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Chapter 3


The Integumentary System


The integumentary system is made up of the skin and the subcutaneous layer that underlies it. This system makes up most of the external surface of the body. Because of its position, the integumentary system is always in direct contact with the external environment and lies between it and the internal environment of the body. Therefore, this system plays a major biological role in maintaining a person's homeostasis and thus that person's happy and healthy survival. The major functions of the integumentary system are serving as a barrier between the body and its surroundings, providing information about the external environment, regulating body temperature, starting the process of vitamin D production, and actively defending the body from harmful physical and biological factors. In addition, because it is a highly visible system, it frequently affects the social, psychological, and economic aspects of a person's life.




Serving as a Barrier


The integumentary system must provide a barrier against several types of factors because unrestricted entry or exit of these factors can cause a deviation from homeostasis.


Microorganisms  One of these factors consists of microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) that cause infections.


Chemicals   A second factor is chemicals. Many chemicals, such as vitamins, are within the body because they are needed by the cells. They must not be allowed to dissipate into the external environment. By contrast, noxious and toxic substances in the external environment must not be allowed to come into contact with the body's delicate living cells.


Water   Though also a chemical, water is considered a third factor because it is an especially important substance and is present in such large quantities. Its movement between the interior of the body and the external environment must be restricted. The cells of the body must have enough water to maintain their shape, size, and activities beneficial to healthy survival because it provides energy needed by the integumentary system to produce vitamin D. Still, only a small amount of light should be allowed to penetrate the body because energy from excess light damages several types of important molecules (e.g., proteins, DNA). The outcome is obvious to anyone who has had a sunburn.


Light  Light is essential for healthy survival because it provides energy needed by the integumentary system to produce vitamin D. Still, only a small amount of light should be allowed to penetrate the body because the energy introduced by excess light damages several of the most important large molecules, including proteins, RNA and DNA. The outcome is obvious to anyone who has had a sunburn.


Trauma   The fifth factor to which the integumentary system is a barrier is trauma. Direct contact of the cells with rough or sharp materials in the external environment immediately cuts the cells open. The result is the death of those cells and the portion of the body they constitute. Pressure or sharp blows can also injure or kill cells.


Providing Information


Gathering information about conditions in and around the body is essential for survival. It is the first step in negative feedback systems and positive feedback systems that help maintain homeostasis.


Since the integumentary system is between most cells of the body and the external environment, it can supply information about factors that might alter internal conditions of the body even before those factors have an opportunity to do so. For example, many abundant nerve cells in the integument continuously monitor the external environment and send messages to other parts of the nervous system. As a result, the person knows much about the area surrounding the body, including the location, size, shape, texture, movement, and temperature of objects and materials (e.g., clothes, furniture, water, air). Then the person can take steps to avoid or correct any threatening features, perhaps before harm is done. Information provided by nerve cells in the integumentary system can also provide pleasure that can improve the quality of life. Examples include enjoyment from physical touches (e.g., hugs, caresses) and temperatures (e.g., cool breeze, warm blanket). In later parts of this chapter, other types of cells are mentioned that monitor conditions to initiate negative feedback or helpful positive feedback activities contributing to homeostasis.


Temperature Regulation


The maintenance of a proper and relatively stable temperature within the body is essential not only for comfort and satisfactory performance but also for sustaining life. The body must be sufficiently warm that its chemical reactions proceed quickly enough. Cooling an individual's body can slow chemical reactions so much that the person will die. In contra too high, certain types of molecules (e.g., proteins) in and around the cells will be damaged or die. If it is extensive enough, this damage can result in the death of the individual.


Vitamin D Production


Vitamin D is necessary for healthy survival because it allows the intestines to absorb calcium from food. The calcium is then used in many vital ways.


Clearly, the integumentary system performs a wide variety of necessary jobs. To carry them out, it has many component structures and materials organized to operate efficiently and effectively. This chapter will examine the contributions of each of those components, paying particular attention to those known to change with the passage of time.


Where possible, changes occurring because of aging will be distinguished from those caused by environmental factors or disease. However, these distinctions cannot often be made. For one thing, the skin is subjected to many environmental influences over long periods, including sunlight and physical wear. Also, different parts of the body receive vastly different doses of these influences; perhaps the best example is differences in exposure to sunlight. Finally, there is tremendous disparity among the lifestyles of individuals. For example, the skin of a farmer or a fisher receives very different treatment from that of a person who works in an office.



The integumentary system provides defense when components assist actively in isolating, destroying or removing a harmful agent from the body (e.g., splinter, poison ivy sap, bacteria, viruses, cancer cells). Negative feedback (e.g., healing) and helpful positive feedback (e.g., inflammation, immune reactions) are used in defense activities. Defense prevents or limits damage from the harmful agent in the integumentary system and reduces the risk of damage in other body regions from agents that may spread (e.g., toxins, infection, cancer).






Keratin and Keratinocytes


The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin (Fig. 3.1 ) and (Fig. 3.2a ). It is composed mostly of a thin sheet built up from many layers of flat cells produced continuously in the deepest region of the epidermis. As they accumulate, many of these cells are pushed upward toward the outside of the body. As they move farther away from the favorable internal environment of the body, they begin to produce a protein called keratin. Therefore, these cells are called keratinocytes. Finally, these cells are moved so close to the air that they die, leaving behind their keratin as the outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum. Starting with the formation of a new cell in the deep region of the epidermis, this process takes about a month.


Keratinocytes produce several substances that help regulate inflammation and immune responses, which are defense activities. The stratum corneum provides a barrier against microbes; many chemicals, including water; and abrasion. Though it is always being gradually worn away at the outer surface, it is maintained by having new keratin produced at the same rate by the next generation of keratinocytes. The stratum corneum serves well as long as it remains thick enough and is not broken by cuts, tears, scrapes, or burns.


If the keratin is injured, the keratinocytes reproduce at a faster rate and repair the damage, as occurs when a cut heals. The epidermis can even form a thick pad of keratin a callus) in areas that are regularly subjected to physical abuse. Thus, the keratinocytes provide adaptation to maintain homeostasis.


Melanin and Melanocytes


The keratinocytes are aided by other types of cells. One type is in the innermost layer of the epidermis and produces the brown skin pigment melanin. Cells of this type are called melanocytes (Fig. 3.2a )They make up 2 to 3 percent of the cells in the epidermis.


Melanocytes send melanin into keratinocytes that are about to begin migrating toward the outer surface of the skin (Fig. 3.2b ). The melanin helps maintain homeostasis by absorbing excess light. Recall that excess light can cause great harm to the body. This is especially true of ultraviolet (UV) light, which contains a great deal of energy and is particularly well absorbed by proteins, RNA, and DNA. UV light is in high concentration in sunlight and in the light from certain bulbs, such as those used for getting a tan.


