK remain elevated longer. These changes seem to compensate for an age-related decrease in the sensitivity of the gallbladder to CCK. The overall result is no age change in the rate of gallbladder emptying or the total amount of bile ejected from the gallbladder. This compensatory mechanism helps sustain normal digestion and absorption of fat.




Source and Control of Secretion


Glucocorticoids are a mixture of more than 12 steroid hormones secreted by selected cells in the adrenal cortex, the outer region of the adrenal glands (Fig. 14.1). The main glucocorticoid is cortisol.


Glucocorticoid secretion is controlled by a negative feedback system that resembles the mechanism controlling thyroid hormone secretion. Activities in the hypothalamus and other brain areas cause a circadian rhythm in glucocorticoid secretion and blood levels. Peak secretion is at about the time of awakening in the morning, and slowest secretion occurs at approximately midnight.




Glucocorticoids have many types of target cells and produce a variety of responses, including increases in glucose production and release by the liver, leading to an increase in the blood glucose level; fat breakdown to supply energy for cells; breakdown of proteins to supply free amino acids; and vasoconstriction to increase blood pressure. Glucocorticoid secretion increases in times of stress because these four responses help the body overcome threats to homeostasis. Glucocorticoids also inhibit the inflammatory response and therefore reduce the accompanying pain, itching, and/or swelling. This effect has led to the widespread use of several forms of glucocorticoidlike medications (e.g., cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone) to treat many physical injuries, skin disorders, and chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., arthritis).


Besides these responses, glucocorticoids cause five undesirable effects. These effects are suppression of cartilage and bone formation; stimulation of bone demineralization; promotion of GI tract bleeding and ulcer formation; damage to memory centers in the brain (i.e., hippocampus); and inhibition of portions of the immune response. The last effect increases susceptibility to infection when a person experiences severe stress.


When glucocorticoidlike steroids (corticosteroids) are administered therapeutically to reduce inflammation, their blood levels often rise above those established by internal negative feedback controls. This situation increases the number of unwanted effects. Older persons are especially susceptible to higher risks of glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and infections. These risks can be reduced by using minimal doses, administering alternative forms of corticosteroids, or simultaneously instituting other medications or diet modifications to counteract the side effects. Alternatively, using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce these risks. However, NSAIDs promote certain problems, including ulcer formation in the GI tract and kidney malfunction.


Age Changes


In healthy adults, aging causes no change in blood levels of glucocorticoids or the circadian rhythm of those levels. Therefore, aging seems to have no adverse effect on the contribution of glucocorticoids to homeostasis. However, there is a small age-related decrease in the sensitivity of the negative feedback mechanisms that control glucocorticoid levels. This change may lead to abnormally high levels in elderly individuals with disorders (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, depression) that reduce the effectiveness of the glucocorticoid control mechanism even further.





Source and Control of Secretion


Like glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids are a mixture of steroid hormones from the adrenal cortex. In humans, aldosterone is essentially the only mineralocorticoid that affects body functions.


Aldosterone secretion is controlled by four negative feedback mechanisms that operate through the kidney. These mechanisms help maintain homeostasis by regulating blood pressure, osmotic pressure, and blood levels of sodium and potassium.


In the most influential of these mechanisms, aldosterone secretion increases when the kidney secretes renin in response to low blood pressure, high osmotic pressure, or adverse changes in sodium concentrations. Aldosterone increases sodium and water reabsorption and retention by the kidneys, causing an increase in blood pressure and adjustments to osmotic pressure and sodium concentrations. Conversely, high blood pressure, low osmotic pressure, and the opposite changes in sodium concentration can suppress renin secretion and aldosterone production, allowing more sodium and water to leave in the urine. This lowers blood pressure, raises osmotic pressure, and corrects sodium concentrations.


Aldosterone secretion is regulated secondarily by the effects of blood levels of sodium and potassium on the adrenal cortex, by a hormone (atrial natriuretic factor) secreted by the heart when blood volume is high, and by a hormone (ACTH) secreted by the anterior pituitary gland during stress. In each case, the adjustment in aldosterone secretion helps maintain proper blood pressure, osmotic pressure, and blood levels of sodium and potassium.




Aldosterone and other mineralocorticoids cause these adaptive responses by stimulating the kidney tubules to reabsorb sodium and water and secrete potassium and/or acids (hydrogen ions).


Age Changes


Though aldosterone secretion decreases with aging, blood levels remain steady under ideal body conditions because the decline in secretion is accompanied by a compensatory decrease in elimination. However, aging is accompanied by a decrease in the ability to raise aldosterone secretion and blood levels when needed, leading to a decrease in aldosterone reserve capacity.


These changes are not due to age changes in the adrenal cortex, which largely retains the ability to increase aldosterone levels when needed. The age-related decrease in aldosterone reserve capacity is due primarily to the declining ability of the kidneys to secrete renin when needed. Aging is also accompanied by a declining ability to increase aldosterone secretion during stress. There is an age-related decrease in kidney sensitivity to aldosterone.


