Exam Preparation and Grades:

A System for Addressing Questions, Challenges and Problems
HAPS Calgary meeting - June 2004
Augustine G. DiGiovanna                                                                  Salisbury University, Maryland 

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Challenges and Problems

My situation in A&P

    Salisbury University, Maryland

        Four-year liberal arts undergraduate institution ~ 6,800
            (A few master's degree programs - not in sciences)

    Courses I teach

            ** BIOL215 = A&P I   (BIOL216 = A&P II)

                Lecture and Laboratory
                Enrolments (96/lecture section, 24/lab section)
                Student types
                        ** Nursing
                        ** Physical Education
                        ** Athletic training
                        ** Biology (pre-professional)
                        Respiratory Therapy
                        Medical Technology
                        UMES students
            Biology of Human Aging (General Education)
            Pathophysiology  (Nursing)
            Vertebrate Embryology (Biology)
            Others - sporadically
Familiar student questions ?  
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    "Do you give partial credit?"

    "Do you grade on a curve?"

    "What is my average?"
    "Can I still get a B?"

    "What must I get to pass?"

    "What do I need on the final to get an A?"

Familiar self-questions ?    "How long should I make this exam?"

   "How do I make different but equivalent exams for all my sections?"

   "What level of achievement earns a grade of A, of B, etc.?"

   "What can I do about poor questions I asked?"

   "What about make-up exams?"
My system for questions, challenges and problems with exams. 
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    Clarity of results

    Works for anything graded
        (e.g., exams, reports, presentations) 

(Table 1 - Challenges and Problems)

To create and grade exams -

First exam
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1.  Make up the first exam

        a.  Write all possible questions or use a test bank.

        b.  Assign appropriate point values for each question.
                        (use whole numbers and multiple points)

        c.  Decide whether to reveal point values on exam.

        d.  Establish time limit for test (e.g., 50 minutes).

        e.  Estimate time students would actually need.
              ("best" students, "average" students, "all" students)

        f.  Add or delete questions or points to adjust exam value and length.

2.  Give the exam, noting any peculiarities
                        (e.g., mix ups, lighting, fire drills)

3.  Grade the first exam.

        a.  Give points earned.

        b.  Adjust possible points or expected answers.
                (e.g., items confused in lectures, bad questions, misspellings)
             If the students did not know the number of points possible, adjust the possible points.

             If the students knew the number of points possible, adjust the answers you accept.

        c.  Regrade questions where the possible points or the expected answers have been adjusted.

    4.  Add points earned; record in grade book.

    5.  Determine total possible points on exam.

    6.  Make bar graph showing grades in ranges.
Graph-1.htm(Graph 1)

    7.  Determine minimum points for letter grades.
(Table 2 - Factors used to determine minimum points)

                         (Table 3 - Institutional grade meanings)

    8.  Create grade conversion table. 
(Table 4 - Conversion Table for Test 1)
     Instructions for creating a grade conversion table      
                            (Conversion Table Template)
    9.  Show students bar graph and conversion table.
(Graph 1)
                 Explain meaning before returning papers.

   Second exam          Challenges and Problems
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    1.  Make up the second exam.

    2.  Give the exam, noting any peculiarities (e.g., fire drill, power outage).

    3.  Grade the second exam

    4.  Use the same steps as for the first exam.
(Graph 2)

    5.  Create a grade conversion table.
(Table 5)
                     Instructions for creating a grade conversion table
                        (Conversion Table Template)

    6.  Show students the bar graph  and conversion table.

                  Explain meaning before returning papers.

   Third exam, etc.        Challenges and Problems

   1.  Make up and give the third and subsequent exams.

   2.  Grade the third and subsequent exams. Update grade conversion table.
(Table 6 - Conversion Table for Tests 1+2+3+4+5+6)

Create and grade make-up exams

           Challenges and Problems

    1. Create and give a make-up exam

       » Use the same steps as for the second exam.

» Determine the maximum possible points on the make-up exam

2. Grade a make-up exam

» If make-up exam is considered equivalent to the original exam

» » Determine percent of the total points possible the student earned
                  (e.g., 91 points on a 103-point make-up exam = 87.4%).

» » Use percent to calculate equivalent points on original exam
                (e.g.,  equivalent points on original exam =
                           91 x 0.874 = 78.7
@ 79 points).

» If make-up exam is not equivalent to the original exam

» » Use your judgment to determine the student’s equivalent points for the original exam.

3. Record equivalent points.

Change effect or weight of an exam
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 » Decrease effect of class-wide poor performance first exam

 » Increase effect of exam because subsequent exams covered less material
                           (e.g., cancelled classes)    
Topics-factors.htmChallenges and Problems

    1. Decide how much adjustment should be made
           (e.g., lower the weight of an exam to 82 percent of original weight =
                            "value (4)".

    2. Multiply point values grade cut-offs and grade 100 by value (4).
             I make a "Points Adjust" table to find the "new" points that correspond to the "old" points.
(Changing maximum points possible on Test 1)

    3. Create revised grade conversion table
(Table 7- Conversion table for Test 1 (Revised) + Test 2)

    4. Multiply students’ points value (4). Record and use new point values.

    5. Calculate student exam averages using the revised conversion table and revised student points.

Calculate exam average grade –
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1. Add points earned on exams.

    2. Use conversion table.  
Table 5.htm
                        (e.g., Table 5 - Conversion table for Tests 1 (original) +2)

Determine what is needed on future exams to achieve  certain average exams –
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   1. Calculate student’s point total.

  2. Estimate final maximum possible points.

   3. Estimate number of points needed to achieve desired exam average
                  (My courses are similar from semester to semester)

  4. Estimate upcoming exam points student must earn to get total  points needed. (This total needed may be divided by number of remaining tests -> points needed per test)

Calculate final grades -

  1. For each student, add up points earned.

  2. Use grade conversion table to determine numerical grades and letter grades on standard grade scale.
(Table 6- Conversion Table for Tests 1+2+3+4+5+6)

  3. Use average for exams with other graded component to determine final grade.
                 (e.g., attendance, participation)

Challenges and Problems

Additional strategies using spreadsheets "Using Spreadsheets to Keep Track of Students' Grades"

by Richard Zach


© Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury, Maryland

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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.

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