Excess light is hazardous to the body because it changes the structure of molecules. There are three main undesirable outcomes. One is damage to the protein molecules making up much of the inner layer on the skin (i.e., dermis), which are discussed later in this chapter. This damage may contribute to wrinkling of the skin. The second outcome is injury to the protein molecules inside the cells. The result can be painful and severe sunburn with blistering and peeling of the epidermis. Besides causing pain, such injury detracts from the barrier functions provided by the keratin. The third outcome is alteration of DNA, which can lead to skin cancer.


Fortunately, enough melanin can usually be produced to significantly reduce the incidence of these problems. Like the keratinocytes, the melanocytes are adaptable, and they increase their production of melanin when the skin is exposed to excess light. This is evident as the development of a tan. Melanocytes also decrease melanin production when less light is encountered. Then, as the melanin‑rich keratinocytes die and are sloughed off at the surface of the skin, melanin‑poor keratinocytes replace them and the tan fades.


Immune Function and Langerhans Cells


The third type of important cell in the epidermis is one that starts a body defense strategy called an immune response (Chap. 15). These cells are called Langerhans cells (dendritic cells) and make up less than 1 percent of the epidermal cells (Fig. 3.2a  and Fig. 3.2c ). Their specific function is to monitor substances throughout the epidermis to determine whether they are native to the body or foreign. These substances may be free molecules between the cells, molecules on the surfaces of microbes, or viruses. Of course, being near the surface of the body, Langerhans cells are positioned to guard against the entry of harmful materials and organisms.


When a Langerhans cell determines that a substance is foreign and therefore does not belong in the body, it alters that substance so that other cells in the immune system can attack and eliminate it. This helps maintain proper chemical conditions within the body and greatly reduces the risk of infection and cancer.




Keratin and Keratinocytes


Thickness  The overall thickness of the epidermis changes little with advancing age, though the epidermis becomes slightly uneven in different parts of the body. Of greatest importance is the fact that the stratum corneum in protected areas, such as those usually covered by clothing, becomes only slightly thinner. Therefore, the keratin retains most of its ability to serve as a barrier against microbes and viruses, water, and abrasion. However, the slight thinning allows certain substances to penetrate the epidermis more easily. Therefore, the elderly should be careful about skin contact with chemicals and topically applied medications.


Structure   Two other microscopic changes in the epidermis have been observed. One is the increase in variability of the size, shape, and internal structure of keratinocytes in the deeper regions. These irregularities may indicate initial abnormalities in cells that are precursors to skin cancer. Skin cancers are among the most common types of cancer in the elderly.


The second structural change is a decrease in the strength of attachment and an increase in the spacing between cells and between keratin materials. These changes may be an additional reason for the increased chemical permeability of the epidermis. The separation of the scaly bits of keratin, with their flattening and broadening, also contributes to the age‑related increase in the scaliness of the skin.


Replacement   There is an age-related decrease in the secretion of some signaling substances by keratinocytes. The rate of new keratinocyte production also decreases. The amount of decline is different in different individuals, and the rate of decline becomes much faster after age 50. By age 75, the rate of cell production may drop to 50 percent of the rate in youth. These changes cause a decrease in the speed of wound healing, leading to an increase in the risk of infection.


Melanin and Melanocytes


Aging affects the melanocytes also. The somewhat uneven distribution found in youth becomes much more pronounced because while the total number of melanocytes decreases, certain areas of the skin develop clumps of melanocytes. These clumps form dark "age spots" or "liver spots" that are noticeable against the gradually fading coloration of the rest of the skin. By contrast, the number of dark moles decreases because of the overall reduction in melanocytes. Still, the result is that the elderly have a paler but increasingly mottled skin coloration.


The widespread reduction in the number of melanocytes due to their shorter lifespans and slower production, combined with a cessation of melanin production in increasing proportions of the remaining melanocytes, causes a decline in protection from excess light. Therefore, elderly people who are exposed to sunlight cannot develop as dark a tan as they did when they were younger. It also takes them longer to develop a tan. This places the elderly at much higher risk of suffering sunburn and skin cancer from exposure to sunlight.


Immune Function and Langerhans Cells


Langerhans cells decrease dramatically with aging. By the time of very old age, the number of these cells declines to less than half the number present in youth. The reduction is greatest in areas of the skin chronically exposed to sunlight. Because of declining numbers of Langerhans cells, one of the body's first lines of defense is largely crippled. This leaves the elderly with more inn cancers that would otherwise be eliminated by the immune system. It also decreases allergic reactions by the skin. This change may seem beneficial since such reactions can be uncomfortable, but allergic reactions serve as a warning sign that the body has come into contact with a harmful agent (e.g., noxious chemicals). Without this warning sign, steps to avoid or correct problems are not taken, and this may place a person in jeopardy from these agents.




There are many places in the skin where groups of epidermal cells have sunk into the underlying dermis so that they may form additional helpful structures. Two of these structures are hair and nails, which will be discussed here because they are visible on the surface of the skin. The others (i.e., sweat glands, sebaceous glands) will be discussed as part of the dermis because they are under the epidermis proper.




Recall that the upper layer of the epidermis consists of a thin layer of keratin. Hair is also made of keratin. Each hair is formed at the bottom of a deep pit of epidermal cells called a hair follicle, which extends down into the dermis (Fig. 3.1 (Fig. 3.1 ). At the base of the follicle, the same processes that produce the stratum corneum occur, leaving the keratin behind as the shaft of the hair.


Each follicle is not always making hair. On a fairly regular basis, the production of cells in a follicle slows and may even stop. When this occurs, the hair falls out and the follicle enters a resting period. After a while the follicle will begin producing cells and melanin again, and a new hair will emerge.


Hair is found on almost all parts of the skin. In areas such as the forehead, it is sparse, thin, and light in color and has only a slight value. However, the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids have dense, thick, and long hairs that contribute substantially to a person's well‑being in a variety of ways.


Perhaps the most obvious is its cosmetic value. To appreciate this, one need only notice how much time, energy, attention, and money people spend on their hair. A person's appearance has great social, psychological, and economic impact on the quality of his or her life; this holds true for the elderly as well as the young.


Hair also has several biological functions. For example, scalp hair shades the head from sunlight, provides a thermal insulating layer, and cushions the head against bumps. The hair around the eyes shades them and filters out dust and other small particles. The hair in the openings to the nose and ears also serves as a filter.


In addition, hair helps increase the skin's sensitivity to touch. Since hairs jut out from the surface of the body, any object or material that is about to touch the skin or is moving along its surface collides with these hairs. When such collisions move a hair, its motion travels down the shaft to nerve endings around the follicle. These nerve endings detect the motion and send impulses to the brain, informing the person of the presence and motion of the object or material. Recall that such monitoring is the first step in the negative feedback processes necessary for healthy survival. The person can then take the necessary steps to avoid or remove the object or material. Alternatively, if the object or material causing the motion is not harmful, the person may derive pleasure from the sensations, such as those from a caress or a gentle breeze.