Because of the interrelationships between aldosterone secretion and kidney functioning, there is age-related decrease in the ability to maintain normal conditions when faced with adverse conditions such as low blood pressure, dehydration, and disease. Body conditions that are likely to become abnormal include blood pressure; osmotic pressure; concentrations of sodium and potassium; and acid/base balance





Sources and Control of Secretion


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. DHEA is converted to DHEAS, testosterone, estrogen, and other steroids plus unknown substances.




The functions of DHEA and DHEAS are unknown. Levels of DHEA and DHEAS in rats, mice, and most other research animals are very low and do not show age-related changes like those found in humans. Therefore, research on DHEA and its possible effects in humans is limited.


Age Changes


Between conception and birth of a child, the child's blood levels of DHEA rise to almost adult levels, dropping to almost zero as birth approaches. During childhood, DHEA levels rise until age 20, after which they gradually decline throughout life. DHEAS levels show a similar pattern.


DHEA Supplementation


Like melatonin, using DHEA supplements has become popular. DHEA is inexpensive, easy to obtain and can be taken orally. Though it is a hormone, its sale and use are not regulated like most other hormones. People take melatonin to slow, stop, or reverse age changes. Some reports suggest it can slow, stop, or reverse aging and age-related diseases in the circulatory system, nervous system, muscle system, skeletal system, and immune system and cancer growth. However, research reports reveal contradictory results depending upon many variables (e.g., age, sex, other hormone levels, dosages, animals used).


Hazards from DHEA and DHEAS supplementation include increasing certain age changes and age-related diseases, unbalancing other hormones, promoting cancers, and unpredictable effects from the unregulated production and testing of DHEA and DHEAS supplements.


Sex Hormones in Men


Sources and Control of Secretion


Testosterone is the main sex steroid in men. Nearly all testosterone is secreted by the interstitial cells (Leydig's cells), which lie between the seminiferous tubules in the testes (Fig. 14.1). The small amount of testosterone secreted by the adrenal cortex does not play a significant role in men unless the testes are removed. Another sex hormone, inhibin, is secreted by the sustentacular cells in the seminiferous tubules.


Secretion of testosterone and inhibin is stimulated by hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone. Because of this action, LH is also called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH). Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates inhibin secretion. The secretion of all these hormones is controlled primarily by negative feedback mechanisms similar to those which regulate the secretion of thyroid hormones and glucocorticoids. Testosterone secretion can also be influenced by brain activities such as those involved in emotional reactions.


Besides stimulating inhibin secretion, FSH stimulates the sustentacular cells to manufacture a protein called androgen-binding protein (ABP), which helps testosterone stimulate sperm production by binding testosterone and concentrating it in the seminiferous tubules.


Testosterone secretion in young men occurs in a circadian rhythm. The blood level reaches its peak value during the night or early morning. Testosterone secretion and blood levels then decline during the day, reaching a minimum value by evening.


Forms of Testosterone


Much of the testosterone that passes out of the testes binds to molecules in the blood called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Testosterone that is bound to SHBG is inactive, d only free testosterone molecules significantly alter target cell activities.


Testosterone can be converted to other sex steroids. The main alternative form is dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Though the testes produce some DHT, approximately 80 percent of DHT in the blood results from the conversion of testosterone to DHT by target tissues. For example, the prostate gland releases DHT back into the blood. Some target cells respond to testosterone (e.g., skeletal muscle), while others respond to DHT (e.g., most reproductive system structures). A small amount of testosterone is converted to the hormone estrogen by certain brain regions and fat tissue.




Testosterone and DHT stimulate numerous responses in men, including (1) sperm production, (2) development and maintenance of all reproductive structures, (3) development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics such as deep voice, beard, thick body hair, and little fat on the hips and thighs, (4) interest in sexual activity (libido), (5) involuntary nocturnal erections during sleep, (6) thickening and strengthening of bones and muscles, and (7) a high basal metabolic rate (BMR).


Age Changes


On the average, aging is accompanied by a gradual decrease in blood testosterone levels that becomes evident after age 40 in many men. However, there is great variability in age changes in testosterone, and some older men have levels equal to or greater than the normal values for young adult men. There is also an average decrease in the proportion of free (active) testosterone. Furthermore, there is a gradual decline in the early morning peak levels, which tends to flatten the circadian rhythm, and the peaks and valleys in daily testosterone levels occur up to 2 hours later. The effects of aging on DHT levels remain controversial.


Causes of Age Changes  Age-related changes in testosterone seem to result from several age changes. These include decreasing effects of LH on interstitial cells; decreasing numbers of interstitial cells; decreasing reserve capacity for LH and FSH secretion; and changing rhythms of LH secretion. However, the age-related increase in blood levels of LH that occurs in many aging men may help compensate for these changes. The increase may also explain why less than 10 percent of older men have blood testosterone levels low enough to be considered clinically abnormal.


