Chapter 2
 Molecules, Cells, and Theories - Learning Objectives
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1. Explain the importance of chemistry and chemical reactions.
2. Explain the importance of cells, proper cell structure and functioning.

3. Describe the hierarchy of structure and functioning in the body.

4. Name important body chemicals and list their main functions

5. Describe methods of formation of, harmful effects from, and body defense mechanisms against free radicals.

6. Describe methods of formation of and harmful effects from glycation.

7. List main parts of cells and their functions.

8. Explain how genes control cell structure and function and body structure and function.

9. Describe the main steps in cell reproduction by mitosis.

10. List reasons why mitosis is important.

11. Describe the Hayflick limit and its possible importance to aging and disease..

12. Describe neoplasia and its two main forms (i.e., benign neoplasia,, cancer).

13. Describe apoptosis and its relevance in aging.

14. Explain relationships between studying aging and studying genetics.

15. Describe the structure and functions of intercellular materials.

16. Distinguish between evolutionary theories of aging and physiological theories of aging.

17. Distinguish between programmed theories of aging and stochastic theories of aging.

18. List evolutionary theories of aging.

19. Describe, compare and contrast the disposable body theory, the antagonistic pleiotropy theory, and the accumulation of late-acting error theory of aging.

20. List and briefly describe physiological theories of aging (genetic, rate of living, free radical, mitochondrial, mitochondrial DNA, clinker, cross-linkage, hormone, calcium, immune system, wear and tear, network) and their relevance to aging.

21. Explain why forming and testing theories of aging are important.

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©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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