Age Changes in Hair


Aging results in four changes that decrease the amount of visible hair. First, there is a decrease in the number of follicles, which decreases the total number of hairs present. Second, increasing proportions of the remaining follicles spend longer periods in the resting stage. This further reduces the amount of hair, since follicles have no hair present during the resting stage. Third, when follicles reenter the active stage, they produce hair more slowly, and so it takes more time for a new hair to emerge. Fourth, almost all the hairs produced are thinner‑related decreases in the levels of sex hormones are the main reason for the decline in armpit and pubic hair. However, relatively high levels of male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone) cause more rapid loss of hair from the scalp. Since aging men retain relatively high levels of sex hormones, they lose much scalp hair. Furthermore, men who have inherited the genes for pattern baldness lose increasing amounts of hair from the crown of the head. Women also have some male sex hormone, which is produced by the adrenal gland. Since the level of male sex hormone in women is low before menopause, loss of scalp hair in women is low at first. After menopause, this loss increases dramatically because menopause is accompanied by a rise in male sex hormone.


While a decrease in both the amount and thickness of hair occurs in most areas of the body, some exceptions occur. In aging women these include an increase in facial hair and thickening and lengthening of some hairs on the chin and upper lip. In aging men, thicker and longer hairs are produced in the eyebrows, on the external ears, and within the ear canals and nostrils. All these alterations can be cosmetically troublesome.


Other cosmetically important changes include the development of air pockets within hairs and decreases in the amount of oil secreted onto the hair, resulting in a loss of softness and luster. In addition, the number of melanocytes in each follicle declines, resulting in a decline in the intensity of hair color. As more follicles lose all their melanocytes, increasing numbers of hairs become white. With declining pigment in each hair and fewer hairs containing any pigment, the hue of a person's hair becomes gray and finally white.


The time and rate of graying are determined mostly by genes. Both the time of onset and the rate of graying of scalp hair are not well correlated with chronological age, and graying of scalp hair shows wide variation among individuals. Therefore, gray hair is a very poor indicator of chronological age. By contrast, the initiation and progress of graying of axillary hair are very good indicators.


The consequences of age changes in hair vary. The amount of cushioning provided for the head remains high. Shading of the eyes, and the filtering action and the contributions to touch sensation hair provides, may improve when hairs thicken and lengthen. By contrast, the decline in the abundance of hair results in decrements in shading and thermal insulation for the scalp. However, wearing a hat can provide the same type of protection for the scalp.


Because of decreases in both the number and length of hairs in most areas, there are widespread reductions in the contributions hair makes to touch perception. This reduction is exacerbated by the decline in both the number and functioning of sensory nerve cells.


All these biological effects may seem slight compared with the variety and degree of social, psychological, and economic effects caused by the appearance of becoming old. While there may be some positive effects from appearing to be older or more mature, most of the effects are negative.




Like hair, fingernails and toenails are made of keratin produced by essentially the same process as is the keratin in the stratum corneum and in hair. However, no melanin is incorporated into nails.


Nails serve primarily to protect the fingers and toes from traumatic injuries such as crushing, cuts, and scrapes. They can also be used like tools to pick up small objects or scratch irritants off the skin. In addition, though the toenails are usually hidden from view, the fingernails are usually very visible and therefore can have a significant impact on a person's appearance.


Age Changes in Nails


As a person ages, the rate of growth of nails decreases by as much as 50 percent and the thickness and strength of the nails also decrease. The keratin plate becomes less clear, longitudinal grooves develop, and the growth zone at the base of the nail decreases in size. Though these changes are primarily due to aging, they can also be caused by trauma and reduced blood flow to the extremities. Changes are greater in the toenails than in the fingernails because there is a greater age‑related decline in the blood supply to the feet compared with the hands.


Age changes in nails have several undesirable consequences. The structural weakening of the nails makes them susceptible to injury and disfigurement. The declining growth rate means that the damage is present for a longer period before the injured part grows out and is worn off or cut away. Therefore, nails are less able to perform their functions. Furthermore, because of the higher incidence, severity, and duration of nail injuries, fungal infections of the nails become more common.


Such infections cause the nails to thicken, become opaque, and become misshapen. Infected nails may become unsightly, causing cosmetic problems. In addition, curing fungal nail infections takes longer because a declining blood supply to the nails causes medications to be delivered more slowly. Eventually fungal infections of the toenails may become impossible to cure.


Aging and disease changes in the toenails can have a more serious biological impact than can those in the fingernails because the toenails are out of sight most of the time and therefore often do not get proper care. Furthermore, because of age changes in the eyes and the skeletal system, it is increasingly difficult for aging individuals to see and reach their toenails, resulting in further decrements in toenail care. For example, toenails may become so large that they interfere with the proper fit of shoes, making walking difficult or painful. Toenails are also common sites of infection in diabetics.




The skin layer under the epidermis is called the dermis (Fig. 3.1 ). It is considerably thicker than the epidermis and contains many different types of structures, include vessels, nerve cells, and small muscles. These structures are embedded in a foundation material consisting mostly of fibers and some cells suspended in a small quantity of soft gel. The gel consists mostly of water with some complex proteins and carbohydrates. Because of the variety of its structures, the dermis makes many contributions to three of the four main functions of the skin discussed earlier in this chapter.


Foundation Material


Fibers   Fibers made of protein are the most abundant material in the dermis. The protein fibers are mainly of two types. Collagen fibers constitute approximately 80 percent of the fiber materials, and the others consist of elastin fibers.


The collagen fibers are tangled with each other to form a dense mat. This ensures that the skin will not split open or tear when it is subjected to pulling or twisting forces or is cut. Therefore, it is like a rip‑stop fabric. Still, the mat is very flexible so that parts of the body can bend freely.


Elastin fibers are mixed among the collagen fibers. Because of their elasticity, these fibers cause the skin automatically to return to its original position after it has been pulled, bent, or twisted out of shape.


Cells   Scattered among the dermal fibers are cells of various types. The most abundant type, accounting for about 60 percent of these cells, is the fibroblast. Fibroblasts produce and secrete the proteins that form collagen and elastin fibers. They are regulated by chemical and physical signals. Sunlight inhibits collagen production.


Macrophages ("large eaters") constitute 20 to 40 percent of the dermal cells. They wander about among the fibers, engulfing and digesting unwanted materials, including cellular debris, foreign substances, and bacteria. Macrophages are also important as defense cells because they function like the Langerhans cells of the epidermis.


Additional defense cells in the fibers include white blood cells that attack and remove harmful materials in a variety of ways (see Chaps. 4 and 15). Mast cells release a substance called histamine. Whenever there is injury to the dermis. Histamine starts the process of inflammation (Fig. 33. ) (Erythrocytes are red blood cells (RBCs), leucocytes are white blood cells (WBCs), and thrombocytes are platelets.)