Other age-related factors that may reduce testosterone levels include aging of the brain; adverse changes in the circulatory system; poor nutrition; obesity; alcohol consumption; medications; institutionalization; other specific diseases; and poor general health status.


Other Factors Affecting Testosterone and DHT  Besides age-related changes in testosterone levels, men are subject to age-related changes in the effectiveness of testosterone and DHT. First, the effectiveness of testosterone is reduced by the decrease in the proportion of free testosterone. Second, the effectiveness is reduced by an age-related decrease in the number of testosterone receptors in most target cells. In contrast, the prostate gland has an age-related increase in testosterone binding, which may contribute to benign prostatic hypertrophy. Third, the effectiveness of both testosterone and DHT is reduced by the age-related increase in estrogen, which results from increased conversion of testosterone and other hormones to estrogen by fat tissue. The increase in estrogen also may be partially responsible for the age-related increase in the incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy.


Effects of Changes in Sex Hormones  The age-related changes that affect testosterone and DHT in healthy men result in most age changes in the male reproductive system. However, testosterone levels remain adequate to sustain enough reproductive system functioning to achieve reproductive success and sexual satisfaction throughout life. Except in very old men, lower testosterone levels are not correlated with a decreased frequency of sexual activity. Furthermore, the age-related increase in blood levels of FSH and the resulting increase in stimulation of the sustentacular cells may be a compensatory factor. It may contribute to the lifelong ability to produce adequate numbers of functional sperm cells.


Using testosterone supplementation can benefit men who have a severe testosterone deficiency. Such cases are unusual. Men who have normal levels of testosterone and who take testosterone supplements receive little benefit while increasing their risks from atherosclerosis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and possibly from prostate cancer.


Other alterations associated with age-related changes in testosterone and DHT and their effectiveness include reductions in body hair and in secretion by apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Finally, declining testosterone activity seems to be a main factor in the more rapid loss of bone matrix and the increased incidence of type II osteoporosis in older men, particularly men over age 65.


Sex Hormones in Women


Sources and Control of Secretion


Young adult women produce two main sex steroids: estrogen and progesterone. There are two main forms of estrogen: estriol and estrone. Estriol, which constitutes approximately 60 percent of total estrogen, is more powerful than estrone.


Before menopause, almost all estrogen and progesterone come from follicle cells, which surround the developing egg cells in the ovaries (Fig. 14.1). Follicle cells also secrete inhibin. Stroma cells, which surround each group of follicle cells, secrete some testosteronelike hormone. Almost all of this hormone is converted to estrogen by the follicle cells. In addition, small amounts of estrogen, testosterone, and androstenedione are produced by the adrenal cortex, but these secretions do not play a significant role in women unless the ovaries are removed or menopause occurs.


Secretion of estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin by the ovaries is controlled by mechanisms that result in dramatic and rhythmic increases and decreases in hormone levels. These hormone cycles are accompanied by cycles of development and degeneration of follicles, egg cells, and the uterine lining.


The negative feedback mechanisms that control the secretion of estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin are similar to those which regulate testosterone and inhibin in men. However, in women a positive feedback mechanism becomes operative for a few days at about the middle of each cycle. This mechanism results in high LH levels, which cause ovulation. The high blood levels of estrogen and progesterone that also occur then produce a negative feedback effect again, resulting in decreasing LH and FSH levels; degeneration of the follicle; diminishing estrogen and progesterone levels; destruction of the uterine lining; and finally, menstruation. These changes lead to the next cycle.


Sex hormone secretion can be influenced by various brain activities; this may result in irregular cycles or the cessation of cycles.




The main effects of estrogen include (1) developing and maintaining reproductive system structures, including the breasts but not the ovaries, (2) developing and maintaining female secondary sex characteristics (e.g., fat deposits on the hips and thighs, female pattern of hair distribution), (3) maintaining low blood levels of LDLs and high levels of HDLs, and (4) increasing and maintaining bone matrix. Estrogen seems to affect bone matrix in several ways. These ways include directly stimulating osteoblasts; increasing the secretion or effectiveness of calcitonin; inhibiting the effects of parathormone on bone cells; and inhibiting the production and effects of IL-6. IL-6 stimulates osteoclast activity and bone removal.


Progesterone stimulates the development of glandular tissues in the uterine lining and breasts. These functions become important only if a woman becomes pregnant or nurses her child. Finally, as in men, testosterone stimulates interest in sexual activity.


Age Changes


Before Menopause   At about age 45 the length of each male cycle begins to shorten because the time between the end of one cycle and ovulation in the next cycle decreases. Since this phase of the cycle produces much estrogen, its shortening results in a decline in estrogen secretion, and estrogen levels fall. These levels become so low that an increasing number of cycles do not produce a positive feedback effect, and ovulation does not occur. These changes seem to be caused initially by a decrease in the responsiveness of the ovaries to FSH and LH.


