Chapter 5
 Respiratory System - Learning Objectives
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1.  Name and describe the contributions to homeostasis made by the respiratory system's two main functions for homeostasis.

2.  Explain the need for adaptability in gas exchange.

3.  Name and describe the three processes involved in gas exchange.

4.  Name and briefly describe each of the two parts of ventilation.

5.  Describe work of breathing and explain its significance relative to the goals of the respiratory system.

6.  Compare and contrast the mechanisms and outcomes from quiet ventilation (quiet breathing) and forced ventilation (forced breathing).

7.  Explain how the rate of ventilation is determined.

8.  Name and define total lung capacity and the parts thereof plus dead space.

 9.  Name and explain the importance of the five requirements for proper ventilation.

10.  Name two age changes that affect each of the five requirements for proper ventilation, describe the results of these age changes on ventilation, and describe the results of these changes on (1) maximum minute volume, (2) maximum rate of gas exchange, (3) maximum rate of providing O2 and removing CO2 for body cells, and (4) work of breathing.

11.  Describe age changes in lung volumes and the effects of these changes on the ability of the respiratory system to carry out its functions.

12.  Describe the overall effects of age changes altering ventilation on a person's ability to carry out activities of different intensities.

13.  Describe the overall effects of age changes in pulmonary vessels (perfusion) on gas exchange.

14.  Name the three requirements for effective diffusion.

15.  Describe the two age changes in alveoli and indicate their effect on diffusion.

16.  Name the two overall effects of age changes in the respiratory system on its ability to provide homeostasis for O2 and CO2 and pH.

17.  Describe the effects of amounts of exercise and levels of health on age changes affecting ventilation.

18.  Describe non-biological effects from age changes in the respiratory system related to biological age changes in respiration.

19.  Name several types of air pollution and explain why reducing exposure to air pollution is important.

20.  Name four reasons for the increased incidence and severity of respiratory system diseases as age increases.

21.  Name ways (one for each) that lung cancer reduces each of the three processes in respiration (ventilation, perfusion, and diffusion).

22.  For either chronic bronchitis, emphysema or pneumonia, explain three ways that the one you choose reduces respiratory functioning.

23.  Describe non-biological effects from age changes in the respiratory system related to diseases of the respiratory system.

24.  List four adverse effects from smoking including three from outside the respiratory system.

25.  Name two adverse effects either from snoring or from age changes in vocalization.

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©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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