Inflammation in any part of the body involves an increase in the diameter of blood vessels and in the porosity of the smallest vessels (capillaries). These changes deliver more white blood cells to the injured area to protect the body from infection and remove damaged body cells. More oxygen and nutrients are also brought to the area to supply body cells with all the materials they need to repair the injury. The extra fluids that arrive cause swelling and usually help flush away toxins and debris. In more serious vessel damage, movement of the fluid is inhibited by clotting materials that leak out of the vessels. The redness, swelling, and pain that accompany inflammation serve as warning signs that an injury has occurred. In addition, the pain encourages the person to avoid the circumstances that caused the injury and limit the use of the damaged area until healing has occurred.


Beyond their role in defense, mast cells release a substance called heparin, which stimulates the migration of cells that form new blood vessels in the dermis. These new vessels are important when new dermal components are formed during the healing of a wound and when the skin grows.


Gel   As was mentioned above, the fibers and cells of the dermis are surrounded by a small amount of soft gel material. This gel is made up mostly of water but also contains a variety of large and small molecules dissolved in the water. The water provides a favorable environment for the cells, allows materials to get to and from the cells, and maintains the firmness of the skin. The large molecules provide firmness by keeping enough water in the dermis. They also bind together the other structures in the dermis as a soft glue would. Most of the small dissolved molecules are either nutrients moving to the cells or waste products moving to the blood vessels for removal from the skin. Some inactive vitamin D is also in the water. The vitamin D moves out of the dermis after being acted upon by light (see Vitamin D, below).


Age Changes in Fibers and Cells   The collagen fibers of the dermis undergo substantial changes with increasing age. These changes have a profound effect on the properties of the dermis and the ability of the skin to perform normally. One change is a gradual decrease in the amount of collagen. The remaining collagen fibers become thicker and less organized and form larger bundles of fibers. These changes may be due to the increase in the number of cross‑links between the fibers. The increasing cross‑links make the fibers stiffer and less able to move, leaving the skin stiffer and less able to stretch. Pulling forces are then more likely to cause injury to the skin because the skin yields less when pulled.


The progressive cross‑linking of collagen does not continue throughout life, however. In very old age enzymes in the skin break down the cross‑links faster than they can form. Then the strength of the collagen mat decreases, and the skin can be torn more easily.


Age changes in elastin fibers are not as well documented, partly because of the difficulty of distinguishing age changes from changes caused by exposure to sunlight. In any event, elastin fibers become thicker, stiffer, more tightly bound by cross‑links, less regular in their arrangement, and, sometimes, impregnated with calcium. The changes in dermal elastin fibers are virtually identical to the changes that occur in the elastic fibers in arteries altered by atherosclerosis (Chap. 4).


While changes in elastin fibers do not alter the ability of the skin to be stretched, they reduce its tendency to return to its original shape and size after being pulled. The skin also does not regain its normal thickness as well after being compressed. Overall, then, the skin seems to become a looser covering that hangs from the body.


With advancing age, the number of fibroblasts increases. This increase may result from an accumulation of old cells and a decrease in the ability to produce new ones. The old fibroblasts may also have less ability to produce new fibers to replace older fibers. Therefore, age changes in the fibroblasts may permit the accumulation of age changes in the fibers and the resulting alterations in the properties of the skin. Furthermore, the deterioration of fibroblasts seems to contribute to the gradual reduction in the speed and strength of skin healing.


Unlike the fibroblasts, the numbers of dermal macrophages and white blood cells seem to decrease with age. The result is a reduction in the defense functions performed by the skin, including a lowered ability to prevent infection, remove harmful chemicals and debris, and initiate immune responses. Therefore, the healthy survival of the entire body is at greater risk.


The age‑related decline in the number of dermal mast cells, which may reach 50 percent, also reduces the defense function of the skin. With fewer mast cells, there is a lowering of both the speed and the intensity of inflammatory responses. Therefore, there is both less warning that injury is occurring and reduced defense against further damage. Furthermore, the declining population of mast cells cannot produce as much heparin. This results in a declining ability to produce new blood vessels in areas of healing and may be a main factor contributing to the normal decrease in the number of dermal blood vessels.


Another age change in the dermal foundation material involves large molecules called mucopolysaccharides, which hold much water. The amount of mucopolysaccharide in the dermis decreases slightly. Therefore, the amount of bound water also declines, and so the firm consistency of the skin diminishes. The skin becomes more easily compressed and returns to its original thickness more slowly. The decrease in bound water may also reduce the movement of small molecules through the dermis. This means that skin cells are not as well serviced. Finally, the reduction in the amount of water held in the dermis probably contributes to the general thinning of the dermis and the thinner appearance any elderly people.


Blood Vessels


The blood vessels in the dermis are numerous, although some areas of the body (e.g., scalp) have more of them. Like all vessels that carry blood, the dermal vessels deliver useful materials to the cells and carry away manufactured substances that can be used elsewhere in the body. These vessels also remove wastes produced by the cells. Furthermore, blood flow in these vessels delivers white blood cells and antibodies for defense of the area they serve.


Dermal vessels also help regulate body temperature. They widen when the temperature in the body rises above the desirable level. This widening is called dilation (or vasodilation), and it allows more warm blood to flow close to the surface of the body. Much of the heat in the blood passes out of the body to the cooler surrounding environment. The result is a lowering of the body temperature so that it is again in the desirable range.


Conversely, if body temperature drops below the normal level, the dermal vessels become narrower. This is called constriction (or vasoconstriction), and it reduces blood flow through the vessels. With less warm blood flowing near the surface of the body, the rate of heat loss is reduced. The body can then become warmer as its muscles and other active cells produce more heat.


Age Changes in Dermal Vessels   With aging, the number of dermal blood vessels decreases substantially, particularly in the layer just below the epidermis and in skin chronically exposed to sunlight. The remaining vessels often show irregularities in structure. These changes cause a decrease in blood flow to the dermis.


This reduction in blood flow decreases the delivery of nutrients to all dermal structures. This may be a main reason for the age‑related shrinkage and decline in function of many skin structures. There is also slower removal of material (e.g., wastes, vitamin D), and the delivery of white blood cells and antibodies declines. Even the epidermis, which has no vessels of its own and therefore depends on blood flow in the dermis, is serviced less well. Reduced blood flow can also cause paleness of the skin. Furthermore, reduced dermal blood flow can be of great importance for elderly individuals who use topically applied medications, which can reach dangerously high concentrations in the skin. Meanwhile, the rest of the body, which may need the medication, receives less because the medication remains in the skin.


Adding to the problems caused by reduced dermal blood flow is the increase in thickness of a layer of material that surrounds the capillaries. This layer, the basement membrane, is normally quite thin. It allows certain white blood cells and many substances to enter and leave the capillaries freely so that the areas near the capillaries are well serviced.