Because of these changes, there is less progesterone production, less development of the uterine lining, and an increasing number of cycles with little or no menstrual flow. Since menstrual flow is the most noticeable indicator of female cycles, the occasional absence of menstrual flow when it is expected indicates that the cycles are becoming irregular. By age 50 to 51 progesterone is essentially absent, menstrual flow happens less than once each year, ovarian and menstrual cycles (uterine cycles) have ended, and menopause has occurred.


After Menopause  When menopause occurs, estrogen secretion by the ovaries and blood estrogen levels decline quickly. During the four years after menopause estrogen secretion by the ovaries dwindles to zero. Blood estrogen levels do not reach zero, however, because small amounts of estrogen are produced by conversion of testosterone and androstenedione to estrogen and by the adrenal cortex. In spite of this estrogen production, blood estrogen levels usually drop to slightly below the lowest levels that were present during premenopausal hormone cycles. Furthermore, postmenopausal estrogen levels may be less than 5 percent of those present during midcycle estrogen peaks before menopause. The low estrogen levels reached within a few years after menopause do not fluctuate cyclically.


As with testosterone levels in older men, estrogen levels among postmenopausal women show considerable variation. Obese women generally have higher levels because fat tissue converts much androstenedione to estrogen. In extreme cases these elevated estrogen levels may equal or exceed average levels in premenopausal women. However, the estrogen in postmenopausal women is not as potent as that in premenopausal women because most postmenopausal estrogen is estrone rather than estriol.


Testosterone secretion from both the ovaries and the adrenal glands in postmenopausal women declines slightly, resulting in a small decrease in the already low blood levels. This testosterone has a greater impact, however, because the ratio of testosterone to estrogen increases.


Effects of Age Changes


Up to the time of menopause slow age changes in sex hormones result in gradually shorter and increasingly irregular menstrual cycles.


Temporary Effects   As menopause occurs, ovarian sex hormone levels plummet, causing many menopausal women to experience temporary signs and symptoms that are often considered part of menopause. Among these common phenomena, hot flashes involve sudden dilation of skin blood vessels in the head and neck, which often spreads downward over other regions. Affected women may feel a sense of pressure in the head, followed by sensations of heat or burning in areas where vessel dilation is occurring. The affected areas appear flushed, and profuse sweating may occur. Hot flashes seem to be caused by low estrogen levels.


These flashes usually last approximately four minutes but may last from a few seconds to over 30 minutes. It is difficult to estimate the incidence among menopausal women because of the extreme individual variations in the intensity of hot flashes. Hot flashes in some women are barely noticeable, while other women may be briefly disabled or may be awakened by very intense flashes.


In approximately 85 percent of menopausal women who experience hot flashes, the flashes occur for more than a year after menopause. They continue to occur for up to five years in 25 to 50 percent of the women who experience them after menopause.


Other consequences of altered sex hormone levels during and shortly after menopause may include depression, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, fatigue, and impaired memory and ability to concentrate. Some of these psychological changes may result from sleep disturbances caused by low estrogen levels or nocturnal hot flashes. All these undesirable features usually subside. These and other effects from menopause vary greatly among different cultures.


Permanent Effects  Since hot flashes and the psychological alterations accompanying menopause are almost always temporary, they do not seem to fit the definition of age changes. Other changes caused primarily by the paucity of estrogen after menopause are permanent unless estrogen levels are raised, and many of these changes intensify into very old age. They include shrinkage and decreased functioning of all reproductive system structures; alterations in secondary sex characteristics (e.g., shrinkage of the breasts, increase in visible facial hair, decrease in axillary and pubic hair); increases in LDLs and decreases in HDLs; and more rapid loss of bone matrix.


The changes resulting from plunging estrogen levels and menopause are diverse. As for the reproductive system, the loss of childbearing ability is considered by some people to be a negative effect which can lead menopausal women into depression or other psychological disturbances. Others view the loss of childbearing ability as a positive outcome because it eliminates concerns about unwanted pregnancies. As a result, some women have an increase in sexual activity. Other consequences of reproductive system changes that follow menopause are discussed in Chap. 13.


Alterations in secondary sex characteristics after menopause are often considered cosmetically undesirable. Other changes in the skin include decreased secretion by apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands and an increased incidence of skin abnormalities. The changes in blood lipoproteins raise the risk of developing atherosclerosis and its complications (e.g., heart attacks, strokes). Shrinkage of the urethra promotes urinary stress incontinence. Finally, the rapid loss of bone matrix is a main risk factor for type I osteoporosis.


Estrogen Replacement Therapy


Since many target structures retain much of their responsiveness to estrogen, many postmenopausal changes can be slowed, stopped, or reversed by administering estrogenlike substances. This type of treatment is often called estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).