The age‑related thickening of the basement membrane inhibits the movement of white blood of the circulatory system to provide for the needs of the skin.


The aging of dermal vessels also adversely affects the thermoregulatory function of the skin. As blood flow declines, there is a reduction in the ability to release excess heat from the body. The vessels also constrict and dilate more slowly and to a lesser degree. The result is a reduced ability not only to release heat but to slow heat loss when the body begins to get chilled. These changes constitute a major reason the elderly have difficulty maintaining normal body temperature when the external temperature deviates from a moderate level or when activities such as vigorous exercise cause an alteration in body temperature.


Sweat Glands


The dermis contains two types of sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands secrete a watery material that is the visible perspiration (i.e., sweat) seen when a person becomes uncomfortably warm. The other type of sweat gland is the apocrine sweat gland.


Each eccrine sweat gland is a tubular gland with a highly coiled portion, in the dermis, which produces most of the perspiration (Fig. 3.1 ). The coiled portion leads into a fairly straight portion that extends upward through the dermis and epidermis and finally opens onto the surface of the skin.


The purpose of the perspiration produced by these glands is to cool the body. When the brain detects an abnormal rise in body temperature, it sends nerve impulses to the glands, stimulating them to secrete perspiration. The water in the perspiration evaporates when it reaches the surface of the skin. As it evaporates, it carries heat away from the skin, resulting in a lowering of body temperature.


Perspiration also contains a number of substances, including useful ones such as salt, which are dissolved in the water. However, the secretion of these useful substances is not beneficial to the body. Serious problems such as muscle cramps and dizziness can develop if a person perspires abundantly without replacing the useful substances by drinking beverages or eating foods that contain more of these substances.


Unlike the eccrine sweat glands, which are widespread, most apocrine sweat glands are in the skin of the armpits and in the genital area. These glands secrete a small amount of thick materials that do little to promote healthy survival. This secretion is a main source of unpleasant body odor.


Apocrine gland activity is controlled largely by the level of sex hormones in the body, though the nervous system may increase the secretion during periods of stress or intense emotions.


Age Changes in Sweat Glands   With aging, the number of eccrine sweat glands decreases dramatically in all parts of the body except the scalp. The remaining glands are reduced in size and produce perspiration at a decreasing rate.


The result of these changes is a reduction in the ability of the glands to cool the body. This puts the elderly at an ever increasing risk of becoming overheated in particularly warm environments or during vigorous exercise.


Though changes in the number of apocrine sweat glands have not been well studied, it is known that they shrink and that their rate of secretion diminishes significantly. This is probably due to age‑related reductions in sex hormone levels. This is one of the few alterations with advancing age that most people agree is desirable since diminishing apocrine gland secretion leads to a substantial decrease in unpleasant body odor. While apparently having no biological importance, this change can have positive effects on other parameters (e.g., social).


Sebaceous Glands


Besides sweat glands, the dermis contains glands that produce an oily substance called sebum; these glands are called sebaceous glands (Fig. 3.1 ). Sebaceous glands are usually found beside hair follicles and secrete sebum into the follicles. The sebum coats the hair, and as it leaves the follicles, it spreads out to form a thin coating on the epidermis.


Sebum contributes to the maintenance of homeostasis mainly by removing the ability of the skin to act as a barrier. Because sebum is an oily material, it helps make the keratin of the epidermis more impermeable to water. It also helps keep the keratin pliable so that the stratum corneum does not crack when it is bent. Cracks in the keratin could allow water and other chemicals to leak into and out of the body and permit the entrance of harmful microbes. In addition, certain materials in the sebum inhibit the growth of fungi that could break down keratin.


Sebum is also cosmetically important because it gives skin keratin a smoother appearance and adds luster to the hair. Finally, by keeping keratin pliable, sebum reduces the breaking and splitting of hair.


Age Changes in Sebaceous Glands   Though there seems to be no age change in the number of sebaceous glands and though they increase in size, there is a decrease in the production of sebum. This decline seems to result from declining levels of the sex hormones that normally stimulate sebum production.


The reduction in sebum production lowers its contributions, though the amount produced is usually sufficient to prevent serious biological problems. However, the cosmetic contributions made by sebum decline substantially. The results are the clearly visible signs of aging of the skin and hair. The widespread use of skin and hair lotions that augment the diminished contributions of sebum attests to the importance of these cosmetic changes.




The two types of nerve cells (neurons) are sensory neurons and motor neurons (Fig. 3.1 ). Sensory neurons monitor conditions in and around the dermis, including conditions in the epidermis and the external environment. Sensory neurons send information about these conditions to the brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons control the functioning of blood vessels and eccrine sweat glands by relaying instructions from the brain and spinal cord to the skin.


Sensory Neurons   There are several types of sensory neurons in the dermis, each of which is specialized to monitor a single kind of stimulus (e.g., light touch, heat, pressure). An additional type is activated when conditions vary greatly from normal or there is injury to the skin. This type of sensory neuron warns of the danger by providing the sensation of pain.


Beyond determining if there has been a change in conditions near the surface of the body, sensory neurons provide information about what type of change has occurred and the location of that change. The nervous system can then initiate the proper type of response to preserve the well‑being of the body.


Motor Neurons  Information about the structure and function of the motor neurons of the skin and the effects of aging on these neurons is presented in Chap. 6.


Age Changes in Sensory Neurons  As a person ages, there is little change in the number or structure of the sensory neurons for pain and the touch receptors connected to hair follicles. Conversely, the numbers of touch receptors not connected to hair follicles and of pressure receptors decrease dramatically. In addition, there are alterations and distortions in the structure of both types of receptors. Little is known about the effects of aging on the other types of sensory neurons.


As a result of age changes in sensory neurons, there is decreased sensitivity to touch, pressure, and vibration. This is especially evident in the fingers, the palms of the hands, and other areas of the body lacking hair (e.g., the penis). In addition, there is a decreased ability to detect the exact location of touch and pressure stimuli and therefore to determine the shapes of objects by touching them. One practical consequence is a reduction in manual dexterity. Interestingly, the thinning of the skin with age compensates somewhat for changes in sensory neurons allowing stimuli to reach these neurons more easily.


These sensory decrements reduce the ability of the skin to inform the body about conditions on and just outside its surface. The person is then less able to respond negatively to dangerous or harmful stimuli and positively to helpful or pleasurable stimuli.


The ability of the skin to perform its monitoring function is adversely affected by many factors beyond changes in the number and shape of its sensory neurons. Some of these factors include the consistency of the skin and the subcutaneous layer; the ability of the neurons to conduct impulses to the brain and spinal cord; and the ability of the brain and spinal cord to process and interpret those impulses (Chap. 6).