Benefits   In many women ERT reduces or eliminates hot flashes. It also restores low LDL levels and high HDL levels, lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, and it seems to maintain cognitive functions and reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease. To be most effective against osteoporosis, ERT should begin within six months after menopause, before significant bone loss has occurred. Furthermore, prevention of osteoporosis may require ERT for 10 or more years after menopause because stopping ERT allows the rate of bone resorption to increase to pretreatment levels. Postmenopausal prevention of osteoporosis may also require measures such as exercise, calcium supplements, and vitamin D supplements.


Risks   Estrogen replacement therapy is especially recommended for women who have an early menopause and those at high risk for developing osteoporosis. Because ERT increases the risks of certain disorders (e.g., thrombus formation, breast cancer, gallbladder disease, endometrial cancer), it is not recommended for women with risk factors for certain conditions. These conditions include breast cancer or other reproductive system cancers; circulatory abnormalities such as high blood pressure, thrombus formation, and varicose veins; liver or gallbladder disease; or endometriosis. Women who are heavy smokers or are obese are also poor candidates for ERT.


The risks from ERT can be greatly reduced in several ways. These include using small doses of estrogen; administering estrogen by injection rather than orally; administering estrogen in cycles that mimic natural cycles; and administering low levels of certain progesteronelike substances (progestins). Cyclic administration of estrogen, especially when supplemented with progestins, often results in continued uterine cycles and periodic menstrual flow, which is usually less than premenopausal menstrual flow. However, no egg cells are produced and pregnancy is impossible.


In conclusion, ERT can relieve several serious consequences of low estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. Though ERT increases certain risks somewhat, it greatly reduces others. Therefore, the net effect in many women is an increase in the quality of life and life expectancy.


Alternatives   For some women, the risks from estrogen supplementation are too high when compared with the possible benefits. Scientists have found artificial compounds that promote some beneficial effects from estrogen supplements (e.g., reduce risk of atherosclerosis, reduce bone thinning) while not increasing certain risks from estrogen supplements (e.g., blood clots, cancers). Examples include tamoxifen and raloxifene. Other alternatives to traditional estrogen supplement therapy are being developed and evaluated. These alternatives include using different methods of estrogen administration (e.g., skin patches, vaginal creams); minimizing other risk factors (e.g., high fat diet); increasing alternative beneficial practices (e.g., improved diet; exercise; vitamin and calcium supplements; exercise; foods containing natural estrogens; herbal remedies).


Insulin and Glucagon


Sources and Control of Secretion


Cells in the pancreas that secrete hormones are located in pinhead-sized clusters called islets of Langerhans, which are scattered throughout the pancreas (Fig. 14.1). Some islet cells secrete insulin, and others secrete glucagon.


The secretion of both insulin and glucagon is regulated primarily by negative feedback mechanisms involving substrate control by blood glucose. High blood glucose levels stimulate insulin secretion and inhibit glucagon secretion, leading to a decline in blood glucose. Conversely, low blood glucose levels inhibit insulin secretion and stimulate glucagon secretion, leading to a rise in blood glucose. These mechanisms help maintain homeostasis of blood glucose.




Insulin   The principal target structures of insulin are muscle, liver, and fat cells. Insulin helps provide energy for these cells while simultaneously reducing blood glucose levels by stimulating entry of glucose into the cells; the breakdown of glucose for energy; storage of glucose as glycogen; and storage of glucose as fat. The first three processes occur primarily in muscle and liver cells, while liver and fat cells carry out most of the fourth. These three target cell types obtain and use blood glucose only if adequate insulin is supplied. Body cells other than muscle, liver, and fat cells can use glucose without the presence of insulin. Of all the glucose removed from the blood because of insulin, approximately 75 percent enters muscle cells. Insulin also stimulates both the passage of amino acids into cells and the synthesis of proteins from amino acids.


Glucagon   Unlike insulin, glucagon causes blood glucose levels rise by stimulating liver cells to produce and release glucose. The glucose is produced from glycogen in the liver, amino acids in the blood and liver, and fats in the liver and fat cells.


Combined Effects   The antagonistic effects of insulin and glucagon make up the body's main mechanism for providing proper and fairly stable blood glucose levels. Insulin is essentially the only control signal that causes a decrease in blood glucose. By contrast, though glucagon is the main control signal that causes an increase in blood glucose, sympathetic nerves and other hormones (e.g., growth hormone, epinephrine, glucocorticoids) can also cause such an increase.


Maintaining blood glucose homeostasis is important for two reasons. First, preventing low glucose levels assures that all body cells receive enough glucose to obtain energy and building materials. Second, avoiding high levels helps prevent many problems associated with the disease  diabetes mellitus (see Diabetes Mellitus, below). The effects of insulin on amino acids and protein synthesis are also helpful to the body because they assist in the formation and replacement of parts of the body and secretions that contain protein.


Blood Glucose Homeostasis


The blood glucose level is often expressed as glucose per 100 ml (per deciliter) of blood plasma in a sample taken at least 2 hours after eating. The result, called the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) value, is normally 80 to 115 mg/dl. Glucose levels may fluctuate irregularly within this range because of changes in body activity, sympathetic nerve impulses, and hormone levels.


The ability of the body to reverse a dramatic rise in blood glucose and restore glucose homeostasis is called its glucose tolerance. For example, soon after a person has ingested large quantity of sugar, the blood glucose level may exceed 200 mg/dl. If that person has good glucose tolerance, blood glucose is brought down below 140 mg/dl within 2 hours of ingesting the sugars, and glucose levels stabilize at 80 to 115 mg/dl soon afterward.


Glucose tolerance can be tested by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). In this procedure, blood glucose levels are measured during the 2-hour period after ingesting a large amount (75 grams) of glucose.


Age Changes


As age increases, the pancreas retains the ability to quickly increase blood insulin levels and glucagon levels and maintain them within the normal range for young adults. Furthermore, aging causes no significant changes in the ability of insulin and glucagon to regulate blood glucose levels. Because of the continued effectiveness of insulin and glucagon in regulating glucose levels, aging causes no important change in FPG values or glucose tolerance.


Abnormal Changes


Although aging has essentially no effect on the ability of the pancreas to regulate insulin levels, there is an average age-related increase in blood insulin levels. This is not an age change but is associated with reductions in physical activity and *VO2 max and increases in body fat. Elevated insulin levels are closely associated with increased abdominal body fat near the waist, which is common (increased waist/hip ratio), in aging men.


The age-related increase in blood insulin seems to result from a decrease in target cell responsiveness to insulin, which is called insulin resistance. Because of insulin resistance, the target cells (muscle, liver, and fat cells) remove little blood glucose even when blood glucose and insulin levels are high. Since blood glucose remains high, the pancreas secretes additional insulin, further elevating insulin levels. Insulin levels are increased until they are high enough to stimulate the somewhat unresponsive target cells to remove some blood glucose and lower blood glucose levels.


In individuals with insulin resistance, once insulin levels become high, they stay high because more insulin is needed to counter the effects of glucagon. (Recall that the blood levels and the effectiveness of glucagon do not change with advancing age.) By themselves, small increases in insulin resistance and insulin levels do not cause problems, but they can be warning signs that more substantial changes in insulin may occur. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor these changes and take steps to prevent or reverse them.


Restoring Insulin Levels and Target Sensitivity   Elderly people with an age-related increase in insulin resistance can regain much insulin sensitivity and reduce high blood insulin levels through a program that combines vigorous exercise and weight loss. Although improvements in insulin sensitivity occur within a few days of starting such a program, regular exercise must be continued because exercise-induced gains in insulin sensitivity begin to decline within three days of ending the program. If the program is not reinstated, the original low levels of insulin sensitivity are reached within several days to 2 weeks.


Blood Glucose Levels   Individuals who have normal FPG values and take almost 2 hours during an OGTT to reduce blood glucose to less than 140 mg/dl are considered to have normal glucose regulation but decreased glucose tolerance. Individuals who have FPG values below 140 mg/dl and whose blood glucose levels at the end of an OGTT are 140 to 200 mg/dl have an abnormal condition called impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Individuals with FPG values greater than 115 mg/dl have an abnormal condition called hyperglycemia. finally, individuals with FPG values below 80 mg/dl have an abnormal condition called hypoglycemia.


The proportion of people with decreased glucose tolerance rises rapidly after age 45. Since glucose tolerance depends on the action of insulin, the decrease in glucose tolerance usually occurs in those who also have insulin resistance and increased insulin levels. Like age-related changes in insulin, decreased glucose tolerance is probably not an age change.


Small decreases in glucose tolerance do not constitute a problem, though they may warn of impending difficulties with glucose regulation. Monitoring, preventing, and reversing decreases in glucose tolerance may be appropriate.


Decreased glucose tolerance in older people can be improved by the same techniques that improve high insulin levels and low insulin sensitivity (see above). Decreased glucose tolerance often worsens and becomes impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Other than abnormally high OGTT values, individuals with IGT have no signs or symptoms of the disorder. This allows problems from IGT to develop insidiously.


Impaired glucose tolerance develops in up to 40 percent of those over age 60. Among these individuals, approximately 30 percent will improve with no medical intervention and their glucose tolerance will enter the normal range. Another 50 percent will continue to have only IGT and its risks. The remaining 20 percent will develop diabetes mellitus.


Impaired glucose tolerance can be caused by the same factors that cause insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance and by other factors that contribute to diabetes mellitus (see below). However, IGT can be prevented or reversed by methods used in connection with decreased glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus. Such actions are highly advisable because of the complications that result from continued IGT and the subsequent development of diabetes mellitus. For example, elderly individuals who continue to have IGT are at high risk for developing atherosclerosis and its related disorders.