The boundary between the epidermis and the dermis is important for the maintenance of the structure and functioning of the skin. For example, it is the region through which nutrients pass upward to the epidermis and wastes pass downward to the dermis. This exchange is essential for the epidermis, which has no blood vessels to service its cells. Keratinocytes in the epidermis have special projections that attach to the dermis to help in this exchange, which is also helped by many blunt projections from the dermis that extend up into the epidermis. These projections, called dermal papillae, increase the rate of exchange of materials by increasing the contact (i.e., surface area) between the two layers. The dermal papillae also contain special tufts of capillaries that further increase the ability of the dermis to service the epidermis (Fig. 3.1 ).


besides improving the exchange of materials, the boundary between the epidermis and the dermis provides a strong attachment between the layers. The keratinocyte projections help by gripping the dermis, and the dermal papillae also help in this regard. As a result, the boundary can prevent separation of the epidermis from the dermis when sliding or pulling forces are applied to the surface of the skin.


The dermal papillae are usually scattered about in most areas of the skin. However, they are in very regular rows in the skin on the front of the hands and the bottom of the feet. These rows produce the ridges known as fingerprints, which make the skin less slippery and improve a person's ability to grip objects.


Age Changes in the Epidermal‑Dermal Boundary


As a person ages, the projections from the keratinocytes decrease in number and both the number and length of the dermal papillae decrease. The distribution of small vessels in the papillae becomes uneven. The result is a reduction in the functions of the boundary. First, there is less exchange of materials b dermis. Therefore, the epidermis is weakened, is injured more easily, and heals more slowly. Second, the weakening of the connection between the epidermis and dermis leads to easier blister formation in the elderly when the skin is subjected to physical forces. Such forces are encountered when one performs ordinary activities such as sweeping and gardening. They are also present when the skin is pulled, as occurs during the removal of adhesive bandages. The resulting injuries not only are painful but also increase the risk of skin infection. Finally, as the fingerprints become less prominent, keeping a firm grip on objects is more difficult.




Though the production of vitamin D begins in both the epidermis and the dermis, most of it occurs in the epidermis. Skin cells start the process by modifying cholesterol molecules. When the modified molecules are struck by light, they are altered again to form an inactive form of vitamin D. Ultraviolet light seems to be the best type of light for this process, and sunlight is the natural source of UV light for the body. Exposure of the hands and face to only 10 to 15 minutes of summertime sunlight provides enough light for the skin to produce all the vitamin D needed by the body. Inactive vitamin D is carried away by the blood in dermal blood vessels.


The inactive form of vitamin D can also be obtained from foods such as fish and vitamin D-enriched milk. Whether from the skin or from the diet, inactive vitamin D is sent to other parts of the body (i.e., liver and kidneys) for additional modification and final activation. It is then transported throughout the body. Vitamin D influences movement of calcium into and out of bones directly and indirectly. Vitamin D reaching the intestines helps absorb calcium from food.


Calcium performs many essential functions in the body. It is a main building material in bones and teeth and is essential for the contraction of muscles, the passage of impulses in the nervous system, and the clotting of blood. Calcium also controls many chemical reactions in cells.


Age Changes in Vitamin D Production


The ability of the skin to produce inactive vitamin D decreases with age. This seems to result from several factors. For example, there may be a decrease in the delivery of cholesterol‑like molecules to the skin because of the decrease in blood flow in the skin. Also, the skin cells seem slower at converting this material. Furthermore, the process powered by light becomes less efficient. Therefore, an older person must get more exposure to sunlight to produce the same amount of vitamin D. Finally, the slower movement of materials through the skin and the decrease in dermal blood flow may slow the removal of inactive vitamin D from the skin.


The overall result of reduced vitamin D production by the skin is an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency with age. The risk is further increased because the elderly often have less exposure to sunlight because of reduced mobility, social customs, and the higher risk of developing sunburn. There is also a decline in the ability of the kidney to complete vitamin D activation. If a vitamin D deficiency develops, the absorption of calcium will become inadequate. All body functions that depend on calcium will then become abnormal.


Fortunately, many ordinary foods (e.g., bread, milk) have vitamin D added to them. Incorporating such foods into the diet can largely eliminate the risk of vitamin D deficiency. In situations where the diet cannot provide the necessary vitamin D, vitamin supplements such as vitamin pills can do so.




The subcutaneous layer lies under the dermis ((Fig. 3.1 ). While this layer is usually not considered part of the skin, it makes up the innermost layer of the integumentary system.


Loose Connective Tissue


The foundation material of the subcutaneous layer is made of loose connective tissue that contains a soft gel consisting of a large amount of water with some protein and other substances dissolved in it. Within the gel are various types of cells and widely scattered collagen and elastin fibers.


The soft gel serves as a cushion under the skin. It is slippery and therefore allows the skin to slide easily over the underlying muscles and bones. As in the dermis, some cells produce the gel and fibers, while others defend the body against microbes and harmful chemicals. The fibers hold the other components in place and attach the skin to the body. Since these fibers are relatively low in number, they allow the skin to move easily, though only a limited distance over the underlying structures.


Fat Tissue


Fat tissue is also found within the subcutaneous layer. Some areas of the body (e.g., buttocks) have a thick layer of fat, while other areas (e.g., hands) have a thinner layer. There is also a wide degree of difference among individuals in terms of fat in the subcutaneous layer.


Fat tissue is a very important component of the subcutaneous layer. First, the soft but somewhat firm consistency of fat allows it to cushion the inner body parts, protecting them from injury by pressure and forceful blows. Second, because of its firmness, fat helps maintain the contour of the skin. Thus, in moderate amounts and when distributed well, fat contributes to a pleasing appearance. Third, since fat is a thermal insulator, it helps maintain proper body temperature by reducing the rate of heat loss through the skin. Finally, fat is a nutrient storage material. If the diet does not provide enough energy or building materials for the body, the cells break down fat molecules. Body cells can obtain a great deal of energy and raw materials in this way.


Age Changes in the Subcutaneous Layer


There is little information about the effects of aging on the loose connective tissue of the subcutaneous layer. There is a general decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat tissue with aging, but there is little decrease in the total amount of fat in the body. The explanation is that while the amount of subcutaneous fat is decreasing, the amount of fat increases in the inner regions of the body, such as around the organs inside the abdomen. One effect of the generalized thinning of subcutaneous fat is a decrease in the ability of an older person to stay warm in a cold environment. Another effect is a reduction in the support of the skin. This, with changes in the dermis, makes the skin appear loose. The skin may even seem to hang in folds on the face and other parts of the body. The thinning of the fat may also contribute to the more translucent appearance of the skin of elderly individuals.


Changes in the proportion of fat in different areas of the body also seem to be very important. This is currently a topic of considerable research, but only a few conclusions can be drawn. For example, the substantial decrease in fat on the bottom of the feet reduces their ability to cushion the body. It also seems that the distribution of body fat is related to the incidence of certain diseases (e.g., coronary artery disease, diabetes).