Diabetes Mellitus


Definition and Types


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, poor glucose tolerance, and usually other abnormalities in metabolism. Diabetics have FPG values above 140 mg/dl (above 126 mg/dl according to the American Diabetes Association) and final OGTT values above 200 mg/dl . High glucose levels, which may exceed 800 mg/dl, persist because of inadequate insulin production or high insulin resistance. As a result, muscle, liver, and fat cells cannot lower blood glucose adequately and the effect of glucagon, which raises blood glucose, remains unchecked.


There are four types of DM. Individuals with type I, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) cannot survive less they receive insulin therapy. This type of DM is also frequently called juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus because most cases develop before age 20 and very few develop after age 30. A third name is ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus because these patients usually develop high blood levels of ketoacids. Many individuals who develop IDDM as children or young adults receive adequate treatment and survive long enough to enter the elderly population.


Victims of type II, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) have low insulin levels or high insulin resistance but do not require insulin therapy to survive. However, insulin treatment may be of significant help in more severe cases. NIDDM is frequently called maturity-onset diabetes mellitus because most cases develop after age 40. It is also called non-ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus because few cases involve high ketoacid levels. NIDDM may advance to become IDDM.


Another type of DM is called secondary diabetes mellitus because it develops as a complication from another abnormality or disease, such as alcoholism, pancreatitis, excess growth hormone, or excess glucocorticoids. The fourth type is gestational diabetes, which occurs in some women during pregnancy because high sex hormone levels reduce the effectiveness of insulin. We will consider only IDDM and NIDDM in detail because no cases of gestational diabetes occur among older people and because most cases of secondary diabetes, though differing in cause, have the same effects as NIDDM.




Diabetes mellitus ranks as the eighth leading chronic condition among both people over age 45 and those over age 65. Its incidence nearly doubles between ages 45 and 65. Because of its many complications, DM is among the most common factors causing older people to visit a physician, and it is the sixth or seventh leading cause of death among people over age 65.


NIDDM is the most common type of DM among the elderly. It is estimated that 10 percent of all people over age 56 have NIDDM. Furthermore, the incidence increases with age, and NIDDM is present in approximately 20 percent of those age 65 to 74 years and approximately 40 percent of those over age 85.




IDDM seems to be caused by autoimmune reactions against insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Virtually no insulin can be produced because essentially all the insulin-producing cells are destroyed.


NIDDM has a strong tendency to run in families, certain ethnic groups, and blacks. Therefore, it seems to rely heavily on genetic predispositions that interact with other factors. One important factor is obesity; another is eating large quantities of carbohydrates. These factors are important because they are associated with high insulin resistance. The significance of high insulin resistance becomes evident when one realizes that though some people with NIDDM produce little insulin, many have normal or high insulin levels but high insulin resistance. Finally, contrary to previous beliefs, aging makes little or no contribution to the development of NIDDM.


Main Effects and Complications


The most important effect of diabetes mellitus is the maintenance of abnormally high blood glucose levels. The glucose causes several alterations, each of which contributes to one or more of the complications of DM. The development and consequences of most of the complications mentioned below are described in greater detail in Chaps. 3-10, 12, 13, and 15 on the body systems in which these complications appear. (Suggestion 309.01.06)


For some photos of the effects and complications from diabetes, go to sections of Preserved  Specimen Photos and to Microscope Slides.
For Internet images of the effects and complications from diabetes, search the Images section of for specific items (e.g., diabetic cataract, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic gangrene, diabetic kidney). For diseases, I highly recommend searching WebPath: The Internet Pathology Laboratory , the excellent complete version of which can be purchased on a CD.


Excess Glucose   One outcome of high blood glucose levels is excess conversion of glucose to a sugar-like molecule (i.e., sugar alcohol) called sorbitol, which accumulates in certain areas. Within the eye, sorbitol causes cataracts in the lens and initiates diabetic retinopathy. These conditions are, respectively, the leading eye disease and the leading cause of blindness among the elderly. Within nerves, sorbitol causes degeneration of neurons and the Schwann cells that surround them, resulting in deterioration of sensory and motor neuron functioning and leading to diminished reflex response, conscious sensation, and voluntary muscle control. Effects include reduced sweating, increased traumatic injury, gangrene of the feet, abnormal GI tract peristalsis, and fecal and urinary incontinence.


A second outcome of high blood glucose levels is the formation of glucose cross-links between protein molecules both inside and outside cells. No enzymes are needed to initiate this process, which is called nonenzymatic glycosylation. Furthermore, once started, the process continues even if glucose levels return to normal. Since the cross-links formed by glucose are strong and permanent, the movement of protein molecules and the passage of materials between proteins, such as collagen fibers, are restricted. Harmful consequences of nonenzymatic glycosylation in the circulatory system adversely affect all parts of the body. The most frequent serious complications of circulatory system changes are heart attacks, strokes, and gangrene of the feet and legs. Non-enzymatic glycosylation promotes free radical formation, and it can also lead to degeneration and failure of the kidneys.


A third effect of high blood glucose levels is high osmotic pressure. A high concentration of glucose in the blood causes some dehydration of cells because water moves from the cells into the blood, causing the cells to malfunction. The situation is compounded because the extra glucose prevents the collecting ducts in the kidneys from reabsorbing enough water, leading to excess water loss in urine.


The consequences of altered kidney functioning caused by high blood glucose levels are revealed by three classic signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus: an increase in urine production (polyuria), the presence of glucose in the urine (glycosuria), and an increase in appetite and eating (polyphagia). An abnormally high loss of water in the urine tends to lower blood pressure while further increasing blood osmotic pressure and cell dehydration. This is indicated by the fourth classical sign and symptom of DM: increased thirst and drinking (polydipsia). Finally, as more water leaves the body and dehydration worsens, additional minerals (e.g., sodium, potassium) are lost and mineral deficiencies develop. Outcomes may include circulatory failure, brain malfunction, coma, and death.


Two other effects of high blood glucose levels include; (a) increased risk of infection. This occurs because the glucose provides abundant nutrients for microbes, encouraging their rapid proliferation, and because the glucose inhibits defense functions by WBCs; (b) reduced oxygen carrying capacity by RBCs, because hemoglobin is distorted when glucose binds to it.


Ketoacidosis   In all cases of IDDM and some cases of NIDDM, insulin levels are so low that very little glucose enters liver, muscle, and fat cells. These cells then attempt to obtain energy from the breakdown of fats and amino acids. However, this requires the use of some glucose because glucose provides the substance that channels fatty acid fragments and amino acid fragments into the Krebs cycle. With inadequate insulin to assist the entry and use of glucose, the fragments from the fat and amino acids cannot be broken down but are converted into substances called ketoacids (ketones). Ketoacids enter and accumulate in the blood, producing a condition called ketoacidosis. The resulting disturbance in acid/base balance causes cells to malfunction, especially in the brain.


Excess ketones leave the body in exhaled breath and in the urine (ketonuria). The ketones are noticed as a sweet fruity aroma, which indicates the presence of ketoacidosis. When ketoacids are eliminated in the urine, they carry minerals (e.g., sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium) out of the body, causing increased mineral deficiencies.




There are no preventive measures for IDDM. However, the development over a period of weeks of polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia, which are usually accompanied by rapid weight loss, is a clear warning sign that this disease has developed. The intensity of these conditions forces affected individuals to seek medical attention. Failure to obtain treatment results in serious acute illness and death.


NIDDM develops subtly and insidiously over a period of years. The classic warning signs and symptoms may not be apparent or may develop gradually and be ignored or attributed to other conditions. Therefore, the first indication of NIDDM to be noticed is often a complication it causes, such as eye diseases, heart attack, stroke, and foot infections. At this stage many other complications are also well established. Therefore, early prevention of NIDDM by avoiding modifiable risk factors is very important, especially for blacks and anyone with close relatives who have NIDDM.


Perhaps the most important modifiable risk factor for NIDDM is having an abundance of body fat, particularly when it reaches the level of obesity. Obesity accompanied by a diet high in carbohydrates creates an especially high risk of developing NIDDM. Furthermore, the greater the amount of body fat, obesity, and carbohydrate intake, the greater the risk. Therefore, one of the best ways to prevent NIDDM is to maintain a desirable body weight and avoid excess body fat. The other important modifiable risk factor for NIDDM is having a low level of physical activity. Exercise reduces the risk of NIDDM by helping to increase insulin sensitivity, improve glucose tolerance, and prevent obesity by increasing energy use and influencing appetite (Chap. 8).




The goals for treating DM include maintaining homeostasis of blood glucose levels and avoiding ketoacidosis. One key to achieving these goals is dietary regulation. Careful planning includes controlling the times food is consumed; the amounts of sugar, fiber, and other carbohydrates consumed; and the total intake of kilocalories.


A second aspect of these treatment plans is regulating the amount of physical activity. Exercise tends to lower glucose levels by causing cells to consume glucose and glycogen and to have increased insulin sensitivity. Sedentary periods have the opposite effects. Exercise that is accompanied by reductions in body fat can cure some cases of NIDDM. However, exercise programs must be tailored to individual needs to maximize the benefits while minimizing the adverse effects.


Treatment plans may include the administration of insulin or medications that stimulate insulin production. Various types, doses, and schedules of insulin administration are used in different individuals. Furthermore, the administration of insulin and other medications is adjusted frequently to compensate for fluctuations in diet, exercise, and other aspects of daily living.


In spite of all efforts at planning, numerous factors militate against maintaining glucose homeostasis and preventing ketoacidosis at all times. These factors include an inability to adequately regulate diet and exercise; age changes; the presence of abnormal conditions or diseases; other medications; physical and mental limitations and disabilities; and a host of social, psychological, and economic factors. Furthermore, the number and severity of these factors and the complexity of interactions among them increase with age. Therefore, it is likely that an elderly person with diabetes mellitus will develop at least some complications. However, the adverse effects can be minimized by regularly checking for complications and promptly treating any that appear.


©©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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