Though the immediate biological effects of an altered distribution of subcutaneous fat on healthy survival are uncertain, the cosmetic effects are very apparent. The subcutaneous fat of the arms and legs thins, as do the muscles in those areas. At the same time, there is a thickening e trunk of the body. The result is a dramatic change in body proportions, with the waist seeming to get much larger with age. This change occurs to a greater degree in women than in men. Weakening of the abdominal muscles and other muscles important in maintaining good posture can exaggerate the result.


These changes in subcutaneous fat are believed to occur in most people because of aging. However, there is an enormous degree of variability among individuals because many factors besides aging can affect fat tissue. For example, alterations in diet, exercise, and hormone levels can profoundly change the amount and distribution of fat. Therefore, as individuals get older, a considerable change in their appearance may alter their social interactions, psychological health, and economic status.




Three additional cosmetic changes in the integumentary system will be mentioned here because they are often associated with aging. One is the gradual increase in the width of the nose and size of the ears. Most of the perceived lengthening of the nose is due to age-related changes in the skin and shrinkage of muscle and bone near the nose. A second cosmetic change is wrinkling of the skin. Wrinkling has been attributed to changes in the fibers in the dermis, changes in the foundation material in the dermis, fat loss from the subcutaneous layer, and the pull of muscles on the skin. All these factors may contribute somewhat to wrinkling, but none has been shown to be the fundamental cause. The third change is drying of the skin. Changes in keratin and reductions in the production of sweat and sebum may enhance the dry appearance of the skin, but the actual cause of skin dryness has not been identified. (Suggestion: Chap 03 - 63-1-4)




The ability of the integumentary system to serve the body is reduced by factors other than aging. While all these factors can affect the integument in the young as well as the elderly, they are more relevant for the elderly. One reason is that older individuals have had more opportunities to be exposed to harmful environmental factors. Sometimes a cumulative effect develops; an excellent example is the effect of sunlight.


Another reason is that the elderly more often have a decline in the functioning of body systems on which the integumentary system depends. For example, the ability of the nervous system to control the size of dermal blood vessels diminishes with age, further reducing the ability of the skin to regulate body temperature. A third reason is the increasing incidence of diseases in body systems on which the skin relies. A common example is circulatory system diseases such as atherosclerosis, which reduces blood supply to the skin. The skin then becomes thinner, weaker, and more susceptible to injury and infection.


Another effect of such factors is that the elderly have a higher incidence of abnormal changes in the integumentary system. Studies have shown that up to 40 percent of otherwise healthy individuals between ages 65 and 74 have at least one skin disorder serious enough to require treatment. Many of these individuals have more than one skin disorder at the same time. It is noteworthy that all these disorders can also be found at least occasionally in the young.


Though almost none of these abnormalities are fatal and almost all are preventable or treatable, they are important in several ways. First, some integumentary system problems alter the structure and functioning of the integument so that it is less able to perform its usual functions. For example, bedsores increase the risk of infection. Second, some problems produce a considerable degree of discomfort. For example, excessively dry skin causes intense itching, which can be so distracting that it disrupts normal daily activities. Finally, some problems, such as excessive wrinkling from prolonged exposure to sunlight, adversely affect the appearance of the skin. (Suggestion 63.0104)


Effects of Sunlight


Sunlight can cause many skin abnormalities. For example, exposure to very strong sunlight for even a few hours can cause sunburn. However, of more concern here are problems that take years to develop because each exposure advances the problem only slightly. The results are apparent only after they have accrued for decades. They are so subtle and widespread that until recently they were widely thought to be age changes. Many researchers believe that the ultraviolet light in sunlight causes these long‑term effects, but other components of sunlight may be more to blame. Energy from UV light damages DNA directly, and UV light promotes free radical (*FR) production in the skin while reducing its *FR defenses. Even short doses (e.g., minutes) of low intensity UV light, which is not enough to cause skin reddening, causes damage to fibroblasts and increases elastin synthesis. Smoking increases the adverse effects from sunlight, probably by reducing blood flow to the skin and by increasing *FR production. Certain cosmetics, medications, and chemical air pollutants also increase *FR formation by UV light.


Chronic exposure to sunlight affects the epidermis in several ways. The keratinocytes reproduce irregularly, and the new cells produced are uneven in shape. This makes the epidermis appear to be uneven in thickness and rough in texture. The irregularity of the cells also seems to contribute to the higher incidence of epidermal skin cancer in the elderly. In addition, the melanocytes become more unevenly distributed, increasing the number of age spots and intensifying the blotchy appearance of the skin. Langerhans cells decrease in number, leading to a reduction in their defense capability. Finally, sweat gland function declines.


The dermis is also changed by years of exposure to sunlight. There is a net loss in collagen, and the remaining collagen becomes weaker. Elastin fibers become more numerous but also become very irregular in shape and arrangement from excess cross-links, and many develop unusual thickenings. Production of abnormal molecular complexes in the gel reduce its ability to hold water. These changes may be a main reason for the excessive wrinkling of sun‑exposed skin.


Unlike elastin fibers, dermal blood vessels in sun‑exposed skin decrease in number, leading to a reduced blood supply to the skin. The capillaries that remain have thicker walls, and this may further reduce the vital movement of material between the blood and skin cells. In addition, certain materials, such as topically applied chemicals and antibodies produced by the immune cells, tend to accumulate within the skin. These materials can injure and irritate the skin, leading to discomfort and blistering.


Sunlight also affects the sebaceous glands, causing them to enlarge considerably. Some become so large that they become visible as unattractive comedones (blackheads).


Obviously, all the effects of long‑term exposure to sunlight are detrimental. All can be prevented by shading the skin from repeated and prolonged exposure to sunlight. This can be done easily by wearing appropriate clothing, hats, and sun screen lotions that block most of the harmful rays. Protection while in water is also important because water blocks only some UV light. Sun screen lotion with an SPF15 is adequate to absorb almost all harmful UV light. Lotions with higher SPF provide very little additional protection. The benefits from protecting skin from excess sunlight include more attractive and healthier skin and a reduced risk of cancer.


It may be possible to prevent UV and other types of oxidative damage to the skin by using topical or oral supplements to increase the skin's *FR defenses. Research suggests that the best method may be a combination of oral supplements of selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and β-carotene. Supplements must be used carefully to avoid some toxic effects and to prevent additional *FR formation by unbalancing *FR defenses.


Treatments for cosmetic effects from photoaging of skin include alpha-hydroxy acid peels (e.g., glycolic acid), carbon dioxide laser treatment, and cryotherapy for epidermal color problems. Glycolic acid treatment requires months of regular applications and visits to a dermatologist's office. Beneficial may include smoothing and thickening of the epidermis; reduction in comedones, small wrinkles, and age spots; and thickening of the dermis. Undesirable side effects can include redness, itching, burning, scabbing, pain, and tightness, which may take from a few days to a week to subside after each treatment. Other possible problems include scarring and reactivation or spreading of Herpes I sores and warts.


Topical application of a vitamin A derivative called tretinoin (i.e., all-trans tretinoic acid) can help reverse the effects of photoaging, and it also reverses normal age changes. Benefits in the epidermis include thicker, smoother, and more dense epidermis; reduction in abnormal keratinocytes and uneven skin color (e.g., age spots); and faster healing when used for weeks or months before surgery or injury. Thickening of the epidermis is temporary. Benefits in the dermis include increases in normal collagen; in capillaries; in dermal vessels dilation; in number and length of dermal papillae; and in attachment of the dermis to the epidermis. Tretinoin treatment also reverses normal age changes and adverse effects from reduced blood flow.


Tretinoin seems to act by stimulating DNA synthesis and tissue growth factors. There seems to be no risk of abnormal cells, precancerous cells, or cancer. The new cells seem to be even more "normal" than the normal but somewhat altered keratinocytes and melanocytes in photoaged skin.


Tretinoin may be applied topically or by injections. A combination of injections plus topical treatment may be best in some situations. Treatment can cause some temporary redness and discomfort, and treatments may require months to complete.


Effects from heat


Chronic exposure to heat produces the same effects as photoaging except that chronic heat does not cause formation of excess and abnormal elastic fibers. Chronic exposure to heat can occur in work places, in unevenly heated living spaces, and when using localized heaters (e.g., heating pads).




Another largely preventable skin problem is bedsores (decubitus ulcers), patches of skin that have died because they received insufficient blood flow. The main cause is pressure, which compresses the blood vessels in the skin so that little or no blood flows through them. If blood flow is reduced for more than 2 hours at a time, the skin cells die and peel away, leaving an open wound (Fig. 3.4 ).


Many factors contribute to the formation of bedsores. Because the elderly are more likely than the young to encounter many of these factors at more intense levels, there is an increased incidence of bedsores among the elderly. The most important of these factors is immobility, because the weight of the body puts enough pressure on the skin to cut off blood flow through skin vessels. The most susceptible parts of the body are the buttocks and the heels because sitting or lying puts pressure on these areas. The elderly are more likely to find themselves in these positions for long periods because of disabling diseases such as strokes.


Other factors that increase the possibilities of developing bedsores include normal weakening of the skin; thinning of the subcutaneous fat; diseases of the circulatory system that reduce blood flow; poor nutrition; and poor skin hygiene. All these factors are more prevalent among the elderly. Physical forces on the skin, such as friction and uneven distribution of weight, also contribute to the formation of bedsores.


Once a bedsore has formed, it may become deeper and penetrate through the dermis and the subcutaneous layer. Bedsores heal very slowly if at all. Those that heal are likely to recur.


Bedsores often become infected because the barrier against microbes has been broken. The reduced blood flow also leaves the skin with weak defense mechanisms. Finally, bedsores can be quite painful and can be repugnant for care givers and others.


With proper preventive measures, bedsores can be largely avoided. Frequent changes in position, the use of soft supporting materials that distribute body weight evenly, and good hygiene can greatly reduce the occurrence of these undesirable skin afflictions.




Sometimes the production of new cells in the skin gets out of control. Instead of producing the number of cells needed and then stopping, cell production continues unabated. This condition is called a neoplasm. If the extra cells stay tightly together in one place, the mass is called a benign neoplasm (Fig. 3.5 ). This type of neoplasm is usually not very harmful. However, if the cells begin to spread out or move to other parts of the body, they constitute a malignant neoplasm or cancer (Fig. 3.5 ). Cancer is much more likely to cause serious problems because it disrupts the structure and functioning of any body part it invades.


In the skin, both types of neoplasm occur considerably more frequently as people get older. Furthermore, the elderly have more cases of cancer of the skin than cases of all other forms of cancer combined.


There are many reasons for the high incidence of skin neoplasms among the elderly, and they correlate with other age‑related changes in the skin. These changes include age changes such as (1) increased irregularity in the cells produced, (2) reduced number of Langerhans cells, (3) decreased amounts of melanin, (4) a decreased inflammatory response, which can warn of the presence of noxious carcinogens, and (5) slower removal of materials such as carcinogens. Note that all these changes are amplified by exposure to sunlight and that sunlight itself causes neoplasms. Therefore, protecting the skin from long‑term exposure to sunlight can significantly reduce the risk of developing skin neoplasms.


Benign Skin Neoplasms  Common benign neoplasms of the elderly include basal cell papilloma, also called actinic keratosis, keratoses, senile warts, and seborrheic warts, appearing as round somewhat elevated flattened darker spots; squamous papilloma and clear cell acanthoma, appearing as small round elevations. Other benign neoplasms of the skin usually appear as small protrusions of the epidermis. These neoplasms are usually only of cosmetic importance and can be easily removed with simple surgical procedures. Removal may be desirable for cosmetic reasons and to avoid possible injury to the protruding skin, which could lead to discomfort and infection. Finally, removal of benign neoplasms is often recommended because they may become malignant.


Malignant Skin Neoplasms   Common malignant skin neoplasms include basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The first type is the most common. It appears as a slow growing light-colored spot, which develops into a sore that will not heal. Squamous cell carcinoma appears as thickened areas with irregular surfaces. Both types develop from keratinocytes. Because their cells are not well attached to each other, these malignant neoplasms can weaken the skin, greatly increasing the risk of injury and infection. As they spread, they affect larger areas of the skin. Fortunately, they are easily detected while still in the early stages of growth and can then be removed by means of simple surgery.


Malignant melanoma is a third type of skin cancer. It is usually caused by exposure to sunlight. Malignant melanoma derives from the melanocytes, and often appears as dark irregular mottled spots that enlarge. Though less common than the other two skin cancers, it is a very serious and often life‑threatening cancer. It grows very rapidly and spreads quickly to many other organs. Wherever it is found, it displaces the normal cells in the area, causing that part of the body to stop functioning normally. It also weakens body parts so that there is an increased risk of infection. Malignant melanoma can be cured if it is removed before it enlarges and spreads.


Melanoma causes more deaths from skin cancer than all other types of skin cancer combined. The number and rates of death from melanoma have increased several fold over the passed 50 years, including among the elderly. Still, the elderly have a greater age-related increase in deaths from non-melanoma skin cancers and a greater total mortality from non-melanoma skin cancers than from malignant melanoma. This trend may result from earlier deaths of those most susceptible to melanoma.


Since skin cancers can become dangerous quickly, early detection and treatment are essential. Knowing the warning signs of skin cancer and noticing them when they appear can help. The signs include any unusual lump or thickening, any sore or wound that does not heal quickly, the appearance of dark spots, and any change in the shape or size of a wart, mole, or other dark spot. Any dark spot that develops a rough texture or an irregular outline is especially noteworthy. All suspicious areas should be reported immediately to a physician for further diagnosis and appropriate treatment.



© Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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